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Personal Statement College

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Written by
Dr. Alex Freedman
  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 538 words
  • 3 min read

A personal statement (college) is a mandatory requirement in most college applications. Basically, writing this type of essay may become problematic for students. In turn, it does not comply with the standard guidelines of academic essay writing. Hence, the process of writing a personal statement focuses on the best practices for constructing an effective introduction, body, and conclusion.


The introductory segment of a personal statement (college) does not conform to the general structure of a standard college essay. In turn, it has the same “hook” effect on the audience. For instance, there are two techniques for developing an introduction. Basically, they are the presentation of a problem that will be solved at a later section of the essay and the creation of an image that makes little sense to the reader. Based on these approaches, the introduction of a personal statement (college) does not provide much context. Instead, the content covers triggering the curiosity of the readers and flooding their minds with inquisitive questions. Also, people provide the contextual information in the following paragraphs to prevent the readers from losing interest. In this case, it is because of the absence of a link between the introduction and the body.

Personal statement college

Personal Statement With Body Paragraphs for College

There is no definitive structure for the body section of a personal statement (college). For example, the organization of the various events mentioned in the personal statement adheres to two primary structural forms: narrative and montage. In this case, a writer must employ a system of presenting ideas. Also, it allows the audience to distinguish the logical links between the individual events easily. Then, the narrative structure covers the sequential ordering of story moments where there is an apparent causal relationship. In turn, this structure requires the author to present events in a well-defined chronological framework. Besides, it empowers the reader to notice the association between two consecutive events. Finally, the montage structure uses a theme-based organization approach. Moreover, separate fragments of the author’s life experiences are identified and arranged to advance a particular theme. Thus, the author may adopt a good structure, depending on the nature of the content.


The concluding paragraph should create emphasis on the core values implied within a personal statement (college). For instance, an efficacious conclusion must be inevitable but maintains a certain level of surprise. In this case, people achieve inevitability through the selection of appropriate life moments that enable the reader to speculate plausible endings. Also, writers establish the element of surprise by creating a scenario where the readers have a tentative idea of the ending. However, they are unable to deduce the exact sequence of events that could result in the conjectural ending. Hence, an effective ending relies heavily on the introduction and body sections, which provide the context for the author’s closing remarks.

Summing Up on Personal Statement College

The content of a personal statement (college) differs. However, some standard writing strategies are applicable across the board. Firstly, the introductory paragraph should establish the “hook” effect. Secondly, paragraphs in the body segment must contain an apparent logical association derived from the organization style. Finally, the author completes a personal statement with an ending that depicts inevitability and surprise in befitting measures.

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