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MLA Annotated Bibliography

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Written by
Dr. Alex Freedman
  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 1027 words
  • Icon Clock 6 min read
English (United States)
Academic level
College 3-4
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Individual Essay Example

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Many students get assignments where they need to organize MLA annotated bibliography for their essays or research papers. Basically, this type of writing serves to research and organize sources for using them in the paper. Also, an example of an annotated bibliography in MLA does not have any specific rules. However, the paper must be organized in the MLA format. Then, in order to help students to organize correct works, this article includes the MLA annotated bibliography example for two sources. In turn, this example of MLA annotated bibliography illustrates the expanded version of the paper.

Background Information on Annotated Bibliography in MLA

MLA annotated bibliography is a type of paper where students provide short summaries on credible sources. Basically, people need to find the main points that they can use for their papers on specific topics. For example, the summary of an annotated bibliography in MLA must be from 150 to 200 words. However, some instructors may ask to provide MLA annotated bibliography examples for more words with specific sections. Hence, in this example of MLA annotated bibliography, people can find the expanded version of the paper with a short summary, limitations, key information, further research, and ways of using it in the essay or research paper.

MLA annotated bibliography

Example of MLA Annotated Bibliography

Anderson, James C., and James A. Narus. “Business Marketing: Understand What Customers Value.” Harvard Business Review, 2014, https://hbr.org/1998/11/business-marketing-understand-what-customers-value.

Summary of a Source

In this MLA annotated bibliography example, the authors focus on the explanation of the concept of the value of the particular product. The authors underline the fact that any customer has the own level of the salary, and people cannot buy high-expensive products. In this case, the sellers must decrease costs to correspond to the needs of the customer. In order to support their opinions, the authors provide an example of two suppliers. For example, the first supplier offers the product because of its reputation and trust. In turn, the second person focuses on the long-term perspective in the case of the decreasing of the costs. Hence, the owner of the company must make the right choice to get the maximal profit.

Annotated bibliography in MLA

Limitations of a Source

However, the authors are sure that not all of the owners of the companies know how to make this choice by using the value model. The term “value” means the profit from the goods that the company is selling based on technical, economic, service, and social benefits. On the other hand, the value model is the characterization of the profit through the value and price. In order to understand the profit, the person must find the difference between the value and price of the product of the supplier. Besides, the person must compare it with the same difference of the product from the next best alternative. As a result, if the first difference is higher than the second number, the owner has a positive initiative. In this example of MLA annotated bibliography, the authors point out that the model can help in getting a positive profit from equitable efforts.

How Will I Use the Source in My Paper?

In fact, this source is useful for me because of the background of the concept of value in the market. I think that the source will be used in the theoretical section of my research paper because of the clear language of the authors and the representation of the value model for the readers. Moreover, the authors of the article are from the Harvard Business Review, and they are the specialists in Financial Management. Thus, the article for this annotated bibliography in MLA has the necessary credibility for my work.

MLA Annotated Bibliography Example

Bughin, Jacques, et al. “Capturing Business Value with Social Technologies.” McKinsey & Company, 2012, http://www.mckinsey.com/industries/high-tech/our-insights/capturing-business-value-with-social-technologies.

Short Summary

In this source, the authors focus on the use of social technologies to get the best business value. For this MLA annotated bibliography example, it is important because social technologies help companies to increase the rates of purchases by customers. In other words, the role of social technologies was low in society. However, the development of the technologies made it possible to affect the needs of the customer. This tendency makes a huge profit for the companies. For example, Facebook achieved the level of five million users only in one year. In turn, Twitter did it for nine months. At this point, the authors underline the significant role of social technologies in business.

MLA annotated bibliography example

Key Information

Then, the authors divide their article into several sections, such as the productive possibilities, development of the business values, and further practices. In this example of MLA annotated bibliography, productive possibilities mean the use of social technologies to improve communication and collaboration. Further on, the development of the business values suggests the implementation of the advantages for the different levels in business, such as consumer packaged goods, improvement of the manufacturing, professional services, and consumer-facing financial services. The use of consumer packaged goods increases the benefits of the profit for the companies.

Further Research

The improvement of the manufacturing means the consideration of the needs of the customers in the products on this level or change of its features. The professional services are the representation of the fact of the company to achieve its reputation. The consumer-facing financial services have the background in consideration of the banking systems and welfare of the customers. Finally, further practices have a point that contemporary companies cannot survive without the implementation of new business values. By considering this annotated bibliography in MLA, the authors are sure that the development of the values and their attitude to the customers with the help of social technologies can lead to success.

How Does This Source Relate to the Topic?

By reviewing the source for this MLA annotated bibliography example, I found a lot of useful information. In particular, the authors provided evidence that contemporary companies cannot be competitive in the market if they did not use social technologies. In this case, I will use this source in the section where I will write about the formation of the business value with the help of social technologies. Moreover, the authors take the head position at McKinsey Global Institute in Brussels and San Francisco. In this annotated bibliography in MLA, the source is credible because of the real experience and positions of the authors.

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