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How to Write an Article Review: Tips, Outline, Format, & Examples

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Dr. Isabel Larsen
  • Icon Calendar 15 May 2024
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This guideline is about how to write an article review, pointing out what students should do to produce high-standard texts, such as preparing themselves, setting the stage, and perfecting the documents by revising and editing words, sentences, and paragraphs to eliminate grammatical and formatting flaws and logical inconsistencies. Basically, an article review presents a constructive analysis of the literature. In this case, scholars use summary, classification, investigation, and appraisal when reviewing scholarly sources. Moreover, such papers help people to identify knowledge gaps in a source and recommend new research areas. In turn, target groups are experts in specific fields, novice researchers, and decision-makers. Other vital information includes a sample outline and an example of an article review paper, the dos and don’ts, and essential tips for writing this type of text. Therefore, reading this guideline prepares one to write an outstanding article review paper that meets the instructor’s expectations and satisfies the rules of academic writing.

General Aspects of How to Write an Outstanding Article Review Paper & Example

Students are individually responsible for excellent academic performance. Anyone in college must develop a mindset that promotes this noble goal. Writing is an activity that helps individuals in a learning institution to convert ideas into text, enhancing intellectual creativity. There are various types of papers that students write as part of ongoing or end-year assessments. Writing different types of essays requires learners to review and apply what they have learned in class or private study to produce a logical document. Therefore, individuals must always endeavor to learn more because no one knows when such knowledge may prove valuable. This article outlines essential details that college students should read, comprehend, and utilize when writing an article review paper. Thus, reading this guideline equips one with valid knowledge that proves fundamental when writing this type of academic text.

How to Write an Article Review: Tips, Outline, Format, & Examples

Definition of What Is an Article Review and Its Meaning

An article review is a document that examines a literary text and summarizes it by addressing the most critical elements, such as the topic and its background, and its relevance. Ideally, scholars review articles to address specific issues that stand out, such as the author’s controversial or erroneous arguments. Students may need to start writing an article review to demonstrate critical thinking because such a task requires one to state what is in the text and evaluate it and its significance. Therefore, when reviewing an article, it means that one must use intellectual creativity to interrogate the author’s ideas and presume their intention. However, an article review differs from academic texts, like an argumentative essay, a research proposal or research paper, and reports, because students use an author’s content as subject material.

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Unique Structure Features of an Article Review

One reason why an article review differs from other scholarly texts is its set of unique features. The first is that it is based on an existing document. While writers begin other academic texts, like essays from scratch, students start writing their papers by reviewing the assigned source, or they search for it on their own. The second feature is a summary since writers focus on reading the article and highlighting the essential details, like the topic, thesis statement, and central ideas. The third unique feature is evaluation, while the purpose of an article review is not to report what the text says but evaluate its content from the reviewer’s perspective. In this case, people must know the topical area to assess the source. The fourth and most critical feature is significance because an article review must communicate the relevance of the text. In turn, students must incorporate all these four elements when writing an article review.

🔹 Title of an Article Review

An excellent article review must have a unique title. For example, an essay title should be informative, while the heading should include essential terms and indicate that the text is under review. In this case, the title of any article review paper should influence the audience to read the text. For instance, a compelling title should include a message about the review materials, and readers should understand the author’s goal. Thus, an article review must have a clear and relevant title.

🔹 Overview Paragraph or Introduction

The first paragraph of an article review must provide the background information on the source under investigation, like any college essay introduction presents a brief overview of the paper. In this case, the introductory section should include the title of the source under review and its authors, following the title case rule. Then, the introduction must describe the focus of the source, develops a knowledge question, and clarifies the organization of the text under evaluation. Along these lines, this paragraph must have a narrow focus on the relevant source. Therefore, the overview paragraph section must provide appropriate background information on the corresponding source and develop a research question.

🔹 Body of an Article Review or Its Content

The body of an article review must be relevant to the assigned source. For example, paragraph writing should present the material and method used in the source under consideration. In this case, some sections that people may consider when writing their papers reveal the data sources, research strategies, and selection criteria. Besides, the material and method sections should entail the number of studies included and statistical approaches used to analyze data. Thus, body paragraphs should cover the strategies used to gather and analyze data in the source under analysis.

🔹 Conclusion or Final Paragraph

Being the last section of an article review, the conclusion paragraph should answer the research question presented in the introductory paragraph and what the author intends to share. For instance, the conclusion should reveal the implication of the findings. Besides, this part of the paper should identify the interpretations by the author and unresolved knowledge questions. Thus, the ending paragraph must justify the research question identified in the introduction.

🔹 Reference List and Illustrations (Optional)

An excellent article review should contain a reference list to avoid plagiarism and illustrations that are optional. For example, the reference list should include the full bibliographic information of the evaluated sources to acknowledge credible sources. In turn, illustrations may help students to visualize the analyzed sources. For instance, a compelling article review paper may include concept maps. In turn, this method may help to show a clear relationship between perceptions and theories used by authors. Thus, this type of paper should acknowledge reliable sources and may include illustrations to enhance a better understanding of central concepts.

Possible Formatting Examples of Sources for an Article Review

Because an article review is a scholarly document, students must incorporate citations to indicate ideas they have borrowed from other scholars. There are four primary formatting styles: APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago/Turabian. Each style has unique features that make it distinct, although some of them have several similarities. When writing an article review, students should adopt the style their instructor explicitly specified. However, without such specifications, one should choose a style they have used before because they grasp the unique elements that the text should emphasize. These elements should appear in all formatting styles and include the author’s name, the source’s title, the date or year of publication, and the publisher’s name. All headings are in the title case for level one, two, and three headings across all the styles.

📕 APA (American Psychological Association) Formatting Style for an Article Review

The APA style is among the most common formatting styles for most academic texts. When using this style, students should focus on three aspects: outline, in-text citations, and References. The outline is the overall appearance of a document. Although most academic texts have a three-part outline (introduction, body, conclusion), writers use headings and subheadings to organize their work logically. Rules for APA headings require students to bold and center the first-level headings, bold and flush left the second-level headings, and bold, italicize, and flush left the third-level headings. In-text citations should capture the author’s surname, year of publication, and paragraph or page number. Essential details for entries in the References page are the author’s surname, publication year in brackets, source’s title italicized in sentence case, and the publisher. The following examples for a review show APA References entries and corresponding in-text citations:

Web article ‘References’ entry:

Paluch, J., & Herrera, J. (2023, February 21). Homeless populations are rising around California. Public Policy Institute of California. https://www.ppic.org/blog/homeless-populations-are-rising-around-california/

In-text citation at the end of a sentence:

(Paluch & Herrera, 2023, para. 2).

Scholarly or scientific article under review:

Somerville, P. (2013). Understanding homelessness. Housing, Theory, and Society, 30(4), 384-415. https://doi.org/10.1080/14036096.2012.756096

News article under review:

Kang, J. C. (2023, July 2). What does California’s homeless population actually look like. The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/what-does-californias-homeless-population-actually-look-like

📕 MLA (Modern Language Association) Formatting Style for an Article Review

Students should focus on the most critical features when adopting the MLA style to write an article review. They are the outline, in-text citations, and Works Cited. Concerning MLA format heading, writers should ensure the first level is in the title case, bolded, and flushed left; the second is in the title case, bolded, italicized, and flushed left; and the third is bolded and centered in the title case. For in-text citations, students should capture the author’s name and the paragraph or page number. However, for entries on the works cited page, one should provide more details, including the author’s name, the article in the title case, the publisher in italics, and the publication year. The following examples for a review show Works Cited entries for various sources:

Web article ‘Works Cited’ entry:

Paluch, Jennifer, and Joseph Herrera. “Homeless Populations Are Rising Around California.” Public Policy Institute of California, 2023, https://www.ppic.org/blog/homeless-populations-are-rising-around-california/

In-text citation at the end of a sentence:

(Paluch and Herrera para. 2).

Scholarly or scientific article under review:

Somerville, Peter. “Understanding Homelessness.” Housing, Theory, and Society, vol. 30, no. 4, 2013, pp. 384-415, https://doi.org/10.1080/14036096.2012.756096.

News article under review:

Kang, Jay Caspian. “What Does California’s Homeless Population Actually Look Like.” The New Yorker, 2023. https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/what-does-californias-homeless-population-actually-look-like

📕 Harvard Formatting Style for an Article Review

The Harvard formatting style resembles the APA style in some aspects. When using this style, an article reviewer should focus on the outline, in-text citations, and the References List. Regarding the outline, writers should bold and center the first-level headings and write it in the title case. They should equally bold the second-level headings and write them in the title case but flush it left. Lastly, students should indent and bold the third-level headings but write them in sentence case. They should begin writing after the period. In-text citations should have the name of the author, publication year, and page or paragraph number. The essential details for entries in the References List are the author’s name, the publication year, the source, and the publisher. Such entries for a review should appear differently for various sources as follows:

Web article ‘References List’ entry:

Paluch, J and Herrera, J 2023, ‘Homeless populations are rising around California,’ Public Policy Institute of California. Available from: <https://www.ppic.org/blog/homeless-populations-are-rising-around-california/>. [13 August 2023].

In-text citation at the end of a sentence:

(Paluch & Herrera 2023, para. 2).

Scholarly or scientific article under review:

Somerville, P 2013, ‘Understanding homelessness,’ Housing, Theory, and Society, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 384-415. https://doi.org/10.1080/14036096.2012.756096.

News article under review:

Kang, JC 2023, ‘What does California’s homeless population actually look like,’ The New Yorker. Available from: < https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/what-does-californias-homeless-population-actually-look-like>. [13 August 2023].

📕 Chicago/Turabian Formatting Style for an Article Review

The Chicago/Turabian formatting style is similar to the MLA style in some aspects. When writing an article review, students should focus on the outline, in-text citations, and the Bibliography. Regarding the outline, they should center and bold the first-level headings and write them in the title case. They should also center and write the second-level headings in the title case without the boldface. Finally, writers should bold and flush left the third-level headings and ensure they are in the title case. In-text citations should appear in the footnotes, while the most critical elements for Bibliography entries are the author’s name, the source’s title, the publisher, and the publication year. These entries for a review should read as follows for various sources:

Web article ‘Bibliography’ entry:

Paluch, Jennifer, and Joseph Herrera. “Homeless Populations Are Rising Around California.” Public Policy Institute of California, 2023, https://www.ppic.org/blog/homeless-populations-are-rising-around-california/.

In-text citation appears in the footnote as:

Jennifer Paluch and Joseph Herrera, “Homeless Populations Increasing in California,” Public Policy Institute of California, 2023, par. 6, https://www.ppic.org/blog/homeless-populations-are-rising-around-california/.

Scholarly or scientific article under review:

Somerville, Peter. “Understanding Homelessness.” Housing, Theory, and Society, vol. 30, no. 4, 2013, pp. 384-415, https://doi.org/10.1080/14036096.2012.756096.

News article under review:

Kang, Jay Caspian. “What Does California’s Homeless Population Actually Look Like.” The New Yorker, 2023. https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/what-does-californias-homeless-population-actually-look-like.

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Common Types of Article Reviews

Article reviews come in different forms precisely because different sources are emerging across multiple platforms daily. The common platforms include the Web, online publications, news outlets, and online databases. Therefore, when reviewing an article, students should consider the platform upon which it exists because such details must appear when formatting the paper.

The Web

The Web is the most robust platform for scholarly and other types of documents. Ideally, anyone who writes an article can post it on this platform because of fewer rules or limitations, such as the need for a standard text. As such, students can access all types of documents on the Web, including articles addressing various societal issues like homelessness. Bloggers view the Web as the ideal place to spread ideas because of the enormous traffic of people that visit it daily. When reviewing articles from the Web, students should understand that such documents can be academically valid or invalid depending on the author. The best way to determine an article’s intellectual validity is to consider the author’s credentials. What they write must be valid if they are scholars, such as architects, physicians, or software engineers.

Online Publications

Online publications for a review include journals and magazines that provide professionals with a good place to share ideas and review them. Almost every profession has an online journal or magazine where individuals in the trade and those interested in it can exchange thoughts regarding various issues. For example, the scientific community has New Scientist, Architectural Digest, and Tech Briefs, which are online magazines where people interested in essay topics in science, architecture, and engineering can find intellectually nourishing articles. As such, writings on these online platforms are academically valid because the authors are professionals with experience in diverse fields. When reviewing such articles, students should not be casual but intellectually alert because those who consume their work may want to know how they appraise or critique a text by a professional.

Online News Outlets

With the Internet becoming the most accessible educational platform in the world in contemporary society, news organizations have developed online outlets to keep the public informed at all times. The advantage of these outlets for a review is that the public can read about breaking news before the mainstream broadcast and print media can communicate. Although news articles are not scholarly, they are academically valid because they undergo editing by professional journalists. Generally, these reading materials are about emerging issues across diverse fields, including politics, economy, society, and international relations. Therefore, when reviewing news articles, students should consider their topical area and mention how the author addresses or fails to include the most critical details, such as the pressing needs of the public if the source is about politics.

Online Databases

Online databases are the primary reservoirs of research knowledge because they hold various research studies and credible sources. Like online publications that are professionally based, these platforms are discipline-based. In other words, each online database is unique because it contains reliable articles within a specific field of study, such as anthropology, psychology, sociology, political science, law, and linguistics. Therefore, when reviewing research articles, students should find out the database they belong. However, since most researches exist in different databases, writers should focus on the journal that publishes the article. As previously stated, the journal’s name should appear in the citation at the end of the document. Examples of online databases where students can access research articles for a review include JSTOR, EBSCO, PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and others. Since most of these databases require students to have access credentials, most scholars use Google Scholar to find specific articles for their reviews.

Examples of Topics for Writing an Article Review

Based on the preceding sections, students can review articles from various platforms. The most important thing to note is that each platform specializes in a particular discipline, such as sociology or political science. Typically, instructors specify the assigned article students should review. However, they may sometimes choose reading materials themselves. The following are possible examples of topics for writing an article review paper that students can choose because they are based on articles.

  • Review a research article, “Sex Differences Across Developmental Domains in Children With a Familial Risk of Severe Mental Disorders,” authored by Birgitte Klee Burton and colleagues, and explain the significance of the life continuum.
  • What does Daniel Warton see as the real problem in American Politics in the article “‘Ripe for Political Violence’: US Election Officials Are Quitting at an Alarming Rate.”
  • What does Chika Anekwe prescribe for physical fitness in the article “Can Fitness Counter Fatness.”
  • What is Medha Mehta’s main message in the article “Hard Work Is the Key to Success…Or Is It Not?”
  • Write an article review for “Administrators and Accountability: The Plurality of Value Systems in the Public Domain” by Udo Pesch.

Outline Sample Template for Writing a Good Article Review Paper

I. Introduction Section of an Article Review

  • Introduce the article and rationale for the review. Students should state why the article’s topic is essential, such as addressing a social issue.
  • Clearly define what the review will discuss. Writers outline the order in which they will review each aspect of the article, such as the title, author, content, and significance.
  • State the thesis. People communicate their main focus in reviewing the article, such as critiquing it.

II. Body Paragraphs Section

For each of the body paragraphs, students should incorporate:

  • A topic sentence: The student communicates an idea that supports the thesis.
  • Evidence: The student includes quotes or paraphrases information in the article, following the referencing rules.
  • Evaluation: The student evaluates the information from the assigned article to make an argument, such as critique the author.
  • A concluding sentence: It is a statement that summarizes the student’s thinking about the article under review.
  • Transition: This sentence concludes the paragraph with a statement establishing a logical flow to the next paragraph or section.

III. Conclusion Section

  • Remind the reader of the purpose of the review by rewording the thesis statement.
  • Briefly mention the main points as they appear in body paragraphs, following their order.
  • Make a final remark about the article under review that is intellectually stimulating.

Example of an Article Review Paper

Topic: Write an article review for “Administrators and Accountability: The Plurality of Value Systems in the Public Domain” by Udo Pesch

I. Introduction Sample for an Article Review

Udo Pesch’s article, “Administrators and Accountability: The Plurality of Value Systems in the Public Domain,” emphasizes the significance of the interplay between accountability and value systems in public administrators’ decision-making process. The researcher’s primary focus is whether society should hold public administrators accountable and responsible for their decisions. In this respect, Pesch’s article considers the various influences that impact public administrators’ decisions.

II. Example of the First Body Paragraph Review

From the start, Pesch points out that accountability in decision-making is a challenging matter in public administration. The article under review clarifies that codes of ethics are essential accountability systems in organizations because they define expected behaviors. As such, these explicit ethical systems influence people’s actions in the workplace and even elsewhere. However, the author cautions that differences between one’s moral values and the terms of the ethical codes can trigger conflict often characterized by a blatant failure to follow policies. In turn, public administrators’ motivations and inability to perceive the consequences of their decisions are the primary factors that complicate accountability.

III. Example of the Second Body Paragraph Review

The social context is another factor influencing public administrators’ sense of accountability. According to Pesch, diverse ethical domains in the social environment prescribe “their own standards of good and bad behavior.” In this respect, individuals operate in a social setting without clearly understanding what attitudes, behaviors, and actions they should demonstrate. This lack of clarity about ethical standards explains why many administrators make bad decisions or refuse to submit to accountability frameworks for reviewing them. Ideally, people feel trapped in a system that demands more without moral support. For example, while top leadership understands what they must do to be accountable, those at lower levels do not. This gap occurs because organizations invest heavily in top leadership, such as training seminars, but view lower cadre employees as the support base.

IV. Example of the Third Body Paragraph Review

In commenting about the context that makes accountability a complicated matter in public administration, Pesch blames the lack of universal moral codes as why this is the norm. According to the article, public administrators often violate codes of ethics because they do not believe a universal moral code demands civil servants “to live up to integrity standards.” For most administrators, laws and organizational procedures are perfect for holding individuals accountable. The author argues that acknowledging that civil servants have a sense of responsibility is the most effective approach in designing accountability frameworks like codes of ethics under review. However, this is not the case in most contexts because these accountability systems do not address the potential differences between authorized rules and universal principles of good behavior.

V. Conclusion Sample of an Article Review

Overall, Pesch’s article systematically addresses the issues that complicate the sense of accountability in public administration. The source identifies people’s moral values, ethical codes, and the social environment as the principal factors influencing civil servants’ sense of accountability. Pesch is adamant that codes of ethics are insufficient to motivate civil servants to be accountable and responsible because there is no universal understanding of ethical or moral behavior.

4 Easy Steps for Writing an Article Review Paper

Academic activities can be time-consuming and mentally challenging. While the former is easy to manage because one can be flexible, the latter is complicated and has little room for maneuver. Writing falls in this latter category because producing an article review is a complex process requiring students to grasp technical details. Notably, from times when an instructor tells students they need to write this type of text to when they submit completed work, several things must happen to ensure the final product is of high standard. The technical details one should focus on fall within four stages of writing: preparation, stage set-up, actual writing, and wrap-up. While some steps are simple, others are complex and require students’ utmost focus.

Step 1: Preparation

Like any vital activity or process, writing an article review should begin with preparation. In this initial step of writing, students should choose their article to review if the instructor has not explicitly specified what the class should use. One needs to select a good source from an online database if the requirement is to review a research article. The next task is to generate ideas through brainstorming sessions with classmates or peers. This activity should happen with the audience of an assigned source in mind. Writers need to review an article in a manner that makes sense to those who will consume their work. As such, students should produce an intellectually stimulating document. When writing an article review, people should know why they are writing it: appraise, critique, or summarize.

Step 2: Stage Set-Up

The next step of writing an article review paper is to set up the stage, meaning making the necessary arrangements to initiate the writing process. Students should search for a good article on the relevant platform while writing an article review. In essence, one should use the article’s title as the keyword to browse the Web or search online databases. However, if students choose their sources, they should use the study area, such as sociology or psychology, as their keywords. The next activity is to read articles available online while noting essential information, such as the author’s name and credentials, the topical area, the thesis, key concepts, and central arguments. Students also should create a clear essay outline comprising three main sections: introduction, body, and conclusion. Lastly, they should undertake expanded research to critique the chosen article under review.

Step 3: The Writing Process

The third step is to initiate the actual writing of an article review, where one puts ideas into paper. In this stage, article reviewers should focus on producing an initial draft by translating all the ideas they have generated into text. Since some ideas may need to be more for the length of an article review paper, students should search for more sources to generate additional points of discussion or analysis. However, deleting some sources may be necessary if the ideas are too many for a single article. Students can also replace sources if they find new ones with better, convincing content. A possible outcome of adding or deleting sources is the alteration of the outline. For example, one may add new body paragraphs to accommodate more ideas. Students should focus on their outlines when writing the first draft because it determines whether an article review document meets essential requirements.

Writing an Introduction for an Article Review Paper

The introduction is the first part of an article review. When writing this section, students should focus on three things: introducing the title and author(s), clarifying the primary focus of the evaluation, and creating a clear thesis. The first element concerns the source’s title under review and who wrote it, while the second concerns what the text is about, such as appraising, critiquing, or summarizing the article under review. The third element is where students state their focus emphatically to establish the ground for the ideas in body paragraphs. As a result, when writing the introduction of their article review paper, students should know their goal is to analyze an existing text and inform readers how they intend to accomplish this task.

Writing Body Paragraphs for an Article Review Paper

The body of an article review paper is the most comprehensive section because it comprises the ideas that writers use to analyze an existing document. In this respect, its main feature is body paragraphs, which may be two or more depending on the requirements of the paper’s length. While all body paragraphs capture different content, they have a uniform outline. The first element is the topic sentence, which means words that students use to open the section. This sentence must emphasize a central idea that reminds readers about the thesis. The next element is evidence from the source, such as a quote, since people need to include author’s statements, arguments, or other evidence for analysis. The third element is the evaluation of the evidence, which is the point at which students review articles. The final elements are a concluding sentence and a transition, and they help readers to connect to the next paragraph or section.

Writing a Conclusion Part for an Article Review

Every academic text must have a final paragraph, the stage at which writers complete the writing process. In this stage, writers should summarize their work by restating the thesis using different words and emphasizing the main points in body paragraphs. The last element is a final remark that allows writers to judge the chosen reading material using their own words. Students must understand that they must refrain from introducing new ideas at this stage. Therefore, when writing this part, one should focus on reminding readers of what they have read, emphasizing the most critical aspects of the article under review.

Step 4: Wrap Up

The last activity in writing any document is to wrap it up by ensuring its content follows a logical order. Students should wrap up article review papers by perfecting the initial draft. The primary focus at this stage is eliminating all flaws that might affect the article review paper’s quality, such as missing citations and punctuation or inconsistent arguments and ideas. Ideally, students perfect their documents by revising sections that seem illogical and editing sections to ensure they align with the initial outline. The greatest focus should be on body paragraphs because that is where students execute their objectives. Some details one should confirm include topic sentences, correct citing, concluding sentences, transition, and formatting. Formatting is critical because citations are a crucial feature of body paragraphs. In turn, students should cite all information from the source and other documents, following APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago/Turabian paper formats.

20 Tips for Writing an Article Review Paper

Based on the preceding sections, writing an article review paper is complex and technical. As such, students need to learn how to simplify the process because writing this type of text is a norm in college education. Generally, students should choose a source of interest that is less complicated in terms of language, identify and summarize the central ideas of the text, appraise and critique the document, and comment on the source’s significance for the area of study.

10 ‘Things to Do’ When Writing an Article Review Are:

  1.  choose a well-defined topic,
  2. thoroughly search the literature to find the right article,
  3. create an outline,
  4. develop a thesis,
  5. formulate the topic sentences,
  6. extract information (evidence) from the article (quotes),
  7. evaluate the information,
  8. create a first draft,
  9. perfect the draft to create a final paper,
  10. proofread the final document.

10 ‘Not to Do Things’ Are:

  1. do not choose an easy topic,
  2. do not pick articles that are not academically stimulating,
  3. do not skip writing the outline,
  4. do not generate ideas not backed by evidence,
  5. do not assume what the article says,
  6. do not be rigid in accommodating new ideas,
  7. do not consider sources that are not scholarly,
  8. do not simply summarize the article,
  9. do not ignore formatting rules,
  10. do not use informal language.

Summing Up on How to Write a Perfect Article Review Paper

An article review analyzes specific literature and targets experts in particular fields, novice researchers, and decision-makers. Basically, such papers should have a unique structure that helps to communicate important concepts. In this case, the acceptable structure of article reviews contains a compelling title, introduction, relevant body paragraphs, conclusion, and references. As a result, students should learn essential tips for producing a high-standard article review paper:

  • The first tip is to choose a topic one has studied in class or private study. Doing so helps in idea generation because students have previous knowledge in their heads.
  • The second tip is to choose an article one can support using scholarly sources. The best approach is to focus on online publications and databases because they contain scholarly articles.
  • The third tip is to follow the standard outline: introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • The fourth tip is to generate ideas using evidence from the article under review. One must understand that an article review can be done without creating new knowledge.
  • The fifth tip is to consult widely through research to ensure the content is intellectually engaging.
  • Other tips include incorporating expert opinion into the body paragraphs, creating logical sentences, correcting grammatical and formatting errors, and eliminating the illogical flow of ideas and thoughts.