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Dialogue in Literature: Guidelines for Essays & Examples

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Dr. Isabel Larsen
  • Icon Calendar 4 January 2025
  • Icon Page 6202 words
  • 28 min read

Dialogue in literature is an academic text that captures a conversation between two or more fictitious characters. Basically, these personages are speakers and a main focus of a writer. In this case, everything that an author writes in dialogue should be focused on speakers – their speech, language colloquialisms, and characters. Like any academic text, writing a well-structured dialogue involves adhering to specific rules. In turn, these writing requirements include giving each character a new paragraph, indenting each paragraph, enclosing speaker’s words within double quotation marks, and using end quotation marks in a final paragraph in case a speaker’s speech extends beyond one paragraph. Hence, people need to learn how to write a good dialogue by using tips and examples provided in this article.

General Aspects

Writing takes different forms, and authors utilize various writing strategies to make their works exciting to read. Basically, a particular use of dialogue in a text, such as a book, novel, play, or essay is among these writing strategies. In principle, the three main types of dialogue are direct, indirect, and inner conversations. However, discussions must be relevant to written works and strong enough to transform characters into truly believable individuals. Analyzing a research paper can provide valuable examples of realistic and engaging dialogue. As such, dialogue in most texts involves fictitious characters that an author uses to put an idea across. Moreover, one of the effects of poor dialogue is that people may discontinue reading an entire text out of disgust. In essence, a healthy literature talk provides exposition through a unique use of distinct language between speakers and moves an entire story along. Thus, dialogue plays a critical role in developing a central thesis or plot for writing an entire text.

What Is Dialogue and Its Purpose

According to its definition, dialogue is a structured conversation between two or more people to exchange information, ideas, and emotions. Basically, this fundamental form of communication enables people to share various pieces of information, understand different perspectives, and build healthy relationships (Caplin, 2021). Regarding a literature field, the main purpose of writing dialogue in a narrative essay is to bring characters to life and drive an entire narrative forward through their interactions. Through writing conversations, authors can reveal characters’ personalities, thoughts, and motivations in a dynamic and natural way, allowing readers to understand them more deeply (Davis, 2020). Moreover, such conversations can provide essential information and context organically without a particular need for lengthy descriptions or exposition. In terms of pages and words, the length of dialogue in an essay depends on academic levels, assignment instructions, and purposes of writing, while general guidelines are:

High School

  • Length: 1-2 pages
  • Word Count: 250-500 words


  • Length: 2-3 pages
  • Word Count: 500-750 words


  • Length: 3-5 pages
  • Word Count: 750-1,250 words


  • Length: 4-6 pages
  • Word Count: 1,000-1,500 words


  • Length: 6-10+ pages
  • Word Count: 1,500-2,500 words


DirectCharacters’ spoken words are quoted exactly as they are said.To show interactions, reveal character traits, and advance an entire plot.
IndirectA summary of what was said without quoting exact words.To convey an actual essence of a conversation without detailed speech.
InnerCharacters’ internal thoughts and reflections.To provide insight into character’s inner feelings and conflicts.
OuterConversations between two or more characters.To depict character interactions and move a particular story forward.
MonologueA lengthy speech by one character reflecting on a single topic.To write about deep insights into character’s thoughts or to deliver important information.
Stream of ConsciousnessA narrative mode capturing a specific flow of character’s thoughts.To immerse readers in character’s mental processes.
DramaticShort, impactful exchanges used in dramatic scenes.To create tension or conflict and emphasize key moments.
ExpositoryDialogue that conveys background information or context.To inform readers about a unique setting, backstory, or other essential details.
InterrogativeDiscussion consisting of questions and answers.To reveal information, develop characters, and create suspense.
ReflectiveCharacters reflect on past events or their own thoughts.To provide context, develop character depth, and connect past and present events.


Quotation MarksEnclose spoken words in double quotation marks.“Hello,” she said.
Speaker TagsIdentify who is speaking, and its writing usually follows dialogue with a comma inside quotation marks.“I’m coming,” John replied.
Punctuation Inside QuotesCommas, periods, particular question marks, and exclamation points are placed inside quotation marks.“Are you ready?” he asked.
“Yes, I am!” she exclaimed.
New ParagraphsStart any new paragraph each time when a different character speaks.“It’s late,” Mary said.
“I know,” Tom replied.
CapitalizationCapitalize a first word of dialogue and a first word after a quotation mark if it starts a new sentence.“Let’s go,” she said. “We don’t have much time.”
Interrupted ConversationUse em dashes to indicate interruptions in speech.“Wait, I—”
“No, you listen!”
Trailing OffUse ellipses to indicate trailing off or hesitation.“I’m not sure if…” she began, unsure how to continue.
Actions With DialogueWrite about actions or descriptions with dialogue in a same paragraph.“I can’t believe it,” he said, shaking his head.
Internal TalkUse italics to indicate internal thoughts or discussions.She thought, I really need to get out of here.
Dialogue Within DialogueUse single quotation marks to incorporate a particular quote within another quote.“Did he really say ‘I’m leaving’?” she asked in disbelief.
Direct AddressUse commas to set off a specific name of a person being spoken to.“Lisa, can you pass the salt?”

Note: Some sections of dialogue can be added, deleted, or combined with each other, and such a conversation depends on what an author wants to say in an entire composition or essay. For example, a standard dialogue writing format involves using quotation marks to enclose spoken words, starting a new paragraph for each new speaker, and including dialogue tags for clarity (Seger & Rainey, 2020). In writing, dialogue works by allowing characters to communicate directly, revealing their personalities, advancing a unique plot, and providing realism and depth to an overall narrative. As such, the five rules of writing dialogue are to use quotation marks, start a new paragraph for each new speaker, keep dialogue tags simple, ensure an entire conversation sounds natural, and use actions or descriptions to add context and depth (Davis, 2020). Moreover, a basic difference between a dialogue and a monologue is that the former involves an exchange of words between two or more characters, while the latter is a speech or verbal expression by a single person. Finally, to start a dialogue in a narrative essay, people begin with an engaging line of direct speech that introduces main characters and sets a specific tone for writing a further conversation.

Writing Objective

Irrespective of a specific genre, writers use dialogue to inject a sense of character dynamics or interpersonal drama into their texts. Basically, literature conversations create and advance main plots of books, novels, stories, narratives, or essays. About the former, such a discussion helps an intended audience to learn much about a character by studying a manner of speech (Burgin & Cárdenas-García, 2020). Regarding the latter, this conversation indicates a particular level of interaction between or among characters, which gives a target audience insight into an entire storyline. For example, to write dialogue in a narrative essay, people use quotation marks to enclose spoken words, include speaker tags for clarity, and ensure each new speaker’s statement starts on a new line (Seger & Rainey, 2020). Besides these two writing purposes, a correct literature talk also makes a text realistic, as this type of conversation captures what real people do – interact and have conversations.

Defining Elements

By definition, a basic dialogue is a spoken or written conversation between two or more persons. In works of literature, such as proses, plays, and novels, dialogue is a literary device that authors use to advance narrative, philosophical, or didactic purposes (Seger & Rainey, 2020). In some instances, authors write in a particular form of dialogue where characters converse with themselves. For example, this type of discussion is known as inner dialogue, which takes place in a mind of a character (Davis, 2020). Moreover, individuals can converse with themselves out loud, just like a typical conversation between two or more characters. Although both writing types of dialogue enable authors to advance their texts’ storylines, it is an entire talk between two or more speakers that helps them to develop characters (Caplin, 2021). Finally, to put dialogue in an essay, people integrate a specific conversation seamlessly by using quotation marks for spoken words, attributing a particular speech to a correct speaker with dialogue tags, and ensuring proper punctuation and formatting.

Organization Rules

Authors should write their dialogues to make them strong and supportive of their primary purpose. As mentioned, this purpose can be narrative, philosophical, or didactic. Like any other form of writing, dialogue has a specific structure and features that make it an essential component of strong writing. Basically, some of these features include character’s words, an author’s voice, and a speakers’ body language (Caplin, 2021). Collectively, these elements give any literature talk its unique structure. Moreover, irrespective of a length, dialogue maintains a same writing structure, and such a conversation involves indented paragraphs.


The most prominent feature of dialogue is a conversation between two or more characters or speakers. For example, rules of academic writing dictate that every character should start a conversation in a new paragraph, regardless of a length of words (Seger & Rainey, 2020). In this case, whether characters speak only one word, a sentence, or a paragraph, their conversation should start in a new paragraph. Then, a basis of this rule is to make readers not lose track of which character is speaking; a new paragraph is a signal to them that a new speaker has picked up a conversation. In writing, paragraphs in any talk distinguish characters with each paragraph, exposing each character’s cadence, vocabulary, and communication style (Caplin, 2021). Therefore, by following a given conversation keenly, a reader can identify who is speaking even without having a name attached to a paragraph.

Author’s Voice

Naturally, dialogue indicates unique voices of speakers. For instance, the evidence of this voice is a rhetorical mixture of vocabulary, tone, point of view, and syntax, all of which help to develop phrases, sentences, and paragraphs (Davis, 2020). In this case, a reader can identify a speaker by keeping track of specific voices of all the characters in an observed discussion. Then, authors introduce their voices in a text to make their work unique. Basically, the way in which a reader can separate an author’s voice from voices of speakers is by identifying which voice is outside quotation marks (Caplin, 2021). Moreover, every word from characters must be under quotes to indicate their speech. In contrast, words that authors use in a particular text, including a dialogue element, are never quoted unless they are quoting someone else.

Body Language

Like a conversation between or among individuals in a physical realm, dialogue in a text utilizes body language to bring out a specific aspect of character dynamics or interpersonal drama. Ideally, this feature enables authors to reveal various intentions, feelings, or moods of characters (Bellis & Garcia, 2018). Moreover, there are five main types of body language that authors use in constructing literature conversations in their texts. In turn, these writing elements are gestures, postures, movements, facial expressions, and tones of voice.

Formatting Features

Dialogue in literature should indicate a high level of writing standards, meaning its formatting should align with applicable rules. Basically, a writer should ensure to enclose spoken words with double quotation marks. Moreover, where a speech or character is long enough to require a new paragraph, writers should open a new paragraph with quotation marks (Caplin, 2021). However, they should use closing quotation marks only at the end of a final paragraph. In turn, if authors write about other characters within discussions, they should use single quotation marks. Besides, when arranging words in a given talk, writers should indent a first line of paragraphs, indicating a new conversation, and ensure an open end of a quotation mark faces character’s words. Where an action interrupts a speaker, authors should write in a lower case format to begin a second fragment of an enttire sentence.


As a rule, authors should ensure a particular punctuation of a speaker’s words in a sentence or paragraph goes inside quotation marks. In other words, they should put a period or comma before an end quotation mark, not after. Where a given dialogue closes with an ellipsis, they should not put any punctuation, just end with a closing quotation mark (Davis, 2020). Then, if authors quote something within discussions, they should use single quotation marks. Essentially, transitions in dialogue help writers to indicate a constructive engagement between characters. Moreover, transitions indicate a speaker’s response to specific words of another character. In writing, explanations or descriptions help an author to give readers sufficient backstory on conversations (Bouwer & van der Veen, 2023). As a result, this backstory serves as an introduction to key intentions, feelings, or moods of speakers.


Based on the requirements of writing a correct dialogue discussed in previous sections, it is essential to use examples that exemplify those rules. As such, provided examples are used to concern each rule, meaning a particular use of different samples of conversations between or among characters. However, some writing examples may be sufficient to exemplify a couple of rules. In this regard, the excerpt from The Savior’s Champion by Jenna Moreci below is useful in exemplifying a few examples of discussed rules.

“Do you know what you’re doing?”

“Yes.” She scanned the surrounding people. “Does anyone have a blade?”

“A blade?”

“You can’t just carve Her apart. It’s an abomination!”

“Would you have Her Daughter die too?” The woman spat. “Is that

What you want?”

An old man wriggled through the crowd and plopped a worn knife

into her palm. “Does this work?”

 “It’ll have to.” She turned toward the body, trying to keep herself

from wincing. Before her lay The Savior. Bloody. Dead.

Example 1: The Use of Double Quotation Marks

As discussed in a previous section that talks about a basic formatting and writing of dialogue, an author should ensure to enclose a speaker’s words within double quotation marks. In an example above, Moreci has observed this rule by enclosing words of speakers within double quotation marks, such as “Do you know what you’re doing?” and “It’ll have to.” In doing so, Moreci enables readers to follow conversations and separate an author’s voice from a speaker’s voice.

Example 2: The Use of Indented Paragraphs

As discussed previously, authors use indented paragraphs in dialogue to indicate every time a new character begins to talk. In an example above, a first paragraph reads: “Do you know what you’re doing?” In writing, a paragraph is indented, denoting a specific speech of one speaker. Moreover, a second paragraph reads: “Yes.” She scanned the surrounding people. “Does anyone have a blade?” Basically, this paragraph is also indented, denoting a particular speech of another character. However, since this speech is long, it takes another sentence line, which is not indented. Therefore, a second line is neither a new paragraph nor specific words of another character.

Example 3: The Use of Punctuation

As discussed in a previous section on punctuation, an author should ensure to use punctuation, such as a period, comma, question mark, or an exclamation mark before end quotation marks. In an example above, author Moreci writes: “Do you know what you’re doing?” Here, a question mark comes before an end quote and not after. In turn, Moreci writes: “Yes.” Here, a period goes inside an end quote and not outside. Then, Moreci writes: “You can’t just carve Her apart. It’s an abomination!” Basically, this speech has two sentences. In this case, a first sentence ends with a period. However, since a given character continues talking, a statement does not end with a quote. In turn, a second sentence closes with an exclamation mark, which an author puts before an end quote, not after.

Example 4: When a Dialogue Ends With an Ellipsis

Sometimes, an author can close some words of a speaker with an ellipsis. Hence, an example is as follows:

“Every time I think about what my mother has put up with to see her children succeed in life, I…” His voice drifted off.

In this writing example, an author does not use any punctuation before an end quote. However, an author picks up and offers an explanation that enables readers to understand why a given character ended his speech the way he did.

Example 5: When a Speaker’s Speech Is Long

In some contexts, a writer can use a speech from an author that is so long that it requires a second or even third paragraph. In writing, subsequent paragraphs, which must be indented, do not indicate the beginning of a speech from another character. However, to make sure readers are not confused about who is speaking, an author does not use end quotes to close a first paragraph while using them to end a final paragraph. However, each new paragraph opens with a quote. As a result, an excerpt below from Mudbound by Hillary Jordan makes it clear:

Tom explained the details. “The thread is a remarkable silk-wool blend, a new fabric named Allurotique. Some people compare it to the most expensive commercially available silk, Pashmina Silk; but that comparison is off base. Pashmina silk is made by weaving wool from pashmina goats with a silk produced by worms that eat only mulberry leaves.

“Allurotique is blended, not woven. And it’s made from the most expensive silk and exotic wool spun into a fabric with extraordinary qualities.”

“The silk in Allurotique is muga silk, which has a natural shimmering gold color. It absorbs water better than other silks, making it more comfortable to wear. It has a number of other nifty features: it’s more durable than other silks, it’s almost impossible to stain and it gets shinier with wear.

“The wool in Allurotique is harvested from vicuñas, a South American animal related to llamas. Vicuña wool is softer, lighter and warmer than any other wool in the world. Since the animals can only be sheared once every three years, it’s rare and outlandishly expensive.”

Example 6: Quotes Within Dialogue

As discussed earlier, when authors quote something within a provided dialogue, they should use single quotation marks. Hence, a writing example is as follows:

Jameson started laughing uncontrollably after hearing his best friend say, “When I sat next to him, I could not help imagining ‘What on earth made him do that’?” Here, the statement ‘What on earth made him do that’ is a quote within the dialogue that the author encloses within single quotation marks.

Bill laughed and pointed at him. “When that ghost jumped out and said, ‘Boo!’ you screamed like a little girl.”

Example 7: The Use of Cut-Offs

Sometimes, in dialogue, authors write about an action that interrupts a speaker’s speech. In such a case, they should use a lower case rule when beginning a second fragment of an interrupted speech. Thus, a writing example is as follows:

“What are you suggesting I should do, considering” — Steve took a deep breath— the fact that I don’t know any person in the governor’s office?”

In this example, Steve’s action of taking a deep breath when talking is a cut-off, as it interrupts his speech. Basically, rules indicate that in such a case, an author should use an em dash (—) to indicate that interruption in a particular conversation.

Example 8: The Use of Body Language – Gesture

When writing any dialogue, authors use body language to reveal speakers’ intentions, feelings, and moods. Ideally, body language enables an author to avoid relying on dialogue tags — such as he asked, she said, he responded — because a reader understands speakers who are talking. In turn, a gesture is one of the most common types of body language that writers use in literature discussions. Basically, a gesture is a bodily action that accompanies a speech. Hence, a writing example of a gesture in a character’s speech is as follows:

He pointed to the door next to the principal’s office. “He’s inside.”

In this example, a gesture is a speaker’s act of pointing to a principal’s office door.

Example 9: Body Language – Posture

Besides gestures, authors also use a body language of a posture in a dialogue format. Just like a gesture, a posture is a bodily action. Therefore, a writing example of a posture in a speaker’s speech is as follows:

She stood with her legs apart. “Try to push me to the ground and see that I can’t fall.”

In this example, a posture is an act of standing with legs apart. In a speech, characters seem to suggest being in that posture makes them stable and cannot fall easily, even when pushed.

Example 10: Body Language – Movement

Another body language that authors use in dialogue is movement. Here, writers indicate an action that speakers engage in as they converse with another or others. In an above excerpt from Moreci’s text, a writing example of a body language of movement is a statement:

“It’ll have to.” She turned toward the body, trying to keep herself from wincing.

In this example, a body language of movement is an act of turning toward a body.

Example 11: Body Language – Facial Expression

Facial expression is among the most widely used body language types in conversations. Like all other body languages, a facial expression is a physical act that indicates specific feelings and moods of a given character. Thus, a writing example of facial expression in a speaker’s speech is as follows:

His eyes narrowed. “How could she do that to him?”

In this example, the facial expression is the act of narrowing the eyes.

Example 12: Body Language – Tone of Voice

Sometimes, in a conversation, speakers use a tone of voice to indicate their feelings and mood, such as excitement or displeasure. Therefore, a writing example of a tone of voice in a conversation is as follows:

“In the longrun; I will have my revenge.” His voice was deep like that of a roaring lion.

In this example, a particular tone of voice is a deep voice that an author likens to that of a roaring lion.

Example 13: Author’s Voice

In dialogue, there are two voices: an author’s voice and an speaker’s voice. Basically, a speaker’s voice is how a character constructs his or her speech by using body language and style of communication. On the other hand, an author’s voice entails vocabulary, tone of voice, point of view, and syntax. Moreover, this voice helps an author to shape conversations through phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. In an above excerpt from Moreci’s text, an author’s voice is captured in a statement:

Before her lay The Savior. Bloody. Dead.

None of the speakers gives this statement. It is an author describing a specific situation to give readers a deeper understanding of an entire context.

Example 14: Transitions

Like in essays, writers use transitions when constructing a correct discussion. Basically, the difference between these two types of papers is that transitions in a dialogue format are words and phrases that speakers use to respond to other speakers’ words. In essays, transitions help readers to move logically from one argument to another. In an above excerpt from Moreci’s text, a writing example of a transition is captured in a following conversation:

“Do you know what you’re doing?”


The word “Yes” is a transition, as it denotes a specific response given to a preceding statement.

Example 15: Explanations/Descriptions

Authors write explanations to enhance a reader’s understanding of a specific context of a conversation between or among speakers. In writing, explanations are words that an author uses to explain or describe speaker’s intentions, feelings, or moods. Besides, one can argue explanations denote an author’s voice in dialogue. In an above excerpt from Moreci’s text, a writing example of an explanation is captured in a following conversation:

“It’ll have to.” She turned toward the body, trying to keep herself

from wincing. Before her lay The Savior. Bloody. Dead.

In this example, an author explains a specific situation to make readers understand why a given character behaved the way he did. In turn, one can argue explanation in dialogue is an author’s way of arousing some emotions of a target audience, who end up developing empathy or hatred towards certain characters.

Steps on How to Write a Good Dialogue

Like any academic text, dialogue in literature has a structure that an author must follow. Ideally, the basis of this structure is key rules of formatting and punctuation described in preceding sections. When writing any talk, a person must adopt a standard structure that enables adherence to these rules. For example, the most prominent features of a standard dialogue that inform its structure are indented paragraphs, speakers’ speeches, transitions, and explanations (Caplin, 2021). Moreover, these writing features incorporate body language and an author’s voice to make a whole conversation interesting and understandable to readers. In turn, some examples of sentence starters for beginning dialogue are:

  • “Hey, I need to talk to you about something important … .”
  • “Did you hear what happened at school today?”
  • “I’m not sure how to say this, but … .”
  • “Can I ask you a question?”
  • “You won’t believe what I just found out!”
  • “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…”
  • “Why did you do that?”
  • “I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier … .”
  • “Guess what I discovered today!”
  • “We need to discuss our plans for this weekend.”

Step 1: Preparation

A first step in constructing a good dialogue in literature is planning or preparation. Here, writers should decide on a specific focus of a particular conversation, which becomes a topic area (Seger & Rainey, 2020). As already discussed, poor dialogue can be disgusting to readers and cause them to discontinue reading a whole text. Then, choosing a topic to write about is necessary to make an entire disicussion exciting to read. Deciding on a topic area makes it easy for authors to generate ideas about their text. Moreover, words that make up a speaker’s speech must be thought-provoking. In turn, used words should indicate a level of sophistication in a particular use of language (Davis, 2020). Besides, authors must decide on an intended audience and speakers or characters, and these two features must align demographically. Ultimately, a chosen audience helps authors to construct a correct talk that reveals speakers’ characters in complete conversations.

Step 2: Setting Up

After preparation, authors should set up a stage for writing an entire dialogue. Basically, a first step should start with finding examples of dialogue in literature to understand healthy conversation’s features. Here, writers should create notes regarding a particular use of indented paragraphs, body language, transitions, explanations, and cut-offs, among other features (Seger & Rainey, 2020). Moreover, a key focus of authors should be to make defined words of each character unique. In this regard, writers should choose speeches that move a whole conversation in a direction they want. As a result, a topic area should inform this direction chosen in a preparation stage.

Step 3: Writing an Entire Dialogue

A next step after preparing and setting up a stage is writing a draft of dialogue. By considering notes taken during a stage set-up stage, authors should write a first draft of a conversation they want to present to readers. Here, writers put everything together – the indented paragraphs, character’s speeches, transitions, explanations, and body language (Davis, 2020). Basically, these features are critical in creating a working talk, flowing smoothly and logically from one paragraph to another paragraph. In turn, by using speakers’ speeches and voices, authors construct characters so that readers can understand who is speaking even without a name attached. Moreover, writers should employ a “they say, I say” technique by taking what speakers have said to construct explanations (Seger & Rainey, 2020). Ultimately, authors should use all the above features to ensure a consistent literature talk, such as correct characters and arguments.

Step 4: Wrapping It Up

Writing academic texts, including dialogue, involves many mistakes that should be corrected for a perfect text. For example, typical mistakes that authors make when writing dialogue in literature include using a lot of extras (such as “hello”) and word count fillers (Seger & Rainey, 2020). Basically, the latter involves words and phrases that bear no significance and only help authors to satisfy an expected word count. As such, one can argue dialogue tags are an example of word count fillers. Then, a particular use of body language helps to avoid such unnecessary words in literature conversations. Sometimes, authors are biased about their work, and this aspect might affect their ability to see mistakes (Caplin, 2021). In turn, giving their work to a friend or mentor can help resolve this challenge. Moreover, proofreading is an essential writing exercise that helps authors to identify grammatical mistakes for correction.


As already discussed, transitions in written or spoken dialogue differ from those used in essays. While transitions in essays connect arguments within a whole text, those in a given discussion indicate responses to speeches. For example, to write a conversation, people use quotation marks for each speaker’s words, start a new paragraph for each new individual, and include dialogue tags and descriptive actions to convey context and emotion (Davis, 2020). Basically, every time a speaker talks, another character should start a conversation by responding to those words. Ideally, such transitions help authors to create a logical flow of a presented conversation, which is also a case in a particular use of transitions in essays.


Like any other academic text, writers should ensure to use a right format when writing any dialogue in literature. In principle, standard writing formats are APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago/Turabian. Although a specific arrangement of words in a given talk differs from that of other texts, such as essays, authors still need to ensure their arrangements adhere to academic writing standards (Seger & Rainey, 2020). Basically, one of these standards involves formatting. In turn, every time when authors write a quote within a given talk, they should enclose a statement within single quotation marks. As a result, to quote a specific dialogue in an essay, people use double quotation marks for spoken words, include any necessary dialogue tags, and ensure proper punctuation and citation formatting according to a required style guide, such as APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chica/Turabian.

Peer Review

A real essence of peer review is to ensure an academic text meets highest standards of academic writing. Basically, these standards include being credible and of high quality. In writing, credibility comes by ensuring a whole text can withstand evaluation and emerge as authentic (Davis, 2020). Further on, a complete text should not be a reproduction of another author’s work. On quality, a pretended text should be free of the mistakes described above. Therefore, peer review is a unique process through which authors ensure their texts are free of these errors. In turn, one can argue this strategy involves ensuring that noted individuals, such as mentors and tutors, have analyzed and evaluated a given text and found a document of high-quality. Besides, such an outcome means a paper is polished and fit for publication.

What to Avoid

There is a way that authors write dialogues in literature that undermines an overall quality of texts. Basically, these mistakes include dumping information, using too many names, unnatural conversations, and repetitive phrases and styles, among many others (Caplin, 2021). Moreover, writers may not recognize these mistakes, partly because they tend to be biased about their work. For this reason, writing a first draft is essential to enable friends and mentors to point out such mistakes. In turn, after authors are satisfied that their texts are of high quality, they should proceed to write final drafts. Even then, they should submit a complete text to vigorous review to identify any mistakes.

Information Dumping

When writing academic texts, authors tend to use different strategies to satisfy a word count. Sometimes, writers may not even be aware that they are using such strategies. Basically, one of these strategies is information dumping, which involves giving information clumsily and inappropriately. In turn, the best approach to writing dialogue in literature is to provide readers with explanations that tell a backstory or contextualize a specific conversation (Davis, 2020). Moreover, a great talk is one in which authors use the information to help a target audience to understand main characters of speakers. Hence, information dumping makes it hard for an audience to understand discussions, mainly some complex intentions, feelings, and moods of characters.

Unnatural Dialogue

Authors should know speakers they use in a dialogue – their characters, backgrounds, language colloquialisms, and social temperament. For example, experienced writers develop speakers to appear as real people to an intended audience, studying their language patterns and body language (Caplin, 2021). Then, an unnatural dialogue is when this critical aspect is missing in wiring. In other words, such a conversation lacks a human touch, and a target audience cannot tell which character is talking without a dialogue tag. Besides, an unnatural discussion relies too much on these tags, which, as described above, is unnecessary. When people read through an unnatural talk, they can hardly recognize speakers’ styles and languages, including slang words.

Irrelevant Information

Sometimes, authors of academic texts, including dialogue, write about unnecessary information. For example, a text characterized by irrelevant information has too many sentences and paragraphs with irrelevant content or content that can be summarized with few words (Seger & Rainey, 2020). In literature, information dumping involves a particular use of too many dialogue tags. As explained, writers can use body language to eliminate such information.

Too Many Names

Sometimes, authors may write too many things in dialogue, an aspect that undermines an overall quality of texts. Traditionally, people have relied on dialogue tags to avoid repeating speakers’ names on every occasion (Davis, 2020). However, a particular use of body language is slowly eliminating a need for these tags. In turn, some writers ignore tags and body language and keep on repeating a speaker’s name in every sentence. As a result, such a conversation sounds repetitive and boring and indicates a lack of creativity on a part of an author.

Repetitive Language

Occasionally, writers run out of vocabulary when writing academic texts and resort to using repetitive words and phrases. In literature, such words include specific names of speakers and dialogue tags (Caplin, 2021). Consequently, authors write words that have the same meaning – synonyms. In turn, these words indicate a particular use of repetitive ideas in an entire text.

Impacts of Mistakes

Collectively, the above mistakes undermine an overall quality of dialogue in literature. Individually, they impact how an intended audience approaches an entire text. For example, information dumping makes it difficult for a target audience to understand which of the speakers is talking, as an author fails to construct a specific identity (language and style) of each character in a presented text (Davis, 2020). In turn, an unnatural conversation creates the same problem – speakers lack a language identity as individual human beings. As a result, too many names and repetitive language make a whole discussion disgusting and boring to read.


Besides the above rules, the following tips are essential in writing a good dialogue:

  • Keep it brief. Ensure each speaker’s words do not extend beyond a paragraph and ensure an entire conversation is within a page or two.
  • Avoid small talk. Avoid words that add no real value to a conversation, such as descriptions of surroundings. Keep a central focus on speakers and their characters.
  • Maintain consistency. It is essential to pick up a style or character and make it consistent throughout a whole conversation. Basically, this aspect is essential in developing a speaker’s character and language style.
  • Create suspense. Use words and phrases that create suspense. This writing strategy makes a target audience eager to know what happens next, thus continuing their reading.
  • “Show, don’t tell.” Ensure not to rely on telling an audience about speakers, but rather show them through their speech. As such, a particular use of explanations should be limited, even as transitions abound.
  • Avoid dialogue tags. Rather than using too many dialogue tags, use body language — gesture, posture, movement, facial expression, and tone of voice — to show speakers’ intentions, feelings, and moods.

What to Include

Character EmotionsShow how characters feel through their words and tone.
Background InformationProvide context or backstory within an entire talk naturally.
Character ActionsDescribe what characters are doing as they speak to add depth.
ConflictIntroduce or highlight conflicts between characters.
Reactions and ResponsesShow how characters react to what is being said.
Inner ThoughtsInclude characters’ inner thoughts to give insight into their mind.
Setting DetailsMention details of a specific setting that influences an entire discussion.
SubtextConvey underlying meanings or unspoken implications in a given talk.
HumorAdd humor to lighten specific moods or reveal character traits.
Silence and PausesUse pauses or silence to indicate tension, hesitation, or contemplation.
Questions and CuriosityInclude characters asking questions to drive a particular conversation forward.
Agreement or Disagreement ExpressionsShow characters agreeing or disagreeing to reflect their relationships and conflicts.
Character DevelopmentReveal key aspects of a character’s personality or background through an entire talk.
Narrative TensionBuild tension and suspense through a presented conversation.
Dialogue With Multiple SpeakersInclude conversations with more than two characters to show group dynamics.

Common Mistakes

  • Overusing Dialogue Tags: Repeated use of “said” or other tags can become distracting and repetitive.
  • Unnatural Speech: Characters should speak naturally and in a way that reflects their personality and context.
  • Info Dumping: Using literature discussions to convey large amounts of information is not natural.
  • Too Much Exposition: Explaining too much in a specific conversation can bore readers and slow down an entire story.
  • Inconsistent Voice: Each character should have a distinct voice that remains consistent throughout a whole story.
  • Ignoring Subtext: Effective talk often conveys underlying emotions and tensions without being direct.
  • Lack of Conflict or Purpose: Discussion should move a particular story forward or develop characters, not just fill space.
  • Overusing Adverbs: Relying on adverbs can weaken writing, and it is better to show emotions through actions or conversations.
  • Too Much Small Talk: Excessive small talk can bore readers and detract from a main story.
  • Improper Punctuation: Incorrect punctuation can confuse readers and disrupt an overall flow of a literature talk.

Summing Up

Dialogue in literature is one example of academic texts that require a particular use of the highest standards of writing. Basically, these standards include using a right format and punctuation. Unlike other texts, such as essays, a standard dialogue has a unique set of rules writers must adhere to in organizing healthy conversations. In turn, these writing rules include indenting paragraphs, enclosing speakers’ words with double quotation marks, and enclosing quotes within a given conversation with single quotation marks. Then, another rule includes using punctuation before an end quotation mark, not after. In summary, a person should master the following writing rules of dialogue in literature:

  • Give each character a new paragraph.
  • Indent each paragraph.
  • Enclose speaker’s words within double quotation marks.
  • Use end quotation marks in a final paragraph in case a speaker’s speech extends beyond one paragraph.
  • Enclose quotes in an entire discussion within single quotation marks.


Bellis, N., & Garcia, J. (2018). Writing and dialogue in, and around, a senior secondary literature classroom. Changing English, 25(1), 45–58. https://doi.org/10.1080/1358684x.2017.1394177

Bouwer, R., & van der Veen, C. (2023). Write, talk and rewrite: The effectiveness of a dialogic writing intervention in upper elementary education. Reading and Writing, 37(6), 1435–1456. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-023-10474-8

Burgin, M., & Cárdenas-García, J. F. (2020). A dialogue concerning the essence and role of information in the world system. Information, 11(9), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.3390/info11090406

Caplin, L. P. (2021). Writing compelling dialogue for film and TV: The art & craft of raising your voice on screen. Routledge.

Davis, R. (2020). Writing dialogue for scripts. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Seger, L., & Rainey, J. W. (2020). You talkin’ to me?: How to write great dialogue. Michael Wiese Productions.

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