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MLA Sample Paper: Detailed Template

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Dr. Alex Freedman
  • Icon Calendar 5 January 2025
  • Icon Page 1883 words
  • 9 min read

For many assignments, students need to have a good MLA sample paper to fill key parts of a main text with explanations properly. In this case, sample templates are used to replace an entire text with a user’s own work so that it will be formatted correctly in the end. To write an MLA sample paper, writers must follow its formatting guidelines, including double-spacing, 1-inch margins, 12-point size of words, Times New Roman font, proper in-text citations, and a Works Cited list. However, students may need to save time when formatting such documents. Exploring research paper standards can streamline this process. In accordance with the rules of the Modern Language Association, this guide provides a template and its formatting recommendations for all writers who want to organize their research essays correctly, covering an introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, and Works Cited.

What Is an MLA Sample Paper and Its Purpose

According to its definition, an MLA sample paper is a type of academic document formatted according to the guidelines set by the Modern Language Association Handbook. Basically, people use this style in the humanities field, particularly in literature, language studies, and cultural studies (Hatala). The primary purpose of writing an MLA sample paper is to provide a standardized method for organizing and documenting any scholarly work and ensure clarity, consistency, and credibility. In this case, a written document must follow specific guidelines for formatting its text, citing sources, and structuring a research paper itself, such as using double-spacing, 12-point size, Times New Roman font, and 1-inch margins (MLA Handbook). Understanding how to write a thematic essay can be critical for ensuring clarity and consistency in academic writing. Further on, to avoid plagiarism, proper citation is crucial in a format style sample to give credit to original authors, and this objective can be achieved through adding in-text citations and a Works Cited page, which lists all sources referenced in a document. By adhering to Modern Language Association guidelines, writers demonstrate their academic integrity, avoid any form of plagiarism, and contribute to scholarly discourse in a professional and organized manner (P. Houghton and T. Houghton). Overall, an MLA formatted sample paper aims to follow academic standards and facilitate effective communication within a scholarly community. In terms of pages and words, the length of an MLA sample paper varies depending on academic levels, specific course requirements for essays, the subject’s nature, and the depth of the research, while general guidelines are:

High School:

  • Pages: 1-5 pages
  • Words: 250-1,250 words

College (Undergraduate):

  • Pages: 5-10 pages
  • Words: 1,250-2,500 words

University (Upper-Level Undergraduate):

  • Pages: 10-15 pages
  • Words: 2,500-3,750 words


  • Pages: 20-30 pages
  • Words: 5,000-7,500 words


  • Pages: 50-300 pages, depending on an essay’s complexity or depth of an entire research.
  • Words: 12,500-75,000 words or more.
MLA sample paper


ComponentFormatting Guidelines
FontTimes New Roman, 12-point
SpacingDouble-spaced throughout, including quotes, notes, and a Works Cited component of a paper
Margins1-inch margins on all sides
Title PageNot typically required unless specified by an instructor. Instead, include a heading on the first page with your name, instructor’s name, course, and date.
TitleCentered, regular capitalization, and double-spaced below the heading. Do not bold, underline, or italicize a particular title.
AbstractIf required, start on a new page after a paper’s title. Center a particular research paper’s title, such as “Abstract,” at the top. Your abstract should be a single paragraph, double-spaced, and typically 150-250 words.
IndentationIndent a first line of each paragraph one-half inch from a left margin (use a Tab key).
In-Text CitationsAuthor-page style (e.g., (Freedman 123)).
Block QuotesQuotes longer than four lines should be formatted as a block quote, starting on a new line and indented one inch from a left margin. No quotation marks are used.
Works CitedStart this component on a new page at the end of your essay. Center a particular title, such as “Works Cited,” at the top. Double-space all entries and use a hanging indent.
Page NumbersIn an upper right-hand corner, half an inch from a top and flush with a right margin. Your header should include your last name followed by a space and a corresponding page number.

Introduction Paragraph

To write an introduction for an MLA sample paper, people start with a hook to engage target readers, provide some background information on their topics, and end with a clear, concise thesis statement sentence that outlines a main argument or purpose of their compositions. For example, if students know key principles for a title section, an introduction paragraph in an MLA format example starts with a catchphrase to motivate others to read its content (Hatala). Then, second and subsequent sentences should provide background information. In this case, a good introduction should provide a focus on a topic and an overview of a research paper. Besides, this part of an MLA sample paper should be approximately 10% of an entire essay by considering an overall word count of a document. In turn, an introductory paragraph should end with a thesis statement, which provides a clear expression of a main argument or point of view.

Body Paragraphs in MLA Sample Papers

To write a body paragraph for an MLA sample paper, people start with a single topic sentence, provide evidence or examples to support their arguments, explain the significance of the evidence, and connect it back to their thesis statements. Hence, any body paragraph in an MLA formatted sample paper must begin with a topic sentence that relates to a thesis statement (P. Houghton and T. Houghton). As a rule, a topic sentence should contain a keyword used in a thesis statement of an essay. In this case, all body paragraphs support a single thesis statement. Then, a second sentence should provide evidence or an example that supports a topic phrase by following Modern Language Association citation rules. Basically, one must cite the evidence used in research to support a topic sentence. Moreover, a person must include page numbers that contain the quoted or paraphrased evidence in an MLA in-text citation (Hatala). After that, a writer should add one or two sentences to explain the evidence. Besides, explanation sentences should link the evidence to topic sentences. In turn, a last sentence must assert how a particular paragraph contributes to a thesis statement and provide a link to a next section of a sample essay.

Conclusion Section

To write a conclusion for an MLA sample paper, people restate their thesis statements in a new way, summarize the main points discussed, and provide a final thought or call to action. For example, a conclusion part of an MLA sample paper must explain that a particular work covers all the points in a thesis statement (P. Houghton and T. Houghton). Basically, conclusions should contain a summary of main points in an essay. As a rule, this paragraph should not have new ideas after a research process. Furthermore, concluding paragraphs must link an end of an essay to its beginning. However, this last paragraph may contain recommendations when appropriate. In essence, a normal sample conclusion should provide readers with a broader context of a discussed topic. Besides, one should not overwrite in conclusions. In this case, a reasonable conclusion should be approximately 10% of an entire paper’s word count. As a result, limiting concluding paragraphs to 10% ensures one lists only relevant information. Hence, a conclusion section should contain an accurate and consistent summary of a sample essay.

Separate Works Cited List

A Works Cited list of an MLA sample paper should appear on a separate page and must list all the sources cited. In this case, an MLA format Works Cited must start on a new page after a conclusion part. Moreover, all research sources used in in-text citations should appear in alphabetical order (MLA Handbook). In turn, every entry should have relevant bibliographic information. To achieve this objective, a listing of a source must have names of authors, titles, years of publications. Finally, online sources must contain Digital Object Identifier (DOI) numbers or Internet links.

Other Features

Entries of journal articles must provide a range of pages and volume and issue numbers. In this case, titles of sources and names of journals must have all major words capitalized (MLA Handbook). Hence, they should appear in a title case. Further on, entries for books in an MLA sample paper must contain relevant research and publication details. However, one must provide names of publishers. In turn, students should give cities of publication where applicable. Finally, a particular title, such as “Works Cited,” should appear at the center of a new page. It must be in a capital case, not bolded or underlined.   

Common Mistakes

  • Incorrect Formatting of In-Text Citations: Omitting an author’s name or page number in in-text citations, leading to unclear references.
  • Improperly Formatting a Works Cited Section: Not using a hanging indent or failing to alphabetize entries, making a list difficult to navigate within a sample research paper.
  • Inconsistent Font and Spacing: Using different fonts or single spacing, which disrupts a normal appearance of an essay.
  • Missing or Incorrect Header: Omitting a header or placing it incorrectly, which affects page numbering and identification.
  • Incorrectly Formatting Block Quotes: Using quotation marks or not indenting block quotes, which misrepresents the formatting for extended quotes in a sample essay.
  • Improper Title Formatting: Bolding, underlining, or italicizing a title, which is unnecessary and against Modern Language Association guidelines.
  • Inaccurate or Incomplete Citations: Not providing all necessary citation details in research papers, which can lead to incomplete or misleading references.
  • Incorrect Margin Size: Using margins larger or smaller than 1 inch, affecting an overall sample essay’s layout and readability.
  • Failure to Include a Works Cited List: Omitting a Works Cited page or not listing all cited sources, which can lead to accusations of plagiarism.
  • Not Using Italics for Titles of Longer Works: Using quotation marks instead of italics for titles of books, films, or journals, which goes against Modern Language Association style conventions.

Summing Up

This comprehensive guide on formatting an MLA sample paper covers a typical structure of an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, emphasizing proper organization and adherence to its guidelines. What makes a sample paper MLA is adherence to standard Modern Language Association guidelines, including proper formatting, such as double-spacing, 1-inch margins, 12-point size of text, Times New Roman font, in-text citations from other sources, and a Works Cited component. Firstly, an introduction should engage readers and present a thesis statement. Secondly, each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence, include evidence, and relate to a central thesis. Thirdly, an essay’s conclusion summarizes the main points without introducing new ideas. In turn, writers need to cite evidence and provide citation entries of sources used in a sample research paper with their Works Cited sections to follow academic integrity and avoid plagiarism.

Works Cited

Hatala, Mark. MLA Made Easy: Your Concise Guide to the 9th Edition. Greentop Academic Press, 2021.

Houghton, Peggy M., and Timothy J. Houghton. MLA, The Easy Way! Updated for the 9th Edition. XanEdu Publishing Inc, 2021.

MLA Handbook. Modern Language Association of America, 2021.

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