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MLA Format Template

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Written by
Dr. Emily Norton
  • Icon Calendar 6 November 2024
  • Icon Page 736 words
  • 4 min read

When people face issues with writing papers in specific formats, they need some templates to follow. Basically, it is because not all of the assignments provide a clear description of a format. Also, if teachers ask students to write in the MLA format, they may not explain what is it. In this case, the MLA format template can help students to organize their papers by following the structure of writing for 3 heading levels.

Introduction in MLA Format Template

The introduction in this MLA format template starts with an intriguing sentence to capture the reader’s attention. For instance, the introduction provides a brief but comprehensive description of a topic. Also, other sentences should focus on the topic to give a clear picture of the problem under investigation. In turn, the section ends with a thesis statement that expresses the central idea and directly answers the question answered by the essay.

MLA format template

First Level Heading

The first level heading of the MLA format heading should appear where applicable. In this case, the heading should be boldfaced and aligned to the left in the MLA format template. Besides, it should be in title case. In turn, the first paragraph begins after the heading. However, the first line of the section should not be indented.

Then, the first body paragraph starts with a topic sentence that states the main idea addressed in the section. After that, the second sentence should have an example related to the topic sentence and an in-text citation. The following sentence should explain the case. As a result, the paragraph closes with a sentence that links the explanation to the thesis statement and provides a transition to the next section.

Second Level Heading

The second level heading should appear where applicable. Basically, the heading should be in italics and capitalized. In this case, it should appear in the title case where all important words start with a capital letter, covering the MLA format template. Moreover, the second level heading should have a left margin alignment.

After that, the first paragraph starts with a topic sentence that relates to the second level heading. In this case, the evidence or example from a credible source should support the topic sentence. Besides, a good explanation of the evidence and a transitioning statement should close the section. Finally, one must provide page numbers with quoted information.

Third Level Heading

The third level heading should appear where applicable. In turn, this heading should be centered and bolded in the MLA format template. Besides, it should be in title case. Below the entry, people provide a paragraph structured in topic-evidence-explanation-conclusion format. Also, they provide accurate citations for the sources used.

Conclusion of MLA Format Template

The MLA format paper encourages academic works to end with a definite conclusion. For instance, the conclusion restates the thesis statement. Besides, the conclusion summarizes the entire work in the MLA format template. Finally, one should not introduce new ideas in the last paragraph in order to learn how to write a conclusion in MLA format.

MLA Format Template for Works Cited

The MLA Works Cited should list all sources a new page. For instance, the MLA format Works Cited should contain all references used in in-text citations. Besides, one should arrange the sources in alphabetical order. In this case, the last name of the principal author should help to organize the references in alphabetical order. One should arrange sources from one author in chronological order in the MLA format template. In turn, the most recent source should appear first followed by the oldest one. Thus, the MLA format Works Cited page lists all sources used in writing an academic paper and contains relevant bibliographic information.

Other Features

The MLA Works Cited example should contain relevant bibliographic information of all sources. As a rule, every credible source should have an author, a title, and a year of publications. Along these lines, the title of the references should be in title case. Besides, titles for books and electronic sources should appear in italics while those of periodicals should appear in quotation marks. Some sources should contain more bibliographic details. In this case, one should provide a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number or the link to the source in the MLA format template. Besides, one should give pagination where applicable. Thus, the MLA format paper should contain sufficient bibliographic details in the MLA example and MLA format paper example.     

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