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Exploratory Essay

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Written by
Dr. Isabel Larsen
  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 613 words
  • Icon Clock 4 min read

This article discusses the exploratory essay type by looking into its key features. Basically, people need to learn what is an exploratory essay to write papers correctly. Apart from the introduction and conclusion parts, the paper has a section that defines an exploratory essay and another that discusses some important aspects. In turn, the last part, before the conclusion, distinguishes an exploratory essay from other types of essays.

Main Aspects

One of the essential elements in essay writing is the development of a thesis statement. Basically, the main claim becomes the foundation upon which the writer builds the argument throughout the paper. However, in an exploratory essay, a writer’s mission is to investigate a phenomenon, explain why it exists, and draw some preliminary conclusions on how it might be solved.

Definition of an Exploratory Essay

In essence, an exploratory essay, like a research paper, is a writer’s retrospective of the writing and thinking processes as a person investigates a theme. For instance, this type of essay describes when, how, and why the writer undertook certain kinds of research work. As such, introspection and reflection on one’s thinking process are essential activities in exploratory writing. An exploratory essay flows just like most other types of essays. As a result, the key features are an introductory part, body paragraphs, and a concluding section.

Introduction Part

Concerning the introduction, the writer outlines the phenomenon that the person is investigating and the main objective of doing so. In this case, the writer offers a brief discussion about some of the causes of the phenomenon, the people and institutions affected, and some possible solutions. Hence, the person also gives a brief overview of some of the researched sources that helped with the investigation.

Body Paragraphs in an Exploratory Essay

In the body paragraphs of an exploratory essay, writers discuss the investigation process that they followed in researching the phenomenon – its causes and the people or institutions affected. Basically, the information in the paragraphs should include an introduction of the source (such as the title and author) and why it is vital in the inquiry. Also, it should include essential information the writer found helpful to the inquiry. In this case, the text should indicate the importance and validity of the information to the inquiry. Lastly, the content should cover a brief personal introspection on how the source was helpful, such as giving the writer a new perspective on the phenomenon.


The conclusion is the last part of an exploratory essay where the writer restates the phenomenon they investigated. For instance, the authors outline some of the possible causes, review the audience or others affected, and highlight some possible solutions. Also, writers discuss some lingering questions that remain after investigating the phenomenon. Basically, people explain why they think these questions are essential. In their concluding remarks, the writer indicates the need for further research work to find answers to those questions.

Exploratory essay

The Difference With Other Types of Essays

The main difference between an exploratory essay and other types of essays is that the former does not try to convince a reader of the validity of a thesis. Instead, it delves into a discussion about a phenomenon. For example, the body paragraphs of an argumentative essay exist to strengthen or confirm the thesis claim. In contrast, such essays explain the causes and impacts of the phenomenon.

Summing Up on an Exploratory Essay

Exploratory essays help to broaden insight about a problem, outlining the likely causes, impacts on the audience, and possible solutions. Most types of essays involve a writer trying to convince an audience about a thesis. However, an exploratory essay investigates a matter and highlights some preliminary conclusions.