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APA 6th Edition Format

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Written by
Dr. Helen Johnson
  • Icon Calendar 16 May 2024
  • Icon Page 619 words
  • Icon Clock 4 min read

The APA 6th edition format is a resource that presents changes made in the 5th edition. Basically, the primary purpose of the APA 6th edition format is to help psychologists to cite references correctly to avoid plagiarism. In this case, the APA referencing style has undergone several developments to include the needs of a wide range of scholars. Hence, the APA referencing guide has expanded to the sixth edition, which is used by thousands of scholars in social sciences to structure papers and avoid plagiarism.

General Aspects

The APA 6th edition format is the current referencing manual developed by the American Psychological Association for use in different types of papers. The APA referencing style is one of the paper formats. In this case, people use the APA style in emerging disciplines, like psychology, economics, physiology, political science, and biochemistry. Along these lines, this edition provides rules to prepare standard academic papers and manuscripts. Therefore, the APA reference format is a referencing style developed for preparing scholarly documents in social sciences.  

APA 6th edition format

Guidelines for the APA 6th Edition Format

The APA format provides guidelines to structure various academic papers and avoid plagiarism. For example, the manual provides instructions to structure different levels of APA headings, line spacing, and margins of a page. Basically, scholars follow the guidelines to prepare standard papers, like the argumentative essay, expository essay, research paper, thesis paper, dissertation, or others. In this case, the APA 6th edition helps students and manuscript writers to acknowledge work that belongs to other scholars. Hence, the APA style format provides guidelines to make direct quotes. In turn, it covers the rules for paraphrasing and summarizing information from different sources. As a result, the primary purpose of the APA citation is to give instructions to avoid all forms of plagiarism. Therefore, the APA 6th edition format allows scholars to present unique and original papers.    


The development of the APA 6th edition format began in the early twentieth century to 2009. Basically, the association developed the first manual in the 1920s to guide scholars in preparing scholarly documents. Besides, the association remained reasonably small within the first decade. For instance, the association had barely five hundred members by 1930s. In turn, subsequent developments focused on various writing needs in different areas of study. Hence, the number of APA users increased significantly. For example, the APA citation format developed in 2009 serves a broader audience than previous manuals. In turn, the current version has guidelines for students and those interested in publishing manuscripts. Therefore, the answer to the question of what is APA format is to cover the needs of a wider range of scholars.


The APA 6th edition format has grown to entail hundreds of thousands of members. For instance, the number of members of the American Psychology Association was roughly five hundred members in the early twentieth century. In this case, the developments in the APA style citation occurred after the Second World War. It accelerated the number of members. Currently, the association has approximately two hundred thousand members. For instance, the current membership includes lawyers, scientists, psychologists, doctors, and sociologists among other scholars. Therefore, the APA 6th edition format entails many scholars from different fields.

Conclusion on the APA 6th Edition Format

In conclusion, the APA 6th edition format began to develop in the 1920s. However, the new APA 7th edition is the current referencing manual developed by the American Psychological Association for use in academic writing. The association had fewer members but has grown to include over two hundred thousand scholars from different fields. Hence, the last edition of APA guidelines entails guidelines that help students to format the APA style paper and avoid all forms of plagiarism.

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