What to Do If You Can't Find a Job After College
- 30 June 2020
- 2223 words
Researchers in business-related fields employ the American Psychological Association (APA) style for citation. Basically, by considering learning how to cite a case study in APA, students need to consider such a type of source for their academic research. Here’s how to start a summary of an article for proper understanding. In turn, this guide explains the standard in-text citation and reference list formats for such papers acquired from the Harvard Business Review magazine. Also, the guide demonstrates the use of copyright attribution and content footnotes for case study sources.
Parenthetical citation: (Jones, 2010, p. 12)
Narrative citation: Jones (2010) argues . . . proper efforts (p. 12).
Author, D. D. (Year, month date). Title of the case study. Title of the Magazine, Volume(Issue number), Page numbers. DOI or URL
Jones, G. H. (2010, March 19). Building an economy for generations. Harvard Business Review, 3(12), 32-37. https://hbr.org/case/hbs_22345
First footnote: Shared control over the business eliminates leadership issues.1
Subsequent reference to the footnote: Change management is critical during transitions (see Footnote 1).
Content Footnote:
1 The researchers used Rawld’s test to validate the findings.
Copyright Attribution:
1 Adapted from “Building an Economy for Generations,” by G. H. Jones, 19 March 2010, Harvard Business Review, 3(12), p. 34 (https://hbr.org/case/hbs_22345).