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Cybersecurity Measures: Protecting Personal Data in the Digital Age

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Written by
Dr. Michael Turner
  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 674 words
  • Icon Clock 4 min read
English (United States)
Academic level
Type of paper
Computer Science
Paper format
Individual Essay Example

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Cybercrime is a threat that has damaged people’s privacy. Moreover, some companies use people’s data without consent to accomplish their interests. As a result, organizations have developed privacy tension since users’ data is being used without their control. On the other side, governments should collaborate to ensure that commercial organizations respect people’s right to data privacy since hackers can access sensitive data to threaten others for financial gain. The current research on protecting personal data in the digital age enhances privacy by discouraging companies from using people’s information without their consent to increase profits.

Literature Review

Protecting personal data is vital because it helps people to maintain privacy. Companies have to ensure that only authorized users access private data. For example, organizations not complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are fined 4% of their revenue or at least $20 million (Schafer et al. 494). The GDPR policy ensures that companies do not bleach their customers’ privacy. Furthermore, companies are likely to share data with their partners because they are losing control over the information (Schafer et al.494). The users’ personal information is readily available because of the increased access to the Internet, and companies are tempted to use the data. In turn, people share their personal information on many social media platforms. As a result, GDPR has to be stricter by implementing more harsh penalties. Hence, people require protection from companies that overlook GDPR’s compliant requirements.

Cybersecurity Measures: Protecting Personal Data in the Digital Age


The research methodology will involve examining available literature associated with personal data protection. The literature helps to formulate a policy prohibiting companies from using people’s data without consent. Data privacy is an individual right protected through international human rights law (Gstrein and Beaulieu 4). Companies should protect people’s data because they have a legal right to their privacy. In turn, organizations must be keen on who is or is not allowed to access sensitive data. Limiting access to non-authorized individuals makes personal data easy to manage because they are held accountable for any breach of privacy. Thus, an analysis of existing literature will be used to research how personal data can be conducted.

Preliminary Data

Some organizations utilize their customers’ information to increase their profits. Digital technologies permit companies to access a lot of data, which they can use to improve performance and data monetization (Quach et al. 1301). Firms use data without explaining to their customers why they collect the information. Consequently, customers are denied their right to privacy and control over how their personal information should be used. As such, people require protection against exploitation from companies with access to their data. Therefore, organizations should seek people’s consent before using their personal information.

Statement of Limitations

Companies tend to withhold information, limiting the research quality. Many organizations usually do not share all the information due to their internal operations and rules, while the data would be the incorporation of specific strategies that were found to be beneficial. Hence, more research will be conducted to find the best practices.


Data privacy is vital in maintaining cybersecurity. Companies should consult their customers and inform them about the intention to use their personal information. All users have a right to data privacy, which denies organizations the opportunity to monetize personal information without consent. Furthermore, the GDPR initiative can help to protect people’s data using stricter laws and policies. Companies can also protect personal data by allowing access only to authorized users. Therefore, personal data should be protected to promote control and privacy.

Works Cited

Gstrein, Oskar J., and Anne Beauliu. “How to Protect Privacy in a Datafied Society? A Presentation of Multiple and Conceptual Approaches.” Philosophy & Technology, vol. 35, no. 3, 2022, pp. 1-38, doi: 10.1007/s13347-022-00497-4.

Quach, Sara, et al. “Digital Technologies: Tension in Privacy and Data.” Journal of the Academic of Marketing Science, vol. 50, no. 6, 2022, pp. 1299-1323, doi: 10.1007/s11747-022-00845-y.

Schafer, Fabian, et al. “Data-Driven Business and Data Privacy: Challenges and Measures for Product-Based Companies.” Kelly School of Business, vol. 66, no. 4, 2023, pp. 493-504, doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2022.10.002.

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