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Persuasive Speech

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Written by
Dr. Helen Johnson
  • Icon Calendar 16 May 2024
  • Icon Page 547 words
  • Icon Clock 3 min read

Persuasive speaking is a skill that most human beings use in face-to-face conversations daily. Basically, a person uses a persuasive speech when trying to influence a broader audience. Also, people must use correct themes, words, and techniques to persuade others successfully. In particular, the focus on stock issues and incorporation of persuasion modes in the creation of a persuasive speech makes it a unique piece of writing that scholars may use to facilitate their works.

Addressing Controversial Issues

People use persuasive speeches when covering controversial issues. For instance, a persuasive speech is a technique of speaking tailored to convince an audience that their position on a topic is not necessarily correct. Basically, this style of speaking attempts to convert a logical argument into a persuasive argument. Also, the person designs a persuasive speech from careful consideration of the opposition’s argument. In this case, the speaker skillfully uses common grounds as a start point for convincing an audience. Besides, a persuasive speech requires the speaker to understand the alternative position. In turn, the author must develop strategies for weakening the opposition’s commitment to that position.

Persuasive speech

Persuasive Speech Issues

All structures used in the development of a persuasive speech include three stock issues: problem, plan, and practicality. Firstly, the problem issue defines the ideology or action, being in the status quo. In this case, typically debatable issues lead to the creation of persuasive speech topics. Also, the speaker can clearly define the source of the disagreement, which is the problem. Then, the plan stock issue consists of a set of actions or ideas that can solve the problem. In turn, the speaker must provide an approach for reaching a favorable solution. Finally, the practicality issue refers to the demonstration of the effectiveness of the suggested plan. Hence, all three stock issues are equally essential elements in the creation of a convincing speech. Besides, persuasive writing allows the speaker to address all the stock issues.

Rhetorical Forms

A persuasive speech relies heavily on three rhetorical forms to influence the audience: ethos, pathos, and logos. Firstly, ethos is a persuasion technique associated with the speaker’s ability to maintain a high level of credibility by demonstrating a clear understanding of the topic. Basically, the speaker must create a high probability to convince others. In this case, the person must be well-informed as compared to one with limited facts on an issue. Then, pathos refers to the speaker’s use of emotional appeal to sway the opinion of the opposition. Also, triggering the feelings of compassion or fear may make the audience more susceptible to the speaker’s plan. Finally, logos is a persuasion technique that employs the use of facts and evidence. Besides, this mode makes the speaker’s position appear to be rational. Thus, people can improve the coercion effect through the combination of various modes of persuasion.

Conclusion on Persuasive Speech

The persuasive speech’s categorical presentation covers stock issues. Basically, the reliance on ethos, pathos, and logos provides a distinct advantage to the scholar. In this case, people may design a persuasive speech that aims to convince the audience. Also, this writing must be open-minded toward research findings that contradict longstanding theories. In turn, people may find a persuasive speech useful when trying to secure research grants through presentations to various organizational panels.

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