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Additional Services (Optional)
We have developed these additional services in response to requests from our regular customers.
Plagiarism ReportGet a plagiarism report for your paper. Additional $9.99 to the order’s price.
Digital SourcesGet copies of sources used. Additional 15% to the order’s price.
Pdf FormatGet a pdf file of a paper. Additional $1.99 to the order’s price.
Order Top PriorityMake your order of top priority. Additional $4.99 to the order’s price.
Double Check EditorCheck your paper 1 more time. Additional $4.99, $2.49, $2.49 - per 1 page/250 words, per 1 slide, and per 1 chart, respectively.
Double Check InstructionsCheck the instructions for your order 1 more time. Additional $2.99 to the order’s price.
Find Credible SourcesGet only the best sources for your paper. Additional $6.99 to the order’s price.
Find My BookGet your book. Additional $4.99 to the order’s price.
Tracking Order ProgressGet your personal Support Agent. Additional $2.99 to the order’s price.
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Essay (Any Type)