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How to Write an Abstract

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Dr. Emily Norton
  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 810 words
  • Icon Clock 4 min read

In answering the question of how to write an abstract, it must be mentioned that it is the first section of any research paper. Basically, readers must understand a researcher’s work after reviewing the study. On the other hand, it is vital that a researcher understands how to write an abstract because this section describes the whole study. Therefore, an in-depth analysis of abstract authorship focuses on types of abstracts and best approaches, being critical concepts that facilitate mastery of the research skill.

Writing an Abstract

Firstly, abstracts are common segments of academic papers in the research paper outline. For example, abstracts are self-contained summaries that are relatively short in length. Basically, it is an attempt to provide the complete primary information of a large study in a brief statement. The role of an abstract is to provide the reader with an overview of the entire research paper that identifies the most significant findings. In writing the abstract section, this part must identify the reason for the study, the problem, methodology, outcome, and implications. People have to address these five areas for any study. Moreover, the author has to provide the necessary attention to the particular aspects that magnify the critical points of their research. Hence, researchers must cover the knowledge on how to write an abstract in academic research at any level.

How to write an abstract

Four Types of Abstracts

Then, there are four types of abstracts, such as descriptive, critical, informative, and highlight sections.

Descriptive Abstracts

Firstly, descriptive abstracts are approximately 150 words. They explain the research being summarized by mentioning the purpose, methods, and scope without providing any judgments concerning the findings. In this case, the lack of an opinion regarding the research is the unique quality of descriptive abstracts.

Informative Abstracts

Then, informative abstracts are similar to the descriptive ones. However, they point out the primary arguments and evidence, results, conclusions, and recommendations with a 300-word count limit. Basically, an informative abstract offers a more detailed description than a descriptive abstract.

Critical Abstracts

Moreover, critical abstracts contain interpretive commentary. Basically, this type complements the research description by providing judgments on the completeness or reliability of the study. In turn, critical abstracts are usually more than 300 words because of the researcher’s critique.

Highlight Abstracts

Lastly, if scholars want to capture the attention of the audience to a study through the use of leading statements, they use highlight abstracts. Hence, this form of abstract has limited applications in academic writing. As a result, the content distinguishes the various types of abstracts.

Formal Journals and College Papers

Abstracts in formal journals are somewhat different from college paper abstracts due to discrepancies in the structure. For instance, the abstract section in a dissertation may have additional elements. In this case, they may not necessarily appear in the abstract of a literature study but maintain the fundamental components. Moreover, there are no significant differences between various college paper abstracts. Similarly, the specific instructions provided by scholarly journals create different presumptions. In particular, there are substantial differences between the journal abstracts and college paper abstracts. The main elements of an abstract are evident in both scholarly and college page papers. As a result, others may identify some irregularities, depending on the formal structure provided by the periodical.

How to Write an Efficient Abstract Section

Finally, strict adherence to the provided instructions and unbiased representation of the work can improve the quality of the abstract of a scholarly journal. For instance, the authors ought to be cautious concerning their choice of words. Objectivity may be maintained by ensuring that whichever pieces of information appear in the abstract are not subject to misinterpretation. Additionally, periodicals do not provide much flexibility in formal structures. Hence, the authors must follow these rules on how to write an abstract. On the other hand, it may force some changes to the abstract that scholars have to cover if they want to maintain consistency. Therefore, if students address the main aspects of the college abstract, improving the quality of a journal abstract requires slight modification.

Conclusion on How to Write an Abstract

By answering the question on how to write an abstract, it is a must for any research paper. In this case, the abstract has five principal aspects that have to be discussed for a quality text to be produced. Firstly, descriptive and informative abstracts appear to be the most commonly used types of abstracts. On the other hand, critical and highlight abstracts may have limited application in academic research. Moreover, formal scholarly journal abstracts are mistakenly perceived to be superior to college paper abstracts. However, it is not the case because there is a difference in structure alone. In turn, the technique of authoring journal abstracts can be improved by complying with the instructions provided by the periodical. Besides, people should avoid an intentionally biased presentation of the information.

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