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Master’s Thesis

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Written by
Dr. Alex Freedman
  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 577 words
  • Icon Clock 3 min read

A master’s thesis is an essential working component of graduate education. Basically, the master’s thesis is a formal product that acts as the culmination of graduate work. In this case, this paper must be an original work that contributes to knowledge. Also, the work must have a unique structure to meet the academic criterion. Particularly, the master’s thesis work is original research on a specific topic related to one’s field of study and entails an executive summary, statement of the problem, review of current literature, methodology, findings, results, and discussions.

Research on the Topic

Master’s students must complete original research on a topic related to their field of study. For instance, the master’s thesis allows graduate students to complete original research that is relevant to their area of specialization. Through practical support by academic advisors, graduate students select a unique topic. In this case, they plan, collect data, interpret, and report the findings. Thus, graduate students complete individual research that contributes to knowledge in their graduate work.

Master's thesis

The Master’s Thesis Work with the Executive Summary

The master’s thesis work covers an executive summary that includes key aspects of the research work. For instance, this section summarizes the topic, problem, objectives, research questions, relevant literature, methods, results, and significance of the study. Basically, the summary must involve an overview of the thesis paper. Thus, the master’s thesis should have a fitting executive summary.

The Statement of the Problem

The master’s paper should have an introduction that presents the statement of the problem. For instance, every master’s thesis must focus on addressing a knowledge gap. In this case, the introduction should identify a problem that the student solves through the research. Besides, research questions and hypotheses should accompany the statement of the problem. Thus, the opening of the master’s work must identify a knowledge gap and appropriate research questions and assumptions.

Literature Review in the Master’s Thesis

The master’s work in thesis writing should have a comprehensive literature review. For instance, this section reveals the relationship between the topic and significant literature. In this case, a literature review relates the problem to current trends in the field of study. Thus, a good master’s thesis must have a relevant literature review.

Master’s Work and Methods

The master’s thesis relies on acceptable methods to gather, analyze, and interpret data. For instance, one must disclose the methods used to complete the research work. In this case, the methodology section must entail the steps followed to gather relevant data, investigate, and make relevant interpretations. Thus, a practical methodology section helps to establish the processes used to complete the study.

The Relevance of the Research

The thesis paper must show the relevance of the research. For example, a good master’s paper must contain findings, results, and discussions. Basically, these sections help to give a deeper meaning to the findings. In turn, they reveal the significance of the thesis work to existing knowledge. Thus, the findings, results, and discussions make the master’s work relevant to an area of expertise. 

Conclusion on the Master’s Thesis

In conclusion, the master’s thesis entails original research on a specific topic related to a field of study. Basically, all thesis papers must have an executive summary and an introduction with a statement of the problem. Also, other relevant sections include a review of current literature, methodology, findings, results, and discussions. In turn, the next level in this type of writing is an organization of a doctoral dissertation or PhD thesis.

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