Humor in Artificial Intelligence: Why Robots Can’t Laugh?
- 13 October 2023
- 712 words
Leadership positions take a broad spectrum that falls under different levels within an institution. Good leaders are responsible for influencing and motivating subordinate staff members to achieve the business’s set objectives. Inclusivity and diversity, coined with effective communication, creativity, and empathy, are aspects that are necessary for leadership positions to impact the growth and development of any organization effectively, aligning with principles found in a rhetorical analysis essay.
In leadership positions, communication facilitates employees to share knowledge and is critical for the team’s success, and leaders must validate that individuals do not retain vital insights and expertise to exploit the distinctive contributions of gender-diverse groups. For example, leaders must foster a diverse and inclusive environment in which people are encouraged to present their thoughts by allowing them to express their concerns via daily check-ins and follow-ups to generate.1 Progressive leaders ensure that all team players feel valued and appreciated for their uniqueness by creating opportunities for colleagues, contributing their ideas, and asking new members to share their past experiences during the onboarding process. Therefore, influential leaders must pay attention to all workers and, if required, solicit their participation by establishing multiple communication channels.
1. Manuela Santos et al. “How to Be an Inclusive Leader for Gender-Diverse Teams,” Organizational Dynamics 51, no. 4 (2022): 3,
Successful leaders must be creative and visionary, emphasizing the coexistence and interdependence of uniqueness to achieve team-derived inclusion, and overcome possible contradictions between individual and interrelated identities. According to authentic leadership theory, employees’ creativity is cultivated by prompting them to present their honest and distinctive selves to work.2 Authentic leaders gather the most promising and inventive views from members by intellectually engaging them and creating psychologically secure conditions in which employees can express their innovative thoughts. As a result, successful leaders use the constructive advantages of diversity and inclusivity by actively engaging all individuals to share their perspectives, strengths, and qualities, fostering the expression of ideas and critical thinking, and enhancing creativity within the organization.
2. Hannes Leroy et al. “Fostering Team Creativity Through Team-Focused Inclusion: The Role of Leader Harvesting the Benefits of Diversity and Cultivating Value-in-Diversity Beliefs,” Group & Organization Management 47, no. 4 (2022): 801,
Given contemporary changes in how individuals interact with technology and within society, leaders who demonstrate inclusive empathy reap significant rewards. For instance, progressive leaders must comprehend and deliberate on the patterns and practices that may be silently manifested in the workplace and interpersonal relationships with people.3 Good leaders must have a visual depiction of what emotions should be brought to conversations, which aids in increasing conscientiousness, diversity, awareness, and interest for every worker with whom they interact. Besides, reflective dialogues aid in the identification of the underlying cause of emotional challenges, such as stress or anxiety, caused by contextual uncertainty and disagreements, and effective leadership must employ diversity and inclusion within the organization to bring balance and empathy with action.
3. Yoshie Tomozumi Nakamura, Julia Milner, and Trenton Milner, “Inclusive-Empathy in Leadership,” The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 58, no. 1 (2022): 162,
Effective communication, creativity, and empathy allow organizational leadership to value and appreciate employees, increasing their productivity. Diversity and inclusivity in leadership positions make the workplace conducive for everyone, which improves efficiency within the institution. Thus, effective leadership must demonstrate inclusivity and diversity to accommodate the dynamics of society within the organization.
Leroy, Hannes, Claudia Buengeler, Marlies Veestraeten, Meir Shemla, and Inga J. Hoever. “Fostering Team Creativity Through Team-Focused Inclusion: The Role of Leader Harvesting the Benefits of Diversity and Cultivating Value-in-Diversity Beliefs.” Group & Organization Management 47, no. 4 (2022): 798-839.
Nakamura, Yoshie Tomozumi, Julia Milner, and Trenton Milner. “Inclusive-Empathy in Leadership.” The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 58, no. 1 (2022): 161-163.
Santos, Manuela, Miguel Luna, Denise L. Reyes, Allison Traylor, Christina N. Lacerenza, and Eduardo Salas. “How to Be an Inclusive Leader for Gender-Diverse Teams.” Organizational Dynamics 51, no. 4 (2022): 1–6.