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Select the Required Service

Before placing your order and hiring our writer, kindly choose the type of service you require.

From Scratch

From Scratch means that you need us to write a new paper from the beginning to the end.


Revision means that you need us to revise a completed draft up to 70% per 250 words.


Proofreading means that you need us to fix grammar and punctuation mistakes up to 40% per 250 words.


Slides (1 slide per 1 minute) mean that you need us to create a PowerPoint presentation without speaker notes, but, if you require them, put the number of pages needed for your speech.


Charts mean that you need us to provide information as a short table, illustration, figure, graph, diagram, or another visual of no more than 125 words. For long charts, put the number of pages needed.

Keep Me Updated on My Order

We will keep you updated on the status of your order.

Provide Your Instructions

The writer will read and follow all of your specific instructions, comments, and files.

Drop your file here or browse

Kindly note that any file matters. If you have specific files, attach them to your order. If you want us to use specific sources in your paper, you need to attach them as files too. You can attach files in the pdf, docx, or picture formats so that the writer will follow them after reading.

(Max 1 file size : 100mb )

Choose What You Need and When

Take your time to choose the options that best fit your needs and deadline.

Specify Your Requirements

Your requirements ensure the accurate completion of your order.

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Additional Services (Optional)

We have developed these additional services in response to requests from our regular customers.

  • Plagiarism Report
    Get a plagiarism report for your paper. Additional $9.99 to the order’s price.
  • Digital Sources
    Get copies of sources used. Additional 15% to the order’s price.
  • Pdf Format
    Get a pdf file of a paper. Additional $1.99 to the order’s price.
  • Order Top Priority
    Make your order of top priority. Additional $4.99 to the order’s price.
  • Double Check Editor
    Check your paper 1 more time. Additional $4.99, $2.49, $2.49 - per 1 page/250 words, per 1 slide, and per 1 chart, respectively.
  • Double Check Instructions
    Check the instructions for your order 1 more time. Additional $2.99 to the order’s price.
  • Find Credible Sources
    Get only the best sources for your paper. Additional $6.99 to the order’s price.
  • Find My Book
    Get your book. Additional $4.99 to the order’s price.
  • Tracking Order Progress
    Get your personal Support Agent. Additional $2.99 to the order’s price.

Services (These fields affect the price)

Additional Services

Subtotal for service
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Subtotal for additional services

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Type Of Paper

Essay (Any Type)