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How to Cite a Blog in APA and MLA: What to Do with Examples

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Dr. Isabel Larsen
  • Icon Calendar 16 May 2024
  • Icon Page 310 words
  • Icon Clock 2 min read

Blogs may be viable sources where an individual may extract valuable opinions from online interactions. The Modern Language Association (MLA) and American Psychological Association (APA) referencing techniques describe standardized website citation rules. This guide highlights web post citation requirements in APA and MLA. Moreover, the guide explores the role of footnotes in APA and MLA website citations.

How to cite a blog

How to Cite a Blog Post in the APA Style

APA Blog In-Text Citation Format:

  • APA allows an individual to manually count paragraph numbers from a known starting point, for instance, a section heading.

Paragraph numbers: (Paterson, 2012, para. 4)

Heading or section name and no paragraph numbers: (Paterson, 2012, Obesity section, para. 4)

APA Reference List Entry for a Web Post:

Paterson, D. (2012, April 22). Health challenges in contemporary society. Healthy Living. https://blogs.healthandmedicine.com/healthy-living/2012/04/22/health-challenges/

APA Web Page Footnote:

  • A website citation as a footnote occurs when the information provided in the text has a copyright holder stated on the web page.

In-text appearance:

Obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes have relatively high prevalence rates of 28%, 34%, and 23%.8

Footnote structure:

8From Health Challenges in Contemporary Society, by D. Paterson, 2012 (https://blogs.healthandmedicine.com/healthy-living/2012/04/22/health-challenges/). In the public domain.

How to Cite a Blog in MLA

MLA Blog In-Text Citation Format:

  • MLA does not allow for manual counting of paragraphs.

Paragraph numbers: (Paterson par. 3)

No headings or paragraphs with fixed numbering: (Paterson)

MLA Works Cited List Entry for a Web Post:

Paterson, David. “Health Challenges in Contemporary Society.” Healthy Living, Health and Medicine Blogs, 22 Apr. 2012, blogs.healthandmedicine.com/healthy-living/2012/04/22/health-challenges/.

MLA Web Page Footnote:

  • Footnotes are useful for referring readers to useful sources that do not directly contribute to the author’s argument.

In-text appearance:

American healthcare is worsening each day as lifestyle diseases spread through the population.8

Footnote structure:

8For detailed prevalence rates of lifestyle diseases in America, see (Paterson pars. 3-6).

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