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Credible Sources

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Written by
Dr. Emily Norton
  • Icon Calendar 17 May 2024
  • Icon Page 513 words
  • Icon Clock 3 min read

Academic writing requires students to borrow information from different sources to support their arguments. For example, credible sources elicit confidence and positive attitudes among scholars. Basically, these sources contain valuable and accurate information to support various assertions. In particular, reliable sources have qualified and experienced authors, are impartial, provide accurate information, and are different from others because these articles enhance knowledge.  

Reliability of Sources

Scholars with authority in a specific area of knowledge write credible papers. For instance, reliable sources must have the author or authors stated. In this case, one must identify the author’s credentials. Besides, the authors of credible sources must be trusted. In particular, scholars believe the authors with credentials due to their knowledge contribution. Hence, peer-reviewed sources are reliable. Besides, sources from renowned academic institutions meet the credibility criterion. Thus, experienced and qualified authors write credible and unbiased sources. 

Credible sources

Reliable Sources with Trusted Information

Credible sources have unbiased information concerning specific facts. For instance, reliable sources contain arguments or assertions that show all points of view relating to an issue. In this case, good sources include adequate facts to support an argument. Besides, these academic articles inform about the subject matter without steering the audience in a specific direction. Thus, credible sources do not have preconceived notions but seek to communicate accurate information.

Accurate Evidence in Credible Sources

Credible sources contain accurate and correct information. For example, a reliable source contains verifiable facts. In this case, credible sources rely on research to support the information. Besides, these studies have adequate citations that acknowledge the source of information. Qualified and experienced writers pay attention when referencing outside sources. In turn, credible articles have correctly formatted references. Thus, reliable sources are relevant to an area of knowledge since they contain trusted information.

Shaping Knowledge

Credible sources are different from implausible ones because studies enhance knowledge. For instance, reliable sources contain recent information in an area of study. In this case, credible studies seek to address a knowledge gap in an area of study. Besides, these studies relate to other sources in their specific field of knowledge. In turn, credible sources use most-recent research methods to improve on previous experience. Hence, information from reliable sources adds ideas to one’s research paper. Also, reliable sources support one’s research question. Thus, credible sources are unique since articles improve on the knowledge available.

Conclusion on Credible Sources

In conclusion, credible sources are suitable for academic research. Basically, authors with official positions in science write reliable papers. They explore an area of knowledge and gather data to support unbiased claims. In this case, skilled authors prepare sources that contain accurate information. Also, they use sufficient citations to acknowledge borrowed information. Hence, it is possible for one to verify the information contained in reliable sources. Then, credible articles that have correctly formatted references are unique because they improve knowledge. They focus on a knowledge gap and present evidence and arguments that improve on the existing information. As a result, reliable sources use the most modern research methods to support knowledge that relates to one’s area of study.