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Balancing School Curriculum: Is Art Education as Important as Science?

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Dr. Helen Johnson
  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 740 words
  • 4 min read
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Some courses are considered more marketable in the job market than others. This perception has influenced educational institutions to concentrate on particular disciplines. In this respect, scholars have different opinions on whether art education is as crucial as science. Art education is as important as science since it ensures that people connect and collaborate and helps individuals to understand society better, although some academicians argue that science is more crucial since it facilitates inventions that improve people’s lives, ignoring that art education also promotes critical reasoning.

Art Education Shapes Collaboration and Connection

Art education is as important as science, allowing individuals to collaborate and connect. Art education allows people to improve their emotional competencies while improving pro-social behavior (Casciano et al., 2019, p. 6). In particular, it provides soft skills essential in enhancing individuals’ engagement with others in society. Art education concentrates on language, which plays an essential role in communication. Spoken and written communication guarantees collaboration facilitating group survival. Scientists also require communication to share their ideas and thoughts coherently. Therefore, art education is crucial as science since it concentrates on improving human connections.

Balancing School Curriculum: Is Art Education as Important as Science?

Art Education Help in Understanding Society

Art education is critical as science since it aids in defining society and understanding how it operates, helping to make it a better place. Art education ensures that people understand society, life, and themselves through art (Özdemir, 2021, p. 125). In this case, art education permits learners to understand their identity and past. As a result, it aids in strengthening and improving society since it helps shape the human experience while developing a sense of identity. Disregarding art education may cripple the community resulting in crises that might worsen people’s lives. Therefore, art education is important as science because it ensures learners understand their culture and social institutions.

Science Promotes Innovation

Nonetheless, some scholars argue that art education is less important than science since the latter enhances sound reasoning and forms the basis for rational thought. Science promotes innovation essential for economic progress and development (Mormina, 2019, p. 2). In this case, scholars argue that science focuses on research which aids in creating new knowledge. Thus, science strives to increase rational reasoning for scientists to respond to global challenges and societal needs. Fields associated with medicine and engineering are critical in achieving ongoing progress in changing times through innovation. On the other hand, art education improves intrinsic learning motivation, problem-solving abilities, and analytical skills (Casciano et al., 2019, p. 8). This assertion demonstrates that art education also plays a significant role in enhancing reasoning skills. Therefore, art education is as important as science since they are interrelated in that they instill innovative attributes.

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Art education is as important as science since the former aid in understanding and improving society’s well-being while enhancing collaboration and connection. Additionally, art education concentrates on language and interpersonal skills, enhancing people’s harmony. Besides, it focuses on societal issues which aid in developing social identity. However, some intellectuals claim that science is more important than art education, considering it facilitates innovation, although they ignore the interrelatedness between the two areas.


Casciano, R., Cherfas, L., & Jobson-Ahmed, L. (2019). Connecting arts integration to social-emotional learning among special education students. Journal for Learning Through the Arts, 15(1), 1-30. https://doi.org/10.21977/D915139672.

Mormina, M. (2019). Science, technology and innovation as social goods for development: Rethinking research capacity building from Sen’s capabilities approach. Science and Engineering Ethics, 25(3), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-018-0037-1.

Özdemir, A. (2021). Where are we in the art education required? Looking at life through the eyes of art. Art and Design Review, 9(2), 123-130. https://doi.org/10.4236/adr.2021.92011.

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