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Essay on A Saudi, an Indian and an Iranian Walk Into a Qatari Bar

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Dr. Veronica Flores
  • Icon Calendar 4 January 2025
  • Icon Page 678 words
  • 4 min read
English (United States)
Academic level
International Relations
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Individual Essay Example

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In this Ted Talk essay on “A Saudi, an Indian, and an Iranian Walk Into a Qatari Bar” by Maz Jobrani, the author seeks to raise awareness of cultural diversity and inclusion in human societies. Diversity and inclusion are fundamental aspects of growth. However, some stereotypes hinder the embrace and acceptability of communities. In particular, an inclusive and diverse society is characterized by the inclusion of different people, social unity, true diversity celebration, and positive representation of communities.

The Main Theme of the Video

The main point of the video is to raise awareness of people’s diverse backgrounds. Qatar has immigrants from various nationalities working in different sectors (Jobrani 00:29-00:53). Immigrants living and working show that Qatar is an inclusive society that values diversity. Therefore, the video’s main point is to show the importance of embracing diversity.

Ted Talk essay on “A Saudi, an Indian, and an Iranian Walk Into a Qatari Bar” by Maz Jobrani

Human Experience

Many people live in a culturally diverse society, and they are aware of multicultural education programs incorporated into the different institutions in any country. The multicultural education approach creates awareness of social and cultural diversity, promoting social unity in countries with high diversity (Cha et al. 11). A similar approach is vital when crafting a critical response essay example to highlight diverse viewpoints.” The bond of social unity deepens human values of respect for people and helps countries to grow socially, economically, and culturally. In turn, diversity enriches societies, and, when this aspect is celebrated, it brings a sense of belonging and appreciation.

Importance of Embracing Diversity

Embracing cultural diversity in society is important because it helps in social growth and unity. True diversity is accepting and embracing individuals that practice different cultures, values, and religions that are not their own (Karani par. 15). Societies that have embraced cultural diversity and inclusion have created strong cooperation. Furthermore, if such differences are not embraced, they will inadvertently lead to assimilation through loss of language, cultural traditions, and religious practices (Karani par. 3). This aspect will eliminate true diversity because people will want to blend into society by adopting different cultural practices. Hence, communities are unique and feel fulfilled and happy when celebrating their culture and identity.

Applying the Video’s Information to the Real World

People can apply the video information in their daily routine, primarily through posting content on their social media on inclusivity and stereotypes that are misinforming. Minority groups do not usually see themselves reflected positively in the media. For example, they do not see others like them successfully employed, having healthy relationships, or fitting into the majority culture (Kidd 27). Positive representation is essential, especially in eliminating stereotypes associated with particular communities. Therefore, the video’s information should be used to create awareness and be truthful and unbiased.  

Video’s Surprising Fact

The video’s surprising fact is about western people’s stereotypes. For instance, a Muslim family walking down an airplane aisle talking about the safest place to sit is overheard by some passengers who misconstrue their language as terrorist talk, and they get kicked out of the plane (Jobrani 05:15-05:27). The association of a language and religion with terrorism stamps false stereotypes that result into discrimination. The stereotype causes emotional and mental hurt to those discriminated against while hindering social unity and cohesion.

Summing Up

In conclusion, the video’s main objective is to raise awareness of how cultural diversity is a good thing that brings development into societies. People can relate to the video since I live in a diverse society that respects people and their cultures. In turn, the video’s information is crucial because discrimination stems from stereotypes created to taint the reputation of others. Moreover, the key information from the video can educate those with limited information about middle eastern culture and traditions, creating a positive attitude.

Works Cited

Cha, Yun-Kyung, et al. Multicultural Education in Glocal Perspectives: Policy and Institutionalization. Springer, 2018.

Jobrani, Maz. “A Saudi, an Indian and an Iranian Walk Into a Qatari Bar.” Ted, 12 Dec. 2012, www.ted.com/talks/maz_jobrani_a_saudi_an_indian_and_an_iranian_walk_into_a_qatari_bar.

Karani, Narjis. “Our Superficial View of Diversity Will Only Lead to Cultural Assimilation.” CBCNews, 21 Oct. 2021, www.cbc.ca/news/opinion/opinion-pseudo-diversity-token-minority-assimilation-1.6217039.

Kidd, Mary Anna. “Archetypes, Stereotypes and Media Representation in a Multi-Cultural Society.” Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 236, 2016, pp. 25–28, doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.12.007.

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