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The MLA citation style advocates for the use of credible sources. In practice, credible sources contain accurate and reliable information. Basically, the MLA citing sources includes the rules to identify articles that are suitable for academic writing. Thus, the MLA citation style requires scholars to include the author’s name, the title of the reference and “container,” issue and volume number, publication date, and location identifiers where applicable.

Author’s Name

The MLA paper format requires scholars to provide the author’s name when citing all types of sources. For instance, a citation should begin with the author’s surname. In this case, the author can be an individual or a company in the MLA citing sources. A scholar must use the correct punctuation when providing the authors’ names. In turn, a comma should separate the surname and other names. Besides, one should end the names with a period. Thus, the MLA citation must have the names of the author followed by the titles.

MLA citing sources

MLA Reference and Container in Citing Sources

The MLA format citation must have a title of the reference and “container”. For example, one must list the title of the source after the author’s name, depending upon the type of the article. In this case, the title of books should appear in italics. Besides, the title of the periodical, journal articles, and electronic sources should be in quotation marks. In turn, citations in MLA should have the title of the “containers” where applicable. Basically, the “container” is a source where one can locate a reference. Also, the titles of the “container” must appear in italics. Thus, the MLA citing sources must include titles of the sources and their appropriate “containers”.

Volume and Issue Numbers

The MLA format paper must include volume and issue numbers where applicable. For example, some sources are part of a numbered sequence, multi-volume book, or journals. In this way, one must include the relevant numbers in the citations. Besides, phrases “vol.” and “no.” must precede the volume and issue number, respectively. Thus, MLA citations must contain relevant identification numbers.

Publication Date in the MLA Citing Sources

The MLA citing sources must contain the publication date. For instance, an author must include the exact date of publication. Along these lines, some sources have different publication dates. Basically, identifying the exact publication date enhances its authentication. Thus, all references in MLA citations must have the publication dates.

Location Identifiers

The MLA style citation must have the relevant location identifiers. For instance, common location identifiers for sources include the place of publication, DOI numbers, and Internet links. In this case, the place of publication is suitable for Internet books. Also, DOI and Internet links are ideal for electronic sources. Thus, the MLA citing sources require authors to include relevant location identifiers for all sources.

Conclusion on the MLA Citing Sources

In conclusion, the MLA citing sources stress on the credibility of articles. Basically, credible citations must include the author’s name and title of the reference with the “container.” Then, adequate citations should consist of the issue and volume number for sources that are part of the sequence, multi-volume book, or journals. In this case, it is essential to include the publication date in the MLA style paper to enhance their authentication. Also, other essential details include appropriate location identifiers. In turn, common forms of location identifiers include the place of publication, DOI, and Internet links.

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