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Writing Styles

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Written by
Dr. Simon Robbins
  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 813 words
  • Icon Clock 4 min read

Writings styles help people to shape their knowledge as writers. In particular, different assignments require the use of specific writing styles. For example, when students get the task to write a descriptive essay, they need to use the appropriate structure and language. As much as people know different writing styles, they can do interesting essays or other articles for others. However, not all people know how to improve their writing styles. In this case, this four-week guide on improving the knowledge of writing styles can expand the abilities of people to create interesting essays and other papers.

General Aspects

Students with writing competence compose sufficient work to fulfill a specific purpose. Basically, there are various writing styles suitable for multiple tasks. For example, an entertaining and engaging narrative writing requires that a student use specific techniques. In this case, different writing styles, namely expository, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive, require various skills. Hence, a teacher should take students through a step-by-step process of learning multiple writing styles. As a result, a weekly study of the context and features of different techniques can enhance the efficiency of student’s writing abilities.

Writing Styles

Week 1: Expository Writing Style

Firstly, the expository writing style means using vocabulary extensively. In particular, the expository genre requires students to have high language proficiency levels. Hence, students should express their thoughts with a wide range of vocabulary. Besides, learners should express ideas by using precise and accurate sentences. For the first week, the primary focus can be on teaching learners how to use appropriate vocabulary in various sentence structure. In turn, students can learn the proper paragraph structure. As a result, the student can complete multiple exercises in explaining concepts in the essay topics by using the correct sentence and paragraph structure. On the other hand, correcting the mistakes made by every student can help improve their writing abilities. Therefore, rigorous training allows students to become familiar with the essential elements in the expository writing format.

Week 2: Persuasive Writing Format

Then, the persuasive writing style requires learners to use additional vocabulary, knowledge, and develop original content. Basically, persuasive works cover a wide range of writing abilities to convince readers. In this case, students should have excellent interaction not only with vocabulary but also ideas of others. Hence, these lessons can advance the concepts covered in week one. For example, students can continue to learn the correct vocabulary and sentence structure. Besides, they can demonstrate a high level of originality because their task is to prove that their position is right. In turn, daily writing assignments allow learners to improve their skills. As a result, the assessment of the originality level of students helps to enrich their persuasive writing abilities.

Week 3: Narrative Writing

Next, the narrative writing style supposes students to discover meaning and communicate it through writing. For instance, learners should describe a real or fictitious event clearly. In this case, students should learn ways to analyze situations critically. Also, they must be creative as they describe conditions by following writing styles. For example, requiring students to shape creative writing in English with their colleagues improves their creativity levels. Moreover, positive comments inspire learners to express their thoughts clearly. As a result, the teacher can help the student to improve on the creativity level during the presentation. Therefore, describing and writing exercises help learners to improve their abilities to write narrative compositions.

Week 4: Descriptive Style

Finally, descriptive writing covers the explanation or elucidation of a vital issue or concept. For example, the learner should describe an event, an object, or any other thing in an understandable way. Hence, learners should use striking words in the descriptive writing style. In particular, reading many storybooks and novels helps the learners to acquire the required knowledge. Also, students should read many books within the week. Basically, the learner should identify the vocabulary used by different authors and find meaning. As a result, allowing learners to explain features of various objects improves their ability to create a descriptive essay. Along with other writing styles, the student will have an opportunity to use the acquired vocabulary in describing conditions. Therefore, rigorous reading and presentation exercises help to improve the ability of learners to write a descriptive essay.

Conclusion on Writing Styles

In conclusion, four writing styles are crucial to the life of every student. Basically, rigorous practices can help learners to acquire practical writing skills. In this case, weekly guidance on the four writing styles can help a learner to improve their communication abilities. During the first week, learners will cover ways to write an expository composition. Besides, students will learn how to write different types of papers. The teacher will cover essential skills in every writing genre and then engage learners through a rigorous exercise. Therefore, weekly learning of various writing styles will improve the abilities of a learner to familiarize with underlying structures.

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