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MLA Website In Text Citation

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Written by
Dr. Helen Johnson
  • Icon Calendar 5 January 2025
  • Icon Page 576 words
  • 3 min read

Websites are useful sources of information when writing research papers or other essays. Basically, they provide up-to-date evidence on various topics. In this case, the MLA format requires students to provide correct in-text citations for websites. However, their citation approach is quite different from other sources, like books, journal articles, films, and reports, among others. Hence, the MLA website in text citation different compared to other types since it requires a student to use the italicized title of article or name of the website and paragraphs with evidence quoted.

Titles for Citing MLA Websites

The MLA website in text citation requires students to use the title of the online article if the details of the author are absent. For example, when citing a website MLA, a scholar uses the title of the article in in-text citations. The statement implies that every parenthetical citation should have the title of the article. Besides, the title of the online source should not be in italics but should be in quotation marks. In this case, the presentation is different from that of other sources like books and periodicals. Along these lines, placing the title of the article in quotation marks makes citing a website different from other sources.      

MLA website in text citation

Citation for MLA Website

In the MLA website in text citation, students can use the name of a website inside the text. Basically, website names should be italicized. In this case, the italicized title should be in quotation marks. Besides, the italicized name must be in title case, which aligns with formatting requirements for how to write biography essay. Then, the first letter of words used in the title should be in capitals. Along these lines, only conjunctions with less than three letters in the website title should start with a small alphabetical letter. Therefore, students should italicize website titles when used in in-text citations.  

Wesbite In Text Citation in MLA

The MLA website in text citation requires authors to cite paragraphs with evidence quoted. For example, a student who cites information from the second paragraph of an article on a website should use the phrase “par. 2” for the MLA citation example. In this case, the student must place the paragraph number in the parenthetical citation. Also, the use of paragraph number makes in-text citation quite different from other sources. For example, the MLA format in text citation requires authors and students to use page number for sources, like books, journal articles, and reports, among others. Parenthetical citations of sources other than an article in a website must have an accurate page number. Along these lines, the pagination must contain the information cited. Therefore, the MLA website citation is quite different from that obtained from other sources since it requires the use of the paragraph number.


In conclusion, websites are good sources of information that require unique citation styles. In the MLA website in text citation, students use the title of an article on a website if the names of the author are absent. Besides, authors can use italicized names of a website for in-text citations. The name of a website should be in title case, which means that the first letters of words should be in capitals for the MLA format paper. Finally, in-text citations of information obtained from a website should contain the paragraph number. These qualities make referencing a website different from other sources in the MLA website in text citation. In turn, people also need to know the main principles for the Works Cited page MLA format.

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