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Personal Statement

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Written by
Dr. Simon Robbins
  • Icon Calendar 15 May 2024
  • Icon Page 813 words
  • Icon Clock 4 min read

Any personal statement starts with the consideration of the requirements and self-reflection. Because people want to achieve their goals, they need to find ways of how to get it. In this case, education is what helps young persons to find their paths. Basically, students need to write personal reflections to meet the criteria of the winner among others. Moreover, students use this document to sell themselves to educational institutes or job market because they need to develop themselves to achieve their goals. Therefore, everyone should know how to write a personal statement because this document is a weapon that people use to get what they want.

What Is the Personal Statement?

personal statement

Because people need to apply on specific positions from educational purposes to job vacancies, they need to provide a document of themselves. In this case, people write personal statements to introduce themselves as winners of scholarships or job competitions. Specifically, the personal statement is a paper that introduces an applicant as the person, winner, potential candidate, or best choice to be chosen among others. Moreover, this document is one of the types of papers, like the cover letter, job reference, resume writing, and employment reference letter, that covers key aspects of priorities, life goals, and the whole picture of the applicant. Since people from the committee read such papers, they decide who is the best one to be chosen. Therefore, the personal statement is the document that reflects the key points of the applicants, considering the requirements of the positions.

The Purpose for Applicants

The purpose of any personal statement is to pass specific requirements. Firstly, when people want to be chosen in specific positions, they must understand what they can offer. In other words, people need to think about what they have based on the requirements and write it on the paper. Then, based on writing, applicants can be considered or rejected because not all of the people can meet scholarship or job requirements. Moreover, this document helps people to sell their strengths because of skills, knowledge, experience, and personal goals. Hence, the purpose of any person is to pass specific requirements of scholarship or job positions.

Key Characteristics of the Personal Statement

Although different papers cover specific norms, personal statements also must meet the criteria. Basically, the key characteristics of statements are personal and direct points. For example, the personal paper is the document where the applicant describes himself or herself as an individual, covering experience, life, goals, and other useful information. Further on, direct points mean that the content of the paper meets expectations of the committee with their defined requirements to the applicants. In this case, these two characteristics define a personal statement as a document on an individual, meeting requirements. Therefore, if applicants want to be winners in what they want to get, then they should consider these two characteristics.

Writing Style in the Document

Since the personal statement is a specific type of paper, writing styles must not be complex or academic. In this paper, people must write about themselves, and it must not be difficult to read and understand or sounding like a professor proves a social order theory. On the other hand, people should use a formal tone because the committee needs to understand the applicants. Unfortunately, if people write informally, these individuals will not be considered because they do not care about what they say. Thus, people should use the personal and formal writing style to meet the criteria of this document.

The Structure of the Paper

Even if some people think or state that personal statements must reflect everything without a structure, they are wrong. Because the committee may review many personal statements per day, they consider the best options in many cases. Hence, people need to follow the structure of the personal statement that consists of the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Firstly, the introduction part is the most important in the document, and it must include a hook and desire to read further. After that, body paragraphs must talk about experience, life, goals, and other important aspects that meet the requirements of the position. As a result, the conclusion part is the reflection where the applicant states why he or she is the best candidate.

The Importance of the Personal Statement

In fact, if people cannot organize and write their personal statements, they will not find their paths. For instance, when students end school, they want to get the jobs of their dreams, and they have to pass specific requirements of colleges and other educational institutes to achieve them. After that, students need to show their personal statements to employers if they want to get a job. Moreover, this document may help people to review their strengths or weaknesses and find alternatives in their lives. Therefore, the importance of the personal statement is not to lose the competition in life.