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How to Write a Good Conclusion

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Written by
Dr. Isabel Larsen
  • Icon Calendar 19 May 2024
  • Icon Page 600 words
  • 4 min read

Many people ask themselves how to write a good conclusion when writing their papers. In particular, this paragraph is essential in academic writing since it helps a scholar to create an impression or convince the audience. The last paragraph of an academic paper must stress the importance of a thesis statement. Besides, it must give an essay a sense of comprehensiveness. In this case, a good conclusion paragraph makes a strong impression on the readers. Hence, a good concluding paragraph must have a transition, restate the main point of the paper, discuss the central argument, and influence the reader’s thoughts.

Transitional Phrase

A good closing paragraph in an essay must start with a transitional phrase. For instance, a transitional statement helps the reader to distinguish conclusion examples from body paragraphs. In this case, the transitioning word should be clear if people want to know how to write a good conclusion. Also, some common types of transitioning phrases to start conclusion paragraph examples include “in essence,” “ultimately,” and “overall” among others. In turn, these phrases suggest to the reader that the essay is coming to an end. Thus, a good closing paragraph must start with a transitioning phrase.

How to write a good conclusion

Restating the Main Points and Understanding How to Write a Good Conclusion

A valid conclusion states the main point of the essay differently. For instance, a writer should recapitulate the primary arguments made in the article by considering how to write a good conclusion. In this case, one should not rewrite a thesis statement in the conclusion part. Instead, a person must show how the arguments or ideas connect to the thesis statement. Thus, the conclusion should help the author to understand the connection between the thesis statement and the key points presented in the body sections.

Summarizing the Main Pints to Follow the Rules of Writing a Good Conclusion

A good conclusion should briefly discuss the main arguments. For example, a writer must summarize all the body paragraphs in the closing paragraph. In this case, one should not introduce new evidence in the concluding section. Besides, a good summary of the main points to follow the rules of how to write a good conclusion helps to show how they relate to each other. Thus, a good end must summarize the main arguments without introducing new ideas.

Influencing Readers

If people want to learn how to write a good conclusion, then need to influence the reader’s mind. For example, the last two sentences of the conclusion section must change the reader to believe in the main arguments of claims made in the essay. Along these lines, the reader should understand why the topic discussed is an important concept. Besides, the conclusion should influence the reader to accept the arguments of behaving differently about the commendations or solutions presented in the essay. Thus, the closing paragraph must persuade the reader that the arguments covered in the essay are valid.

Summing Up on How to Write a Good Conclusion

In essence, a valid conclusion helps to determine the quality of an essay in communicating practical arguments and ideas. Basically, a good concluding paragraph must have a transitioning statement that differentiates it from other sections of the paper. Besides, the writer should restate the main point of the article if the person wants to use the knowledge on how to write a good conclusion. In this case, each sentence should present the main arguments differently. Moreover, one should dwell on the ideas discussed in the essay without introducing new concepts. Finally, a reasonable conclusion must influence the reader’s impression to accept the arguments presented as accurate.