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Writing Sample

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Written by
Dr. Alex Freedman
  • Icon Calendar 4 January 2025
  • Icon Page 548 words
  • 3 min read

A writing sample plays a crucial role in helping the admission committee and potential employer to evaluate the applicant’s qualifications. Basically, essays help to evaluate ones analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills, among others. Also, a good paper is an easy way to stand out from other applicants. Hence, someone might need a writing sample when applying for a job position or college admission where the relevant commission evaluates one’s academic purpose or performance.

Job Application

Job applicants may submit a writing sample along with the resume writing to their potential employers. For instance, some employers seek to evaluate an applicant’s writing and communication skills. In this case, writing a paper is a suitable tool for assessing the applicant’s potential that is relevant to the job position. Sometimes, using exemplification essay ideas can make your writing sample more impactful. For example, a person who wants a job at a newspaper must submit an appropriate paper sample. Along these lines, the employer evaluates the appropriateness of the candidate to deliver the required services. Moreover, the applicant should express his or her novel and proper writing skills. Thus, samples are useful tools that employers use to check the applicant’s qualifications.

Writing sample

Applying for College Admission With a Writing Sample

Students need to submit writing samples when applying for college admission. For instance, a paper sample helps the admission committee to assess the applicant’s literacy skills. Along these lines, people use the sample to evaluate their research, writing, problem-solving, and analytical skills. Besides, a paper allows the admission committee to determine the ability of a student to communicate through academic writing. For example, scholars evaluate thesis development, organization, paragraph development, and one’s adherence to the rules of a specific writing style. Basically, they use a writing sample to analyze one’s academic writing skills. In turn, the committee checks the applicant’s ability to use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation, among other writing mechanics. Thus, writing essays is essential for assessing a student’s potential during college admission.

Evaluating Academic Purpose or Performance

A writing sample helps a college admission committee to evaluate one’s academic purpose or performance. For example, students write papers on topics that interest them. In this case, the college admission commission determines the personal interests of the student. Besides, people use writing to assess their students’ academic performance. For example, the quality of writing a paper reveals the learner’s competency. Along these lines, it is possible for the committee to identify the significant writing weaknesses of the applicant by checking the knowledge of writing styles and writing strategies. Thus, a writing sample is a useful tool to evaluate the academic goals and performance of a student. 

Conclusion on a Writing Sample

In conclusion, essays are practical tools for evaluating one’s competency levels. Basically, a person may need writing a sample when applying for a job in some firms. In this case, job applicants present their essays when applying for jobs that involve a lot of writing. Then, college admission is the other instance that necessitates a student to provide a writing sample. Also, the college admission committee evaluates a student’s writing proficiencies using the samples. In turn, the committee uses papers to determine the student’s learning motivations. Finally, a paper sample reveals the academic performance of a student. Hence, the correct usage of various writing skills shows the level of competency of the student.

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