MLA Sample Paper: Detailed Template
- 5 July 2019
- 1883 words
When people reference books APA, they must authenticate the information borrowed from external sources. For example, the APA format provides guidelines to cite information obtained from different sources, like books, journals, websites, newspapers, and magazines, among others. Basically, writers collect information from books with one or many authors, including specific chapters. In particular, the APA referencing style requires parenthetical in-text citations with paginations and a reference list with sufficient bibliographical details of books or chapters.
If writers reference books APA, they use parenthetical in-text citations for such sources. For example, the APA format allows people to use parenthetical in-text citations with author’s names, date of publication, and pagination. In turn, a comma should appear after the author’s name and the publication date. Besides, the letter “p.” followed by a period, should precede pagination. Thus, the APA citation format uses parenthetical in-text citations with author’s name, date, and pagination for books.
Authors must reference books APA by providing bibliographical details for sources on the APA reference page. For instance, one must provide the name of the author followed by the year of publication. In this case, the surname of the author appears first followed by initials. Besides, the year of publication should appear in brackets. In turn, the entry of a book in the reference list should have a full title, which should be in italics. Then, a person should only write the first word in the title, subtitle, and proper nouns with the first letter in uppercase. Also, a colon should separate titles and subtitles. Other important bibliographic details include the place of publications and the publisher. Hence, one must include the name or initials of the city of publication. Thus, the APA style forces a writer to include sufficient bibliographic details identifying a source.
People can reference books APA by following guidelines to cite chapters in edited books. For instance, one must include the title of the chapter and the book. Along these lines, the title of the chapter should not be in italics. On the other hand, the title of the book should be in italics. Then, the order of chapter’s and book’s authors is different. In this case, one must start with the surname of the author followed by the authors’ initials. Besides, the names of the author of the book should appear after the title of the chapter. For instance, a person must identify the exact source containing the chapter. In this case, the word “in” precedes the book’s bibliographic information. Also, a period separates the bibliographic details of the chapter and the book. Thus, the APA style format provides precise details of citing sections found in edited books.
In conclusion, a writer can reference books APA. As a rule, one should use parenthetical in-text citations with author’s surname, date of publication, and pagination, covering the basic principles of the APA reference citation. Also, the entry of books in the reference list must have sufficient bibliographical details. Along these lines, people must include the names of the author starting with surname followed by initials, title with capitalized first words and proper nouns, and date and place of publication. Finally, the APA referencing requires one to cite information from edited books. In this case, the title of the book and the chapter must appear.