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Resume Writing

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Written by
Dr. Alex Freedman
  • Icon Calendar 16 May 2024
  • Icon Page 682 words
  • Icon Clock 4 min read

Resume writing is a document that all people need if they want to be successful. Over time, everyone wants to get well-paid. However, not all people can get it because they do not know the basic principles of resume writing. In particular, it is a document on an applicant that employers check when someone wants to get a job. Besides, even if applicants follow some samples on the Internet, they do not know that there are two types of resume writing and how to organize content. Thus, resume writing is a must for everyone who wants to get a well-paid job.

General Aspects of Resume

Searching for a job is an activity that all graduates experience. A job application often requires the attachment of a resume. Like other types of papers, including the cover letter, job reference, personal statement, and employment reference letter, developing resume writing skills requires an understanding of the purpose of a document, its formats, and essential content. In this case, resume writing may influence the likelihood of being called in for an interview.

Resume writing

The Definition of Resume

Writing a resume is a task that all potential employees must undertake. It is because resume writing, like a personal statement, job reference, or cover letter, allows them to market themselves to a prospective employer. For instance, resume writing is a type of paper that people organize when they want to introduce themselves to companies. The main reason for writing a resume is securing an interview position rather than the job itself. In this case, the resume should create a good first impression on the employer. Based on the first impression, the potential employer is motivated to invite the author for an interview. Therefore, the document is ideally a document written for the convenience of the employer but should still play its role as a marketing tool.

Formats of Resume Writing

Resume writing has two formats: reverse chronological and functional. Firstly, the reverse chronological format presents education and employment history, beginning with the most recent events. This type of resume is simple to read and enables the potential employer to follow an applicant’s history easily. Conversely, the functional format organizes an individual’s experience based on skill areas with no regard for the particular job where the skill was demonstrated. Functional resumes are more difficult to interpret because there is no specific order for the presentation of facts by considering the case of an employment reference letter. Basically, it takes an employer 30 to 45 seconds to peruse through a resume and make an initial judgment of a viable applicant. Hence, the ease of interpretation is a critical issue for any resume. As a result, the author should consider this factor in deciding the resume format to be used.


The content in resume writing must cover the most relevant aspects of the potential employee with regard to the specific job. In particular, the heading section is always the first part of a resume. It provides the name and contact information where the name has the largest font type. Also, people must include their name, email, and phone number in the heading section. In turn, this part should not contain any personal information such as religion. Then, in a section of a summary of skills, people must include relevant headers and follow an industry-specific language. Basically, this section allows the employer to have an overview of the applicant’s skill set. Moreover, the educational background and experience are the two main sections of the resume. As a result, these two sections facilitate the assessment process for the eligibility of an applicant to the advertised job position.

Conclusion on Resume Writing

Summing up, resume writing may contain other segments depending on the nature of the job and career. In this case, writing a resume is a relatively complicated process. Moreover, authorship requires one to comprehend the job market dynamics. Basically, aligning the document to a particular job position develops an impression of being a worthy candidate. Thus, learning the skill of resume writing can help people to be useful in the competitive job market.

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