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Academic Paper

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Written by
Dr. Helen Johnson
  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 547 words
  • 3 min read

Writing skills are essential in everybody’s life. Basically, people require these skills for academic purposes in various educational institutes. Also, they use different writing formats when organizing an academic paper. In this case, academic writing is different from a personal narrative because it relies on formal language, standard structures, and focus on issues that are outside an individual’s interest. 

Formal Language

Academic papers use formal language, which makes them different from personal narratives. For instance, academic writing covers a third-person language. Also, an academic paper should not rely on a first-person perspective. In this case, people must write papers in a third-person format. Unlike personal narratives, academic writing should not use active voice. Basically, academic work relies on past or presents continuous tenses. In turn, the tenses in papers make statements precise. For example, academic works should not use contractions or abbreviations. Along these lines, such types of papers use complete and meaningful words. Besides, the strategy ensures that scholarly writing should not have vague statements. Thus, academic papers differ from personal narratives since they rely on the formal choice of words and sentences.

Academic paper

Standard Format in Academic Paper

Academic papers use a standard format compared to personal narratives. For instance, an academic paper should have a clear and strong thesis statement. In this case, the scholar must state the central claim in the academic essay. Besides, the writer must defend the central claim by using reputable evidence. Comparing with narrative papers, academic writing should have effective body paragraphs. In turn, each body paragraph must support the central claim. Besides, one body section should focus on a single concept. Therefore, academic writing follows the standard format to enhance the clarity of ideas.

Actual Issues

Academic writing focuses on issues that actual issues. For instance, the student must focus on a subject matter of scholarly importance. In this case, an academic paper should focus on a topic that helps to improve knowledge. Along these lines, one must identify a new knowledge problem for the field. For example, scholarly papers should focus on debatable subjects. Hence, the person should provide sufficient details to support his or her point of view on the selected topic. Besides, the writer should prove that his or her position is valid in an academic paper. On the other hand, the personal narrative focuses on issues that relate to the learner’s interest. Particularly, the author of the paper should focus on an exciting topic that affects his or her life. Also, personal narratives present events that interest the writer. Thus, academic writing does not focus on aspects that affect the scholar’s interests.

Conclusion on Academic Paper

In conclusion, an academic paper is not a personal narrative. Basically, academic writing must meet the requirements of a formal voice. In this case, such a style of writing relies on a third-person perspective. Besides, people must avoid contractions and abbreviations and follow a unique structure. Along these lines, academic papers must have strong thesis statements and clear body paragraphs. Then, such works should focus on issues that are outside personal interest, advancing knowledge by providing evidential support to selected and exciting topics. In turn, personal narratives give a chronological order of events that affected the author’s life. Thus, academic writing and personal stories have different scope and structure.

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