How to Write a Topic Sentence
- 13 June 2019
- 637 words
Books are good sources of information for writing quality research papers. Basically, books provide up-to-date information concerning a specific topic. In this case, the MLA referencing style requires students to provide clear bibliographic details of a book. Hence, students avoid all forms of plagiarism if they know how to cite a book MLA. Thus, students who gather book sources should take note of necessary bibliographic information, like authors, title, edition, publication date, and publisher of books written by one, multiple, and corporate authors.
The general format of how to cite a book MLA should contain author’s name, title, place and date publication, and publisher. For instance, a book with one author should have names in a reversed form. In this case, the surname of the author should begin followed by the first name in the MLA citation. Besides, a comma should separate the two names. In turn, other bibliographic details follow the author’s name separated with commas in the MLA format citation. It means that the title of the book, city of publication, publisher, and date should follow the reversed form of names.
Nevertheless, not all books require publication dates. For example, students should include the city of publication for books published before 1900. Along these lines, recent publications should not contain the city of publication in the MLA format paper. Besides, students should use the city of publication if the issuer of the book has offices in many countries. Therefore, if people know how to cite a book MLA, they include the author’s name, title, place and date publication, and publisher when citing books.
Students citing books with more than one author should take heed of the order of names. For example, the sequence of authors should be similar to that presented in the book. In this case, people should list the names in the order provided by the publisher. The order of the second and third author should not be inverted. Authors should use the first-last name format. They should begin with the first name of the author. In turn, people should only include the names of three authors. Basically, the knowledge of how to cite a book MLA requires one to use the phrase “et al.” for books with more than three authors on the MLA Works Cited. Writers should include the name of the first author in reversed form followed by the phrase “et al.” Therefore, the order of names is an essential element for books with more than one author.
Students should use corporate authors for books written by companies. For instance, corporate authors include commissions, committees, government agencies, or other groups. Basically, corporate books do not identify individual members on their title page. In this case, students should list corporate authors’ name at the bibliographic entry by considering how to cite a book MLA. Therefore, they must include corporate names for books written by organizations.
In conclusion, books are good sources of information. If people want to know how to cite a book MLA, they note necessary bibliographic details of sources used for evidence, which includes authors, editors, title, edition, publication date, publisher, and pagination of books. In this case, books written by one author should use the reversed order of names. Besides, the sequence of names of the second authors should not be changed. For books with three or more authors, people should have the phrase “et al.” in their citations. Finally, they should include corporate authors for books published by organizations.