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- 6 November 2019
- 915 words
This APA annotated bibliography example can help many scholars and students to save their time when they want to organize credible sources for their research. Basically, any research process includes finding information related to the theme under investigation. This is similar to learning how to write a critique, which involves a thorough analysis of sources. In this case, such papers follow the APA format since it is a common writing style used for research papers or essays. Also, before writing a paper, scholars and students must write an annotated bibliography in APA where they identify key points that they will use for their papers. In turn, not all of them know how to organize their annotations by following the writing format. Hence, this example of APA annotated bibliography serves as a manual where people can find useful information on it.
Research is a specific process where people must find and identify credible sources by considering their topics. Basically, APA annotated bibliography is a list of reliable sources where people provide annotations on key points for about 150-200 words in a paragraph form. Also, an annotated bibliography in APA may include other sections, such as evaluation and reflection. Then, in order to help people to learn how to organize their sources, this APA annotated bibliography example includes different cases for organizing scholarly articles, websites, organizations, and books. On the other hand, this example of APA annotated bibliography is organized in alphabetical order. This rule must be followed for a research paper or an essay.
Catalano, R. F., Loeber, R., & Mckinney, K. C. (1999). School and community interventions to prevent serious and violent offending. PsycEXTRA Dataset, 1-11. doi: 10.1037/e303712003-001
This source provides information about public initiatives, considering the perspectives of the family, school, and the media. In this APA annotated bibliography example, the authors provide the importance of public involvement in crime prevention. Basically, every person has some stages in the formation of a personality. In this case, this source provides different activities on each level of human development, such as the family, school and its activities, relationships with peers, communities, social media, and life after school. In order to educate the proper member of society, each level of human development must teach the young person how to deal with the external world. As a result, this attitude to the children and the involvement of the public in their lives reduces the intensity of the crimes, as it is discussed in an annotated bibliography in APA.
In my opinion, the source can be used in my research paper because of the actual information. Moreover, all authors of this source have a Ph.D. degree, and it makes the article more credible. In this case, I will use this article in the section where I will write about the role of families, society, and the media in the case of the prevention of violent crimes in the household.
Moses, E. (2015). The role of sport in addressing youth violence. Retrieved from
This newspaper article argues that sports can reduce the intensity of violent crimes in the household. In the United States, about 775,000 youth are members of criminal gangs. Basically, if the parents do not control the child for about three or more days, the young person begins to spend time in groups of peers. For this annotated bibliography in APA, this individual has huge risks of becoming a member of a criminal gang. On the other hand, sports are the field that involves the person in almost full-time mode, becoming more healthy. In this example of APA annotated bibliography, the parents and youth can enter the sports programs to make their life better. Finally, sports are a field that helps young people to know how to control their own anger. It reduces the rates of violence, aggressive behavior, and crimes.
In this APA annotated bibliography example, the source is credible because this paper is from the newspaper “HuffPost,” and the author is a chairman of Laureus Sport. I want to use this source in the section where I will compare the role of families, schools, and media in the life of young people in the example of sports.
Land, K. C. (2015). Something that works in violent crime control. Criminology & Public Policy, 14(3), 515-519. doi: 10.1111/1745-9133.12143.
This academic journal is about the evaluation of the current programs that aim to prevent crimes, covering an annotated bibliography in APA. In particular, the author provides evidence that criminologists and police departments in some areas are united in understanding the intervention of the policy, considering different types of communities. Firstly, society must reduce the activity of violence and crime at the same time. In this example of APA annotated bibliography, the author examines the New Orleans Group Violence Reduction Strategy and its influence on the rate of crimes. The data showed that the level of crimes was reduced because of this program. The deterrence programs can be the solution to cases of violence and crimes in the household. In this case, all police departments must have these programs to reduce crimes.
I think that this journal article is a useful source for the section on the working methods to reduce the rates of crimes in the household. The author of this article is a social researcher and has experience in many programs with the statistical analysis of society in healthcare and has a Ph.D. degree. Moreover, the author makes a review and evaluation of the program that is successful by considering the APA annotated bibliography example.
New York State Police. (2017). Retrieved May 26, 2017, from
This website provides information about the concepts of crime prevention. In particular, crime prevention means the actions that must be implemented to solve the issue of crimes. In this example of APA annotated bibliography, the involvement of the different groups of society to aware of the public. Further on, this term suggests a philosophy of society on how to live without the crimes by considering an annotated bibliography in APA. Finally, it is also the programs that must be developed by governmental and societal structures to prevent the rates of crimes. However, it does not mean crime prevention is the task and responsibility of one person. On the other hand, law enforcement agencies are the heads of crime prevention and are familiar with all aspects of it. In this case, the mission of the policy is to protect the lives of the public and honor the law.
I am sure that this website is important to my further work, covering the APA annotated bibliography example. It is the official website of the New York State Police. The page includes information about the missions of crime prevention and its structure. Moreover, this source provides the information that the officers can be the rational force of the families, schools, and the media to prevent crimes. I will use this website to describe the purpose of crime prevention.
Teasdale, B., & Bradley-Engen, M. S. (2017). Preventing crime and violence. Cham: Springer.
This book includes a huge amount of information about crime prevention. The authors provide an explanation of the violence and crimes step-by-step. Firstly, they start with an explanation of the base principles of criminal justice, considering the theoretical backgrounds. Then, the authors provide information about the different theoretical frameworks in the case of crime prevention, including life-course development. In this example of APA annotated bibliography, the public must provide a safe environment for the living of the children. Further on, scholars refer to the methodical issues in crime prevention. For this annotated bibliography in APA, people cannot solve the problem of crimes in the household because of the low involvement of people in the different age levels, from childhood to the elderly times. Moreover, they provide strategies that are effective in contemporary society and new directions based on existing issues.
In my APA annotated bibliography example, this book is actual to my paper because of the fresh cases of violence and crimes. In particular, the author provides many aspects of the background of the crime intervention to understand the solutions to it. Moreover, they are the specialist in Prevention Science, and this book is credible. In this way, I want to use this source in the section where I will write about the reasons for the crimes and how families, schools, and the media can help to reduce the rates of violent accidents.