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MLA Format Citation

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Dr. Alex Freedman
  • Icon Calendar 5 January 2025
  • Icon Page 520 words
  • 3 min read

When one tries to write a research paper in MLA style, they will use the MLA format citation. As a fact, one should pay attention to such things as acknowledging the intellectual property of others while formatting rules force us to show which sentences were reproduced. Therefore, one should acknowledge basic rules on how to use MLA citation in their text to prevent any confusion, problem, or mistakes while learning how to write null and alternative hypothesis effectively..

MLA Format Citation Use

Simply said, when you summarize, paraphrase, or quote someone else – use MLA format example. Also, such a simple rule in the MLA style citation will help you avoid any problems and will correctly acknowledge the other author’s contribution to your writing.

MLA Format Citation

The utilization of MLA in-text citation has to reflect what you write on the works cited page. However, you should ever copy in-text citations in your works cited page or vice versa. Hence, the only way to correctly organize the MLA format paper is to use evidence based on what type of source was cited in the works cited page and make proper adjustments.

Examples of MLA Format Citations

Hence, if you search for the citations used, you will admire examples of how different in-text citations are formatted. Therefore, the list in the MLA citation example will provide all the needed information for you.


(Last Name Page Number).

(Turner 9).

No Known Author

(“MLA Format Citation” 1).

Additionally, you must italicize longer works like books and put in quotation marks shorter works like articles. Also, if there is no page number, use paragraph number or even line if needed.

1-2 Authors

(Last Name and Last Name par. 1)

Also, remember that, for paragraphs in the MLA format citation, you use “par.”

3+ Authors

(Last Name et al. 1).

Hence, “et al.” has to be followed by a period and page number goes after it.


(Turner 3.123-456).

Consequently, such in-text citation is used for book 3, lines 123-456, written by Alex Turner, for example.

Author Mentioned in the Text

Turner (par. 1).

Hence, if the author is already mentioned in the sentence, there is a point of repeating the same information in your MLA format citation.

Block Quote in the MLA format citation

Block quote without parenthesis. (Turner par. 1).

So, intend the quote, do not put quotation marks, put the in-text citation at the end of the quote, after the last punctuation mark.

Corporate Author

(American Psychological Association 1).

When you have the corporation as the author, you personalize the brand and mention it in your in-text citation. Moreover, while the name of the corporation does not have last names or first name,s you put the whole name in parenthesis.

Multiple Citations

(Turner and Brode 1; Renrut and Edorb 2).

When you have to different works that provided some information for your current sentence, you must acknowledge them both in the MLA format citation. Consequently, you cannot miss a single chance to mention the real authors of the ideas used. Therefore, if you have to deal with multiple contributors in one sentence, you must put a semicolon between your citations and list them all.

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