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How to Write a Report

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Written by
Dr. Simon Robbins
  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 609 words
  • Icon Clock 4 min read

A report presents accurate information related to an investigation or research. Basically, such papers are essential in solving problems or making effective decisions in various fields of study. In this case, if people know how to write a report, they provide clear and accurate information. Besides, good papers should have a well-organized structure with clear headings. In turn, the target audience should understand the content of the report. Hence, a compelling report must have an introduction, findings and discussion, conclusion, and recommendations.


A report should have an introduction that communicates the context and primary purpose. For example, the introductory section should outline the framework of the paper. Along these lines, the report should define terms and set limits for the analysis. Besides, the introduction should identify how one gathered the information used in the report. In turn, the paper must identify its primary purpose by considering how to write a report. Along these lines, readers should identify the significance of the report. Thus, the introduction section must provide background information and the use of the report.

How to write a report

How to Write a Report With Findings

A good report should contain a findings section that covers the main issues in the investigation. For instance, the body must reveal what the scholar found during the study. Along these lines, the person should state the relevant facts to follow the rules of how to write a report. Besides, one should use illustrations to present findings without providing appropriate interpretations. For instance, people use tables, graphs, or diagrams to give the results. In turn, the illustrations must be relevant to the focus of the report. Also, one must arrange the evidence in a logical order based on the headings. Thus, the paper must have a results section presented clearly and logically.


A good report should have a discussion section that interprets the main findings. For instance, one should examine, take to the meaning, and evaluate the results obtained. In this case, the discussion must draw together different parts of the findings, covering how to write a report. Besides, one may use information from other credible or secondary sources to interpret the findings. Therefore, the discussion section should discuss and explain the main results.

How to Write a Report With a Conclusion Section

A good paper should have a conclusion section that identifies the key findings. For instance, this part must provide deductions from the discussion. Along these lines, the concluding section should relate to the main objectives if people understand how to write a report. Besides, this paragraph must follow from the facts in the findings and discussions logically. Thus, the paper should have an appropriate conclusion that must lead to the recommendations.


Compelling reports must contain the writer’s opinion about the solutions to the research problem. For instance, if people are familiar with the principles on how to write a report, they state plausible solutions to the primary problem. In this case, the proposal should explain what should be done to address the researched issue. Besides, the recommendation section should identify who should take the actions at the most appropriate time. Thus, good reports should propose possible solutions to primary research problems.

Summing Up on How to Write a Report

In conclusion, a good report relies on a well-organized structure with appropriate sections. Firstly, a compelling report must have an introduction that provides background information for the paper. Then, the findings and discussion help the audience to understand the data collected. Also, the conclusion and recommendations help to show the possible solutions to the problem addressed in the report. Thus, these sections allow people to learn how to write a report.

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