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Understanding Global Warming: Facts and Fallacies

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Written by
Angela Richards
  • Icon Calendar 5 January 2025
  • Icon Page 660 words
  • 4 min read
English (United States)
Academic level
High School
Type of paper
Critical Thinking
Paper format
Individual Essay Example

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Global warming is linked to warmer temperatures, which contribute to changes in weather patterns and disrupts the usual nature balance. It is crucial to understand global warming since it is among the most extensive global issue due to its advanced effects. In this respect, the facts about global warming are that greenhouse gases cause it, and humans play a significant role in attributing to the problem, although some people have a fallacy that reduction in temperatures justifies its nonexistence.

Greenhouse Gases Contribute to Global Warming

The primary fact about global warming is that greenhouse gases contribute to its persistence. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, increase in the atmosphere and contribute to temperature surges on Earth and the troposphere (Manabe 1). In this case, the greenhouse effect is associated with climate change since the gases trap the Sun’s heat. Despite greenhouse gases being among the minor atmosphere constituents, they absorb significant fractions of long-wave radiations (Manabe 2). Greenhouse gases affect the maintenance of balance between short-wave and long-wave radiations, contributing to changes in temperatures. Besides, an increase in the temperature contributes to an increment in water vapor, adding to the greenhouse effect. Therefore, greenhouse gases are the cause of global warming.

Understanding Global Warming: Facts and Fallacies

Human Activities Affect Global Warming

Human activities play an active role in contributing to global warming. Basically, such activities are associated with global warming since they contribute to the overuse of fossil fuels, contributing to greenhouse gas concentration increase (Al‐Ghussain 1). In this respect, humans are utilizing non-renewable resources, which are linked to fossil fuels that contribute to increased carbon dioxide emissions. Besides, about 60 % of methane releases result from human activities due to their approaches to human waste disposal, livestock farming, and agriculture (Al-Ghussain 3). The data relating to human contribution to methane gas production implies that people play a significant role in contributing to temperature increase. Writing a summary often involves highlighting such key data points effectively. Moreover, humans engage in deforestation, which disrupts the carbon dioxide cycle, contributing to the gas level increase in the atmosphere (Al-Ghussain 2). Human activities interrupt the percentage of atmospheric gas constituents contributing to global warming. As a result, the campaign against global warming concentrates on changes in human activities, justifying that people attribute to temperature increase on the Earth’s surface.

Existence of the Cold Season Disregards Global Warming

However, some individuals believe that cold seasons justify the nonexistence of global warming. Various regions have received a decrease in temperatures and prolonged periods of cold events despite global warming being associated with an increase in the temperature and a reduction in cold season periods (Guan et al. 1). The reduction of temperatures in some regions has influenced people to believe that there is nothing connected to global warming. However, they disregard that cold events result from the equilibrium of low-index flow, and the change in equilibrium is linked to regional warming (Guan et al. 1). In this case, global warming has resulted in changes in equilibrium affecting cold events. Therefore, believing that cold seasons justify that there is no global warming is a fallacy.


The fallacy about global warming is that it does not exist, while facts about climate change are that it is attributed to greenhouse gases produced by human activities. In this context, greenhouse gases disrupt radiation contributing to temperature increase. Besides, human activities lead to the emission of greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Nevertheless, some people have the fallacy that global warming is a fantasy due to a decrease in temperatures and an increase in cold events in some regions.

Works Cited

Al‐Ghussain, Loiy. “Global Warming: Review on Driving Forces and Mitigation.” Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, vol. 38, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1002/ep.13041.

Guan, Xiaodan, et al. “Speeding Extreme Cold Events Under Global Warming.” Environmental Research Letters, vol. 17, no. 8, 2022, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac8110.

Manabe, Syukuro. “Role of Greenhouse Gas in Climate Change.” Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, vol. 71, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-13, doi: 10.1080/16000870.2019.1620078.

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