Harvard Referencing
- 29 March 2020
- 568 words
Students at advanced levels of education have the desire to successfully write a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis, much like creating personal narrative examples, which require attention to detail and clarity. Basically, this type of writing demonstrates their expertise in a discipline. Also, it takes an extended period for the creation of a PhD paper because of its sophistication. Thus, the completion of a doctoral program is signified by a passing Ph.D. thesis, which depicts overarching interdisciplinary qualities.
A PhD thesis is a form of examination used for advanced degrees. For example, individuals in pursuit of doctorate degrees have to develop a thesis subjected to scrutiny by a committee of professors that judge its merit. In this case, students draft a thesis proposal that they present and defend to a select panel. After approval of the thesis proposal, the level of the panel’s participation may vary depending on the university’s PhD program structure. Then, people do not limit the length of a PhD paper. However, the author must ensure that the document contains a comprehensive exploration of a new approach. Also, the paper must contribute positively to the existing body of knowledge. Finally, a PhD work covers a clear understanding of previous studies. Thus, the doctorate is awarded after completion of a PhD paper to symbolize an individual’s mastery of content and research techniques.
All doctorate program students must write a thesis that may assume different forms depending on the PhD model. For instance, the classical PhD model is based on the development of one ‘big book’ thesis that consists of integrated chapters with a word count ranging between 80,000-100,000. Basically, this approach does not involve much coursework. However, it focuses on thesis preparation throughout the program. Then, an alternative model is the taught PhD model that entails two stages: examinable coursework and a thesis comprised of at least four medium-length publishable papers. In turn, the PhD thesis has separate papers presumed to be the equivalent of the big book thesis. As a result, the authorship appears to be an essential concept of doctoral studies.
There are no substantial differences between PhD thesis papers developed for specific disciplines. For example, examiners tend to search for the presence of identical core qualities of a thesis regardless of the discipline. Basically, a PhD paper should attain a certain level of coherence, originality, and academic validity for it to pass a critical examination in any discipline. However, inconsistencies may arise due to the inadequacy of institutional criteria, vagueness in the desired level of contribution to existing knowledge, and examiners’ bias for personal assessment standards. In turn, the fluidity of examiners’ expectations causes slight differences in a thesis. Also, disciplinary demands modify the nature of a PhD thesis to a small extent.
The completion of the PhD thesis writing process precedes the attainment of a doctorate. Basically, research and authorship are fundamental skills for any doctorate holder. In this case, a PhD paper is not discipline-specific because examiners hold nearly identical assertions concerning its qualities. Thus, the writing of a PhD thesis is a unique learning experience. In turn, people may get thesis help.