Persuasive essay topics refer to compositions that focus on convincing readers to accept an author’s point of view. Basically, prudent learners must use facts and logic, examples, excerpts, opinions, and sound reasoning to show that chosen thoughts remain valid. In particular, this guideline contains the process that one should follow when developing a topic for a persuasive essay. Further on, a presented article contains examples students may use in different subjects. In turn, they should use effective communication strategies to show why a specific position holds. Moreover, one should write a persuasive paper when showing an intended audience that a specific theme or argument appeals to reason, emotion, or character. In this case, learners who intend to prepare outstanding essays must ensure their topics lead to a debatable argument. Besides, they should change a subject to meet readers’ needs while relying on adequate research on persuasive essay topics.
General Guidelines
A persuasive essay subject refers to a composition that convinces readers to accept an author’s point of view. Basically, students rely on facts and logic, examples, excerpts, opinions, and sound reasoning to show that specific thoughts hold. In this case, one must support all sides of an argument and use effective communication strategies to show why a specific position holds. Researching what is a research paper can be a great way to refine persuasive essay techniques. Furthermore, a scholar needs to know how to write a persuasive paper when showing a target audience that a specific subject or argument appeals to reason, emotion, or character. Hence, this type of writing should rely on convincing language to communicate central ideas that relate to a specific persuasive theme.
What Is a Persuasive Essay Topic and Its Purpose
According to its definition, a persuasive essay topic is a carefully chosen issue or idea that invites debate, aiming to convince an intended audience to support a specific position or take action. For example, the main purpose for selecting a persuasive essay topic is to provide a valid foundation for constructing an argument that influences audience’s beliefs or behaviors through logical reasoning, evidence, and rhetorical strategies (Guillain, 2021). Basically, common ideas must be debatable, allowing for different perspectives, and relevant to audience’s interests or concerns. Further on, persuasive essay themes should engage readers emotionally and intellectually, challenging them to consider an author’s arguments (Ciullo et al., 2019). In principle, a student’s goal is to appeal to emotions, establish credibility, and present facts effectively to persuade a target audience to agree with their stances or to reconsider their current viewpoints. Moreover, diverse themes play crucial roles in shaping an entire direction of a paper, determining a strength and clarity of an argument, and engaging readers in a meaningful dialogue on a chosen subject (Corneille et al., 2023). Hence, persuasive essay topics must convince an audience to adopt a proposed viewpoint or take a specific action based on an argument presented.
How to Choose
Choosing a good persuasive essay topic requires a careful analysis of several factors to ensure a subject effectively engages both a writer and an audience. For example, persuasive essay ideas must be debatable, meaning there should be differing viewpoints to present a strong argument (Humble, 2024). In principle, a one-sided or universally agreed-upon subject limits a potential for persuasion. Further on, persuasive essay subjects should align with current issues, social concerns, or interests that will resonate with readers, increasing a likelihood of capturing their attention (Crossley et al., 2022). As such, students should select topics they are passionate about, as this personal investment enhances an overall quality of an argument and provides a more compelling rhetoric. Moreover, researchability is another important factor because topics must have sufficient credible sources to support a central argument with factual evidence (Mentan, 2022). Basically, a scope of a theme should be manageable within an essay’s length, avoiding overly broad subjects that cannot be effectively argued in a space provided. In turn, some steps for picking a good persuasive essay topic include:
Identify a Debatable Issue: Choose ideas that have multiple perspectives, allowing for a strong argument and counterarguments.
Consider Audience Interests: Select a theme that will resonate with readers, making them more engaged in the discussion.
Reflect on Personal Passion: Pick a subject you are passionate about to ensure a more convincing and enthusiastic argument.
Ensure Research Availability: Make sure there are enough credible sources available to support your claims with facts and evidence.
Narrow a Scope: Choose a relevant persuasive essay topic to ensure it can be effectively argued within a paper’s length.
Get a good topic quickly and write it!
Defining Features
In academic writing, persuasive essay topics can be themes that are used to convince individuals. Basically, diverse topics must persuade others in a case of a specific issue (Guillain, 2021). In turn, such themes in persuasive writing may describe different positions, but all of them have one aim, which is to prove a claim. For example, if students want to prove that their position is right, they write papers by using arguments from different sides of their topics (Humble, 2024). Hence, they persuade readers that their claim is the best option to choose. However, students may not define their persuasive topics since they do not know what to argue. As a result, students can consider topics for their persuasive papers provided in this article.
Learners can write two common types of persuasive essay topics. Basically, a first type focuses on reasoning and requires one to use credible facts and proof to convince readers (Mentan, 2022). In this case, some formats of evidence that make this type of essay more substantial include statistical figures, percentages, charts, and graphs. Then, a second type focuses on facts that appeal to emotions and character (Guillain, 2021). As such, one prepares topics that influence readers’ feelings and sentiments. In turn, such compositions convince people to accept a particular set of behaviors as valid (Humble, 2024). Besides, the primary objective of these topics that appeal to ethos is to allow readers to judge an overall credibility of a character, ethics, and knowledge of a particular character, profession, or community. Hence, these two types of persuasive paper topics must rely on credible and compelling evidence to support core arguments.
Exploring the Positive Impacts of Community Service
Freedom of Speech: Essential or Detrimental?
Genetic Engineering: Breakthrough or Threat?
Homeschooling Provides a Better Learning Environment
Impact of Social Media on Teenagers’ Self-Esteem
Justification of Animal Testing in Medical Research
Keeping Traditional Arts Alive: Importance and Challenges
Legalization of Assisted Suicide: Ethical or Not?
Mandatory Military Service: A Duty or a Burden?
Nuclear Power: Solution to the Energy Crisis or a Disaster Waiting to Happen?
Obesity Epidemic: Who Is to Blame?
Pros and Cons of Universal Basic Income
Quantum Computing Will Revolutionize Our World
Reducing Carbon Footprint Should Be Everyone’s Responsibility
Space Exploration: Worth the Investment or a Waste of Resources?
Unplugged Holidays: A Need in the Digital Age
Violent Video Games Encourage Aggressive Behavior
Persuasive Essay Topics for Elementary Students
Welfare State: Beneficial or Detrimental to Society?
Xenophobia: Its Causes and Solutions
Youth Involvement in Politics: A Must for the Future
Balancing Work and Family Life: A Struggle or a Necessity?
Cybersecurity Measures and Their Importance in Today’s World
Driverless Cars: A Leap Forward or a Safety Concern?
Eating Organic: A Health Trend or a Marketing Trick?
GMOs: Solving World Hunger or Health Hazard?
Hybrid Work Model: A Future Workplace Trend
Internet Censorship: Protection or Suppression?
Keeping the Internet Neutral: Importance and Challenges
Meditation Should Be Taught in Schools
Night Shifts: A Health Hazard or a Necessary Evil?
Overpopulation: Crisis or Myth?
Unemployment: A Societal Challenge or an Individual Problem?
Veganism: A Healthier Lifestyle or a Dietary Fad?
Women’s Participation in STEM Fields: Challenges and Solutions
Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics
Xenotransplantation: Medical Miracle or Ethical Nightmare?
Youth Empowerment: A Key to Sustainable Development
Zoological Research: Essential for Conservation or Cruelty to Animals?
Artificial Intelligence Will Provide More Jobs
Banning Plastic Bags: A Necessary Step for Environmental Protection
Cryptocurrencies: A Revolution in the Financial System or a Bubble Waiting to Burst?
Fracking: Economic Boom or Environmental Disaster?
Gun Control Laws Can Reduce Crime Rates
Internet of Things: Convenience or Intrusion of Privacy?
Keeping Celebrities’ Private Lives Out of the Media
Mandatory Voting Laws: Beneficial for Democracy or a Violation of Freedom?
Nuclear Energy: A Viable Solution to Climate Change?
Online Dating: Revolutionizing Relationships or Encouraging Superficiality?
Privacy Is More Important Than National Security in the Digital Age
Quantum Mechanics: A Key to Understanding the Universe
Robotic Surgery: Revolution in Healthcare or High-Risk Procedure?
Funny Persuasive Essay Topics
Space Tourism: A Futuristic Adventure or an Extravagant Waste?
Facial Recognition Technology: Invasion of Privacy or Security Tool?
Work-From-Home Culture: A Boon or a Bane?
Excessive Consumerism Is Driving Climate Change
Freedom of Expression Should Have Limits
Genetic Modification: A Solution to Food Insecurity or a Risk to Biodiversity?
Young Citizens Are More Politically Engaged Than Ever Before
Junk Food Tax Can Help Fight Obesity
Young People Should Be Encouraged to Pursue Entrepreneurship
Junk Food Taxation as a Solution to Obesity
Zoos Play a Crucial Role in Education and Conservation
Diet Changes Can Mitigate Climate Change
Academic Level Difference
Academic level differences in persuasive essay topics primarily reflect a complexity, depth, and scope of a subject matter addressed at each educational stage. In high school, persuasive essay topics tend to be simpler, focusing on familiar issues that students can easily relate to, such as school policies, social media, or community concerns (Mentan, 2022). Essentially, diverse themes require students to present basic arguments supported by general reasoning and limited research. At an undergraduate level, persuasive essay topics require a deep analysis of societal, ethical, or political issues, demanding students to incorporate critical thinking, more rigorous research, and an understanding of broader contexts (Guillain, 2021). As students progress to graduate and Ph.D. levels, persuasive essay topics are expected to demonstrate greater depth, addressing specialized areas within a particular field of study. At these advanced levels, topics require nuanced arguments, detailed evidence from scholarly sources, and a thorough understanding of theoretical frameworks (Humble, 2024). In principle, an ability to engage with complex, sometimes controversial, ideas is essential, as students need not only to present a convincing argument but also to contribute to ongoing academic debates on their topics. Thus, as academic levels progress, persuasive essay topics evolve in sophistication, demanding higher levels of intellectual engagement and research rigor.
Persuasive Essay Topics for High School
Benefits of Studying Abroad for Student
High Schools Should Offer Vocational Training Programs
Life Skills Education Should Be Compulsory in Schools
Education Is the Most Powerful Weapon Against Poverty
Zoological Parks Are Essential for Animal Species Preservation
Financial Education Should Be Mandatory
Online Education Is as Effective as Traditional Classroom Learning
Body Cameras Should Be Mandatory for Police Officers
Robots Will Take Most of Our Jobs in the Future
Benefits of Teaching Emotional Intelligence in Schools
Physical Education Should Be a Mandatory Subject in Schools
Universities Should Make Tuition Free for Low-Income Students
Violent Sports Like Boxing and MMA Should be Banned
Xenophobia Has No Place in Modern Society
Young People Should Have a Say in Political Decisions
Persuasive Essay Topics for Middle School
Bilingual Education Enhances Cognitive Skills
Companies Should Be Accountable for Their Environmental Impact
Digital Literacy: A Fundamental Skill in the 21st Century
Freedom of Press: An Indispensable Pillar of Democracy
Genetically Modified Organisms Are Crucial for Feeding the Growing Global Population
Internet Privacy: A Fundamental Right or a Luxury?
Limitations on Free Speech for the Sake of National Security
Mandatory Vaccination: A Public Health Necessity or an Invasion of Rights?
Nuclear Disarmament Is Crucial for Global Peace
Overuse of Antibiotics Is a Public Health Threat
Quantum Entanglement: A New Era of Communication?
Raising Minimum Wage: A Solution to Poverty or a Cause of Unemployment?
Space Travel: A Scientific Necessity or a Luxury We Can’t Afford?
Unregulated AI Development Can Lead to Unforeseen Dangers
Women Should Be Equally Represented in Leadership Positions
Xenophobic Attitudes Hinder the Development of a Global Society
Banning Single-Use Plastics: A Step Toward Sustainability
Cryptocurrency Regulation: Necessary for Security or a Hindrance to Innovation?
Drone Surveillance: Invasion of Privacy or Necessary for Security?
Persuasive Essay Topics for College
Fast Food Chains Should Be Held Accountable for Obesity Epidemic
Genetic Cloning: Medical Revolution or Ethical Dilemma?
Hybrid Cars Are the Future of Transportation
Internet Censorship Is Necessary for National Security
Juvenile Offenders Should Be Treated as Adults
Legalizing Prostitution: A Pathway to Women’s Empowerment or Exploitation?
Mandatory Parenting Classes for Expectant Parents
Nuclear Power Is a Sustainable Energy Source
Quantum Physics Can Explain the Mysteries of the Universe
Universal Healthcare: A Basic Human Right or a Burden on the Economy?
Violent Video Games Contribute to Youth Violence
Wildlife Conservation Efforts Are Essential to Protect Biodiversity
Xenophobia: An Obstacle to Social Cohesion and Harmony
Cultural Diversity Enhances a Society’s Development
Digital Divide: A Barrier to Equal Opportunities
Environmental Education Should Be Integrated Into School Curriculum
Immigration Policies Should Be More Flexible
Junk Food Advertisements Should Be Regulated to Curb Childhood Obesity
Knowledge Economy: A Key to National Development
Living Wage: A Solution to Income Inequality
Nature Conservation Is Crucial for Human Survival
Political Polarization Is a Threat to Democracy
Quantum Computing Will Revolutionize Cybersecurity
Renewable Energy Can Satisfy Global Energy Demand
Telecommunication Is Beneficial for Both Employers and Employees
Persuasive Essay Topics for University
Privatization of Space Exploration and Its Ethical Implications
Media Portrayal of Body Image and Its Effects on Society
The Rising Influence of Digital Currencies on Traditional Banking
Challenges of Renewable Energy Adoption in Industrial Sectors
Corporate Monopolies and Their Threat to Market Competition
Ethical Considerations in Human Cloning Research and Development
Influence of Nationalism on International Diplomacy and Relations
Gender Bias in STEM Fields and Strategies for Achieving Equality
Effects of Automation on Employment Opportunities in Various Industries
Roles of Art in Political Protest Movements and Social Change
Mental Health Stigma in Athletic Communities and Its Consequences
Effects of Influencer Marketing on Modern Consumer Behavior
Political Polarization and Its Threat to Democratic Stability
Economic Impacts of Universal Healthcare Systems Globally
Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement and Its Long-Term Consequences
Benefits of Bilingual Education in Multicultural Societies
Food Insecurity and Its Long-Term Impact on Public Health
Legal and Moral Implications of Autonomous Vehicle Accidents
Immigration Policies and Their Impact on Economic Growth
Governmental Regulations on Cryptocurrency and Their Economic Impact
Persuasive Essay Topics for Master’s and Ph.D.
Artificial Intelligence’s Ethical Impacts on Autonomous Medical Decision-Making
Global Trade Policies and Their Influence on Environmental Preservation Efforts
Human Rights Violations and Their Economic Consequences in Authoritarian Regimes
Genetic Engineering Advancements and Their Role in Addressing Food Security
Water Resource Management Challenges in Developing Nations
Societal Implications of Artificial Consciousness in Robotics
Sustainable Energy Solutions and Their Influence on International Relations
Digital Surveillance and Its Effect on Personal Freedoms in Democratic States
Climate-Induced Migration and Its Impact on Global Economic Stability
Cybersecurity Threats and the Future of National Defense Strategies
Public Health Policy Failures and Lessons from Global Pandemics
The Influence of Media Ownership on Political Transparency and Democracy
Corporate Influence on International Humanitarian Aid Distribution
Ocean Acidification and Its Long-Term Impact on Marine Biodiversity
Social Media’s Role in Shaping Public Opinion on Global Crises
The Influence of Ethical Philosophy on the Regulation of Genetic Editing
Autonomous Vehicles and Their Legal Implications on Transportation Policies
Ethical Issues Surrounding the Commercialization of Space Travel
Cultural Preservation Amidst the Expansion of Globalization
Nanotechnology Advancements and Their Impact on Public Health Safety
Persuasive Essay Topics for 5th Grade
Zoos: Education Centers or Animal Prisons?
Telemedicine Will Transform Healthcare Services
Knowledge Is More Important Than Grades in Education
Junk Food Should Be Banned in Schools
Humans and Climate Change
Green Technology Is Crucial to a Sustainable Future
Zoos Help in Wildlife Conservation
Ban on Single-Use Plastic Can Save Our Oceans
Knowledge of Personal Finance Is Essential for Everyone
Human Activities Are Accelerating Global Warming
Virtual Reality and Its Popularity Will Change Our Lives
Physical Activity Is Vital for Mental Health
Knowledge Is Power: The Importance of Education
People Should Reduce Meat Consumption
Persuasive Essay Topics for Kids
Advantages of Renewable Energy Over Fossil Fuels
Smartphone Addiction: A Social Issue or a Personal Problem?
Plastic Waste Management: Our Responsibility Toward the Environment
Distance Learning: An Effective Alternative to Traditional Education?
Technology Is Making People Lazier
Youth Activism Is Changing the World for the Better
Zoos Should Be Transformed Into Conservation Centers
Green Buildings Are the Future of Construction
Technology Develops More Problems Than It Solves
Young People’s Voice Is Crucial in Climate Change Discussions
Social Media Platforms Should Not Post Fake News
Electric Vehicles Will Dominate the Auto Industry
Junk Food Advertisements Should Be Banned From Children
Teaching Critical Thinking Skills Should Be a Primary Goal of Education
Public Transport Should Be Free for Everyone
List of 170 Persuasive Essay Topics
Topics for persuasive essays differ from other types of compositions since they must focus on establishing a particular argument as valid. Basically, such themes must allow writers to persuade readers to accept a particular line of thought (Mentan, 2022). As such, topics may vary depending on a particular type of paper. In this case, prudent students may vary diverse themes to meet specific needs depending on specific subjects. Hence, some examples of persuasive topics for two types of persuasive essays that one may consider in different areas of knowledge are:
Persuasive Themes That Appeal to Reasoning
Can online schools be as effective as traditional schools?
Which 21st-century invention has had the most substantial impact on society?
Shorter time of college lectures promotes grades.
Students do not have enough sleep in college.
Higher education brings benefits to contemporary students.
Examples of topics above may vary from one area of knowledge to another, depending on a writer’s focus. In turn, possible topics for different subjects that one may consider when writing a persuasive work, which appeals to reasoning are:
Art or Culture
Online schools are effective in promoting creativity among elementary learners.
Traditional schools ensure that young learners attain creativity in drawing.
Traditional education promotes innovativeness in crafting.
Online schools make Harry Potter books more popular than they deserve.
Online schools inhibit cultural competency in the United States.
Internet-based schools promote cultural diversity.
How do internet-based schools ensure that music becomes an effective way to treat mental illness?
With e-readers so famous, have libraries become obsolete?
Online schools are effective in promoting business creativity among college learners.
Traditional schools fail to equip learners with business-oriented skills.
Traditional education promotes economic innovativeness.
E-learning allows people to enhance their business schools.
Should all high school students be required to take an online class on financial literacy?
How do internet-based schools ensure that people gain financial literacy?
With e-readers becoming so popular, do economic and business schools become obsolete?
Online learning is effective in promoting knowledge acquisition in the twenty-first century.
Traditional schools fail to impart the knowledge required in the twenty-first century.
Traditional education promotes equality in learning.
E-learning is not an effective method for acquiring training for young learners.
Online schools fail to impart the necessary behaviors among learners.
Internet-based schools lower the financial burden of acquiring primary education.
How do internet-based schools ensure that adults gain adequate knowledge?
Do traditional schools provide suitable means for promoting adult education?
Online learning discourages students from performing community service to graduating high school.
Traditional schools fail to impart the knowledge required in the twenty-first century.
Traditional education promotes racial equality.
E-learning is not an effective method of promoting civic education.
Can online schools enable convicted felons to advance their education during their sentence?
Internet-based schools undermine the learner’s ability to become responsible citizens.
How do internet-based schools ensure that adults gain adequate knowledge about fundamental rights?
Traditional schools provide suitable means for attaining civic responsibility.
Government or Politics
Online learning undermines the government’s goal of promoting universal education.
Traditional schools fail to support equal political participation.
Traditional education leads to political responsibility.
E-learning is not an effective method for promoting political awareness.
Can online schools enable citizens from marginalized communities to learn about their civic duties?
Traditional schools provide suitable means for attaining political responsibility.
Internet-based schools enhance learners’ understanding of international politics.
How does internet-based learning ensure that Americans take an active part in the voting process?
Online learning enhances HIV and AIDS control and mitigation measures.
Traditional school fails to enhance effective disease control measures.
Traditional education leads to improved public health.
E-learning fails to promote the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Can online schools enable citizens from marginalized communities to acquire knowledge about infectious diseases?
Traditional schools provide suitable means for sensitizing people about infectious diseases.
Internet-based schools can reduce the risk of sexual harassment.
How does internet-based learning ensure that all teenagers acquire adequate knowledge about reproductive health?
Does online learning affect learners’ knowledge about King Arthur as a mythical legend or an actual Dark Ages king?
Traditional schooling helps to spread the history of a community.
How did traditional education contribute to the Rwandan genocide?
Can e-learning provide solutions to historical injustices?
Can online schools enable citizens to understand the US justification for dropping atomic bombs during WWII?
Traditional schools provide a suitable means for learning Roman traditions.
Internet-based schools can prevent a sufficient understanding of Byzantine’s ways of life.
How does internet-based learning ensure a sufficient spread of history?
Does online learning affect learners’ knowledge about exotic plants?
Traditional learning makes scientific testing on animals necessary.
How did traditional education contribute to the development of nuclear plants?
Can e-learning provide solutions to environmental pollution?
Can online schools enable citizens to understand the importance of controlling greenhouse emissions?
Traditional schools provide a suitable means for learning about green energy.
Internet-based schools can lead to misleading knowledge about environmental pollution.
How does internet-based learning ensure a sufficient spread of scientific knowledge?
Online learning undermines talent development in various sporting activities.
Traditional learning promotes various sporting activities.
How did traditional education contribute to the development of American football?
Can online schooling support equal opportunities in sports?
Can online schools enable citizens to understand the importance of sports in their health?
Traditional schools provide suitable means for promoting athletics.
Internet-based schools spreading misleading knowledge about sports’ health benefits.
How does internet-based learning promote sporting knowledge?
Can online schools be as effective as traditional schools in teaching mathematics?
Do most college students in the United States prefer traditional schooling systems for learning mathematics?
Can online learning enhance statistics knowledge among college students?
Most of the learners who use e-learning perform poorly in mathematics.
Which 21st-century invention has had the most significant impact on mathematics learning?
How does mathematics knowledge influence technological developments?
The shorter time of college lectures promotes mathematics grades.
Mathematics lessons should take more time than humanities.
Persuasive Essay Topics That Appeal to a Character or Ethos
Should facial recognition technology be banned?
Does excessive social media use lead to anxiety?
Should social media be banned for children younger than a certain age?
Does Instagram affect a sense of a woman’s beauty?
Should TikTok be banned in the United States?
Examples of persuasive essay topics given above may vary from one area of knowledge to another, depending on a writer’s focus. Hence, possible samples for different subjects that one may consider when writing a persuasive paper that appeals to reasoning are:
Persuasive Essay Topics About Art or Culture
Facial recognition technology violates cultural beliefs.
Most aboriginals oppose the use of facial recognition technologies.
Excessive social media use motivates people to lose their cultures.
Excessive social media use promotes art.
Social media promote innovativeness in art.
Social media is an effective way of teaching arts among young children.
Social media hinders children from appreciating art.
Social media promotes the popularity of Baroque art.
Persuasive Essay Topics About Economics
Social media promotions can help people in higher income brackets to pay taxes.
Social media use promotes financial literacy.
Responsible use of social media can help to promote the American dream.
Social media influences how people understand the economic policies imposed by the government.
Banning workplace social media use promotes profitability.
Excessive use of social media exposes people to business fraud.
Social media incitements motivate people to abscond taxes.
Excessive use of social media promotes poverty.
Persuasive Essay Topics About Education
Social media platforms are effective in promoting knowledge acquisition in the twenty-first century.
Social media usage fails to impart the knowledge required in the twenty-first century.
Extensive social media usage promotes equality in learning.
Social media is not an effective method of influencing young learners.
Excessive social media usage fails to impart the necessary behaviors among learners.
Social media platforms present the potential to lower the financial burden of acquiring primary education.
How do social media platforms ensure that adults gain adequate knowledge?
Do social media platforms provide suitable means for promoting adult education?
Persuasive Essay Topics About Ethics
Excessive social media usage discourages students from performing community service to graduate high school.
Social media platforms fail to impart the morals required in the twenty-first century.
Responsible social media usage promotes racial equality.
Social media is not an effective method for promoting civic education.
Can the use of social media in prisons enable convicted felons to advance their education during their sentence?
Excessive social media usage undermines teenagers’ ability to become responsible citizens.
How do social media platforms ensure that adults gain adequate knowledge about fundamental rights?
Can social media platforms provide a suitable means for attaining civic responsibility?
Persuasive Essay Topics About Government or Politics
Social media platforms undermine the government’s goal of promoting universal education.
Various social media platforms fail to support equal political participation.
Excessive social media usage leads to political responsibility.
Communication through social media is not an effective method for promoting political awareness.
Can social media communication enable citizens from marginalized communities to learn about their civic duties?
Social media communication provides a suitable means for attaining political responsibility.
Social media communication enhances the citizens’ understanding of international politics.
How does the extensive usage of social media communication ensure that Americans participate in the voting process?
Persuasive Essay Topics About Health
Social media communication enhances HIV and AIDS control and mitigation measures.
Responsible social media communication enhances effective disease control measures.
Engaging the public through social media leads to improved public health.
Social media communication can promote the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Effective social media communication can help citizens from marginalized communities to acquire knowledge about infectious diseases.
Adequate social media communication provides a suitable means for sensitizing people about infectious diseases.
Strategized social media communication can reduce the risk of sexual harassment.
How does effective social media communication ensure that teenagers acquire reproductive health awareness?
Persuasive Essay Topics About History
Can social media communication affect learners’ knowledge about King Arthur as a mythical legend or an actual Dark Ages king?
The integration of social media in learning helps to spread the history of a community.
How could active social media communication contribute to the Rwandan genocide?
Can social media usage help to solve historical injustices?
Can social media communication enable citizens to understand the US justification for dropping atomic bombs during WWII?
Traditional communication strategies provide a suitable means for learning Roman traditions.
Excessive social media communication can prevent a sufficient understanding of Byzantine’s ways of life.
How does social media usage promote a sufficient spread of history?
Persuasive Essay Topics About Science
Does social media communication affect the acquisition of scientific knowledge?
Facial recognition technology creates a negative perception of science.
The emergence of social media had positive impacts on scientific knowledge.
Can social media communication provide solutions to influence people to acquire responsible behaviors toward environmental pollution?
Can social media communication enable citizens to understand the importance of controlling greenhouse emissions?
Excessive social media communication can motivate people to appreciate the importance of promoting green energy.
Social media communication results in misleading knowledge about environmental pollution.
How does social media communication ensure a sufficient spread of scientific knowledge?
Persuasive Essay Topics About Sports
Social media communication motivates people to engage in sporting activities.
Facial recognition can help to reduce fraud in sports.
How do social media promote American football?
Integrating facial recognition in sports reduces personification.
Can social media communication citizens appreciate the importance of sports?
How can socially banning children younger than a certain age affect their sporting activities?
Social media plays a crucial role in spreading misleading information about sports’ health benefits.
Adequate social media communication promotes sporting knowledge.
Persuasive Essay Topics About Mathematics
Mathematics forms the foundation of facial recognition technologies.
Social media platforms play a crucial role in teaching mathematics during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How do students feel about the use of social media in enhancing statistics knowledge?
Most of the learners who use social media perform poorly in mathematics.
Which 21st-century invention has had the most significant impact on mathematics learning?
How does mathematics knowledge influence the development of facial recognition technologies?
Integrating social media learning promotes mathematics grades.
Mathematical models explain social media communication behaviors better than psychological models.
Persuasive Essay Topics on Opinion
Students get an assignment where they have to learn how to persuade individuals about what they think is right on specific topics. Basically, professors, teachers, or tutors assign papers on controversial issues where students need to define, defend, and prove their opinions (Guillain, 2021). Thus, possible topics for persuasive works are listed below:
Should euthanasia be legal?
Are video games harmful to kids or not?
Should people use robots as weapons?
Is God real or not?
Which religion is better, Christianity or Islam?
Is poverty a crime?
Why are people selfish?
What do people need to learn more, exact sciences or humanities?
Is abortion an ethical practice?
What harms the environment more, gasoline or electric cars?
Persuasive Essay Topics on Solving Issues
Persuasive essay topics can be used to convince a target audience that a specific argument is right. In this case, they can be social issues that individuals want to solve. Thus, arguments are needed to prove specific positions, while persuasive themes can be:
People should not buy fast food because it harms their health.
Prostitution is a sin that affects society negatively.
Criminals should be isolated from society because they are dangerous.
Cats are more friendly pets in comparison to dogs.
Public smoking affects the well-being of children.
Firearms should be banned for people with mental conditions.
Same-sex marriages should be legal since love is a human right.
People should always tell the truth.
All countries in the world should not have borders because of the effects of the digital nation.
Grades in education do not mean knowledge.
Persuasive Essay Topics for Rhetorical Themes
Consequently, many students get assignments where they have to check articles, speeches, or other works of famous individuals to analyze, define, defend, and prove their positions on topics. In this way, such types of works lead to an entire analysis of assigned articles, speeches, or other works, while students develop their own visions on the issues (Humble, 2024). As such, typical persuasive essay topics are listed below:
The speech of Donald Trump on the Texas Border will lead to wasting taxpayers’ money.
The Republic by Plato is what the world needs to implement.
The speech “First Inaugural Address” by Abraham Lincoln defined a sense of union.
Western philosophy extended Asian concepts.
Malcolm X advocated Black rights by using logos, ethos, and pathos in his speeches.
Stephen Hawking’s works in science have both positive and negative consequences for humans.
The artworks of Frida Kahlo represented the bright potential of women in a patriarchal society.
Sojourner Truth’s speech “Ain’t I a Woman” demonstrates the harmful effects of gender inequality.
Barack Obama’s speeches took the hearts of many Americans but did not change anything.
Constructing Valid Topics for Persuasive Essays
Learners should take prudent measures when selecting topics for persuasive papers. In turn, a failure to choose an appropriate subject can affect an overall quality of an essay (Mentan, 2022). Hence, specific steps that one must follow when selecting a specific subject are:
Step 1: Research
Students must carry out adequate research on a chosen subject. In this case, learners should brainstorm ideas to identify some information about desired persuasive themes. For example, some of the viable areas that one should consider include government, animal tests, gender rights, and education issues, among other emerging subjects (Guillain, 2021). As a result, researching allows writers to gain more knowledge about their topics, which leads to a development of strong arguments.
Step 2: Focus
Outstanding learners should avoid overdone persuasive essay topics. Basically, authors should focus on original themes to ensure such topics appear unique (Humble, 2024). As such, a whole process involves integrating emerging issues into a subject to avoid monotony. In turn, a picked theme must make an essay’s theme interesting to readers.
Step 3: Rewriting a Topic
Writers should make their persuasive essay topics debatable. In this case, one should rely on adequate research to ensure a study subject has different points of view (Mentan, 2022). Moreover, students should revise study subjects to ensure their themes represent a controversial issue.
Step 4: Use Online Help
Students may seek guidance when facing challenges in developing a topic for a persuasive essay. For example, learners may find useful information on creating an argumentative theme from credible websites (Guillain, 2021). As a result, one should utilize such resources to meet academic requirements.
Summing Up
Persuasive essay topics are themes that focus on convincing readers to accept a writer’s point of view. Basically, a scholar must use facts and logic, examples, excerpts, opinions, and sound reasoning to show that chosen thoughts remain valid. In this case, such compositions should include details that support all sides of arguments and use effective communication strategies to show why a specific position holds. Then, students need to write a persuasive paper when showing a target audience that a specific theme or argument appeals to reason, emotion, or character. Hence, some tips on persuasive essay topics that one must consider when writing such works are:
Persuasive essay topics must lead to a debatable argument.
One should change subjects to meet readers’ needs.
Adequate research helps to improve a persuasive essay topic.
Ciullo, S., Mason, L. H., & Judd, L. (2019). Persuasive quick-writing about text: Intervention for students with learning disabilities. Behavior Modification, 45(1), 122–146.
Corneille, O., Havemann, J., Henderson, E. L., IJzerman, H., Hussey, I., Orban de Xivry, J.-J., Jussim, L., Holmes, N. P., Pilacinski, A., Beffara, B., Carroll, H., Outa, N. O., Lush, P., & Lotter, L. D. (2023). Beware ‘persuasive communication devices’ when writing and reading scientific articles. eLife, 12, 1–6.
Crossley, S. A., Baffour, P., Tian, Y., Picou, A., Benner, M., & Boser, U. (2022). The persuasive essays for rating, selecting, and understanding argumentative and discourse elements (persuade) corpus 1.0. Assessing Writing, 54, 1–6.
Guillain, C. (2021). What is persuasive writing. Heinemann Raintree.
Humble, R. K. (2024). The humble argument: A readable introduction to argument and the college essay. Chemeketa Press.
Mentan, E. T. (2022). English essay writing handbook. Authors’ Tranquility Press.