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References are an essential section in academic papers written in MLA format Works Cited page. Basically, this section contains all sources used to support claims in an academic article. In this case, a student or an author has to list all the sources in alphabetical order. Also, the titles of the sources should be in capital cases. Hence, Works Cited page contains the references used when writing an academic paper, which requires scholars to list sources in alphabetical order, write them in title case, provide page numbers and origin of sources, and indent second and subsequent lines of citations.  

Alphabetical Order on the Works Cited Page

MLA format Works Cited page contains all sources used in writing the MLA style paper and listed in alphabetical order. For example, this section should include all sources used in in-text references. Along these lines, Works Cited is an orderly list of sources. For example, a scholar has to list the sources in alphabetical order. The statement implies that a student has to contain the references in sequential order of their authors. In turn, alphabetical order of surnames of authors of the sources used determines their sequence in MLA Works Cited. Therefore, a student or author should list references in alphabetical order in the Works Cited.

MLA format works cited page

MLA Format Works Cited Page and Title Case

Students and authors should write sources in title cases. For example, a student has to capitalize on the main word in the title of sources. The statement implies that the first letter of words should be in capitals. Besides, capitalization does not apply to some words in the title of sources. For instance, the first letter of articles, prepositions, and conjunctions should not be in capitals. Along these lines, only the first letter of verbs, adverbs, and nouns should be in title cases. Other words with three or less alphabetical letters should be in sentence case. Therefore, the titles of sources in MLA format Works Cited page should start with capital letters.

Page Numbers

Authors should provide page numbers and origin of sources in the Works Cited section. For example, the page range that a journal article or book chapter runs through should appear in the works cited page. Besides, the author or scholar should use a hyphen to indicate the span of pages. In turn, online database name and other source information should appear in the MLA Works Cited example. The stamen implies that a reader should identify the actual origin of the sources used in preparing the MLA format paper. Therefore, authors should provide a span of pages and the background of sources.   

Second and Subsequent Sentences

Students and authors should indent the second and subsequent sentences of sources listed in MLA format Works Cited page. For instance, the second and subsequent sentences should start at half an inch away from the left margin. Along these lines, the work cited should be in a hanging indentation. Therefore, the list of sources in the Works Cited page should have a hanging indentation.

Conclusion on MLA Format Works Cited Page

In conclusion, the MLA format Works Cited page is an essential section of every academic paper. Basically, the MLA reference page contains all the scholarly sources used to prepare the MLA paper format. In turn, scholars should list the sources in alphabetical order of the surname of authors. Besides, the list of references in the MLA citation should be in a hanging indentation. However, the knowledge of how to cite in MLA format is important too in following the MLA format template and outline template MLA with the MLA example.

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