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The Obesity Epidemic: Simple Lifestyle Changes for Better Health

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Written by
Laura Mitchell
  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 696 words
  • Icon Clock 4 min read
English (United States)
Academic level
College 3-4
Paper format
Individual Essay Example

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The obesity epidemic affects millions of people across the globe, including adults and children. It is associated with several health issues, such as increasing the risk of chronic illnesses. Even so, individuals can easily achieve better health by adopting certain behaviors. Although obesity affects many people, causes premature deaths, and increases the risk of certain diseases, this problem is preventable through simple lifestyle changes, like doing physical activities, eating healthy foods, reducing screen time, having consistent sleep patterns, and avoiding stressors.

The Obesity Epidemic

Obesity is a major health issue because this problem contributes to chronic diseases and the loss of lives. While overweight has a high prevalence rate and affects about 40% of adults in the United States (US), unhealthy behaviors lead to premature deaths, low-level life expectancy, and increased risk of obtaining chronic illnesses, such as hypertension and coronary heart disease (Congdon & Amugsi 2022, p. 1). The disease affects many people and has devastating effects on different populations. It is becoming more common as individuals continue to consume unhealthy meals, such as convenience foods, and have low activity levels(Congdon & Amugsi 2022, p. 2). In turn, they become obese since the body has more surplus energy. Further on, limited access to healthy meals, the availability of many fast-food outlets, and highly processed foods also contribute to obesity (Congdon & Amugsi 2022, p. 2). Some neighborhoods lack appropriate markets for people to buy healthy foods. In turn, the problem can be addressed by changing several individual behaviors.

The Obesity Epidemic: Simple Lifestyle Changes for Better Health

    Simple Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Obesity

    Lifestyle modification in physical activity levels and diet can help to prevent or treat obesity. Engaging in relatively vigorous aerobic activities, like cycling, for 150-180 minutes each week is an effective way to enhance weight loss (Wadden, Tronieri & Butryn 2020, p. 5). Doing physical activities improves overall well-being since it increases energy expenditure and prevents obesity. Additionally, restricting the intake of calories helps to treat or prevent obesity by following recommended diet plans, like the US Dietary Guidelines and the Mediterranean diet (Wadden, Tronieri & Butryn 2020, p. 4). These approaches are useful because they control food portions eaten and minimize the consumption of sugars and fats. As a result, relying on both physical activities and healthy eating habits helps to effectively prevent or treat obesity.

    Avoiding Unhealthy Behaviors

    Other simple lifestyle changes include avoiding certain foods and drinks, sedentary behaviors, high screen time, poor sleep habits, and stressors. Individuals should refrain from consuming fast foods and sugary beverages, such as energy drinks (Fruh et al. 2021, p. 5). These foods increase the risk of obesity because they have more fat and calories. People should also avoid sedentary behaviors, like sitting for long periods, and minimize screen time (Fruh et al. 2021, p. 7). Instead, they should spend more time engaging in physical activities to prevent obesity. Moreover, individuals should avoid inconsistencies in sleep and engage in behaviors that decrease stress at home, school, or work (Fruh et al. 2021, p. 8). Poor sleep habits and stressors may lead to unhealthy eating habits and consumption of fast foods. Therefore, these simple changes in individual behaviors can help in preventing obesity.


    Obesity affects many people, causes premature deaths, and increases the prevalence of chronic diseases, but it is preventable through lifestyle changes, like engaging in physical activities, eating healthy foods, reducing screen time, having consistent sleep patterns, and avoiding stressors. These habits can be encouraged through public education and the use of modern technologies. The lifestyle changes adopted can also be effective for both adults and children.

    Reference List

    Congdon, P & Amugsi, D 2022, ‘Editorial: The obesity epidemic: Causes, context, prevention’, Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 10, pp. 1–4, viewed 7 October 2023, DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1030180.

    Fruh, S, Williams, S, Hayes, K, Hauff, C, Hudson, GM, Sittig, S, Graves, RJ, Hall, H & Barinas, J 2021, ‘A practical approach to obesity prevention’, Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 1–19, viewed 7 October 2023, DOI: 10.1097/jxx.0000000000000556.

    Wadden, TA, Tronieri, JS & Butryn, ML 2020, ‘Lifestyle modification approaches for the treatment of obesity in adults’, American Psychologist, vol. 75, no. 2, pp. 1–27, viewed 7 October 2023, DOI: 10.1037/amp0000517.

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