How to Write a Story
- 28 May 2019
- 685 words
Citing a website MLA is critical for any researcher. It is because online sources become common in the digital era. In this case, people need to know the main features of citing web sources. Basically, they must follow the rules of MLA format when using web articles or other secondary sources to avoid plagiarism. In particular, this article covers four main rules of citing websites MLA with examples to follow, ideal for thematic essay examples.
The Modern Language Association (MLA) referencing style is one of the paper formats. Basically, this writing style has special regulations that govern the creation of website citations. Moreover, there are many rules for MLA citation. However, only some of them are critical to MLA format citation. Hence, developing website citations in the MLA style requires knowledge of basic rules concerning web address presentation and the modifications caused by the lack of a known individual author.
In fact, citing a website has specific characteristics that an author must know to create accurate citations, conforming to the styling rules if people know how to cite MLA.
The MLA style citation contains a uniform resource locator (URL) or permalink. Basically, the inclusion of the web address is crucial because it allows the readers to locate the webpage quickly.
When the author retrieves the webpage, the person includes the date by using the phrase, “Accessed.” In this case, the access date is not necessary. However, it is highly encouraged in cases where no copyright date is provided on the website.
The title of the webpage is distinguished from the website’s name using quotation marks. In particular, an article’s title simplifies the process of locating a source. Also, it is usually preferred as compared to providing the name of the website, which has multiple webpages.
Finally, the “https://” element of the web address is eliminated. In this case, the general format of citations for an entire website and a specific webpage are provided below. On the other hand, if the author cannot identify any element in the general format, it should be ignored. Also, people must follow the styling and punctuation of the available details in the MLA citation example.
Author or editor’s names (if available). Name of the Website. Name of the Publisher or Sponsor, publication date, URL, or permalink. Date of access (if necessary).
Bush, Daniel. Citing a Website in MLA Format. Livingstone University, 20 Dec. 2016, Accessed 26 May 2019.
Author or editor’s names (if available). “Title of the webpage.” Name of the Website. Name of the Publisher or Sponsor, publication date, URL, or permalink. Date of access (if necessary).
Parks, John. “Literary Devices Commonly Used in Poetry.” English Daily. London University Press, 19 May 2009, Accessed 26 May 2019.
The lack of an author’s name is a common occurrence for citing a website MLA. In this case, the citation provided may use the name of the organization or corporate author. However, if the appropriate alternative authors cannot be determined, the citation begins with the title of the webpage and maintains the general format. As a result, examples of the citations for websites with no citations are:
“Reacting to a Virus Outbreak.” Healthy Me. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 17 May 2017, Accessed 6 Jan. 2019.
American Health Organisation. “Importance of Booster Shoots.” Healthy Me. World Health Organisation, 12 Sept. 2018, Accessed 26 May 2019.
Summing up, the mandatory rules concerning citing a website MLA have been highlighted in much detail. In turn, authors who encounter any circumstances beyond the scope of this concise presentation should refer to the official source for further direction. Also, it is worth noting that the examples used in this discussion are based on fake citation details to organize the MLA example.