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How to Write a Persuasive Essay: From a Definition to Paper Writing

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Dr. Michael Turner
  • Icon Calendar 25 July 2024
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Students use reasons to demonstrate the validity of controversial ideas when writing a persuasive essay. Basically, argumentative compositions encourage readers to accept a specific stand on a current issue. Convincing papers persuade persons who read to change their thoughts and ideas. In this case, writers rely on brainstorming, researching, structuring the work in different sections, and proofreading. Moreover, 10 steps on how to write a persuasive essay improve the overall quality, credibility, and applicability of papers. Firstly, preparing several drafts aligns arguments with discussed ideas. Then, meeting rubrics improves overall outcomes during rewriting. However, peer review remains an essential step toward writing better papers. In turn, additional tips include a persuasive introduction, unbiased opinions, and adequate details. Besides, conclusions show that persuasive essays must provide sufficient support for debatable topics.

Key Features of How to Write an Outstanding Persuasive Essay

Nowadays, essay writing is a typical task for all students, and learners at various levels of education commonly write persuasive essays. They master their skills as a means of providing an opinion on different topics. For example, writers develop their arguments to persuade their audience. In this case, an in-depth discussion concerning persuasive writing focuses on its definition, supporting evidence section, and rebuttal section. Persuasive essays must express one’s opinion clearly, while proper knowledge of how to write a persuasive essay can help learners to encourage readers to accept a specific viewpoint. Persuasive essay writing skills demonstrate one’s creativity and communicate a strong emotion, covering brainstorming, researching, structuring, and proofreading methods. Besides, compelling persuasive compositions include a personal connection to the topic. Convincing introductions should contain a summary of the main points, opposing ideas, and rebuttals. Successful writers include a strong thesis statement to express the main arguments provided in their essays. As a result, this article on how to write a persuasive essay remains helps to organize persuasive papers.

How to Write a Persuasive Essay: From a Definition to Paper Writing

Definition of What Is a Persuasive Essay and Its Meaning

Persuasive essays mean a specific type of academic paper. Basically, the main aim of writing a persuasive essay is to convince readers that a particular opinion is correct, and students should support their persuasive essay topics using valid arguments and making a claim, striving to show readers that it is reasonable. Moreover, persuasive writing requires learners to explain their positions in an organized manner. It not only addresses all relevant perspectives but also demonstrates the superiority of the author’s point of view. In turn, the development of a persuasive argument requires an unbiased approach to a particular topic. It is because authors provide not only a complete argument but also a comprehensive discussion. Therefore, a persuasive essay can be defined as a piece of writing that works to coerce an audience to accept a given position concerning a controversial topic.

Purpose of a Persuasive Essay

Persuasive essays use reasons to demonstrate the validity of ideas. For instance, the purpose of persuasive essays is to encourage readers to accept a particular viewpoint. Compelling compositions convince persons who read to act in a specific way. Basically, the hypothesis in persuasive papers relies on a value or a policy:

  • approval of specific values or standards;
  • disapproval of specific subjects;
  • a call for the adoption of the change in beliefs or policies.

Writers debate an issue that affects them, society, or country since they know how to write a persuasive essay. Basically, outstanding compositions contain the definition of an item and show both sides of an argument. Moreover, writing a good persuasive essay means taking a clear stand on the problem, considering the third person, and following formal language for discussion.

Use of a Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay is used to advance an individual’s opinion to the audience through evidence-based writing, which persuades readers of its objectivity. In particular, there are two main sections in the body of such an essay: supporting evidence and rebuttal. Each of these sections plays a vital role in convincing the audience of the validity of an argument. Thus, this type of essay is essential because it prepares young minds for the development of sophisticated objective arguments that contribute positively to academia.

Evidence Section of a Persuasive Essay

A segment of the body in a persuasive essay is designed to discuss evidence supporting the author’s main argument. For instance, a significant portion of body paragraphs contains evidence from experts acquired during research on an issue. In this case, a crucial aspect of a persuasive speech is the provision of facts that have been established through studies with irreproachable methodologies. Also, detailed explanations must support the evidence. These aspects demonstrate logical reasoning and a clear link to a thesis statement. Hence, the choice of evidence used to support the author’s central claim has a significant impact on an essay’s overall persuasion effect.

Rebuttal Part in Persuasive Essays

Students include a rebuttal section within the body of a persuasive essay. In particular, this section is equally important. It allows authors to explain the flaws of the other competing lines of thought. For example, the rebuttal portion of a persuasive essay contributes to the coercion effect. Moreover, it shows the audience that writers have considered alternative opinions and found them to be deficient. Hence, an effective persuasive essay must display a high level of objectivity in identifying the shortcomings of opposing opinions.

Other Features

Persuasive essays are a stepping stone toward objective scientific arguments. Basically, the consistent practice of skills in a persuasive essay develops the ability to argue objectively by integrating reasons, evidence, and logic. In this case, objective arguments are the foundation of the scientific language of disagreement, which is independent of personal biases. Consequently, such works prepare learners for participation in the academic sphere through the contribution of new arguments or refuting existing arguments.

Criteria for Writing Persuasive Essays

1. Knowledge

Persuasive essays express one’s opinion clearly. The following points are essential in preparing persuasive essays:

  • stating the problem, opinion, and solution clearly;
  • including sufficient evidence and details to support opinions;
  • presenting and summarizing essential issues in introduction and conclusion parts.

2. Thinking

Persuasive essays demonstrate one’s creativity and express strong emotions. In particular, these compositions contain logical and reasonable ideas organized in a sequence. Besides, students must connect ideas with covered opinions. In turn, the following points are essential for demonstrating higher thinking abilities:

  • supporting ideas with details and reasons;
  • presenting personal reasons for supporting arguments;
  • demonstrating a high level of understanding of essential concepts from secondary sources.

3. Communication

Persuasive essays rely on explicit expressions and logical organization of ideas. One must:

  • present opinions clearly;
  • demonstrate formal voice, style, and tone;
  • use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuations;
  • implement fluent sentences and paragraphs when organizing arguments or ideas.

4. Application

If students understand how to write a persuasive essay, they include personal connections to persuasive speech topics. Moreover, writers must:

  • use information from external sources to support opinions;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the topic.

10 Steps on How to Write a Good Persuasive Essay

1. Brainstorming

Students brainstorm to generate ideas that support assigned themes. In this case, they can use several ways of creating the necessary concepts for supporting argumentative topics:

  • Free writing – One writes quickly without stopping, editing, and self-correcting. The process makes students aware of what they already know, think, and feel on essay topics.
  • Subject Tree – Scholars must note down related ideas and connect them with the main topic. For example, students use a tree structure to organize thoughts that support the main ideas presented.
  • List – The process involves listing ideas that support the topic.
  • Clustering – The step involves drawing a circle that contains the main topic. Basically, writers list other ideas related to the concept on the ring’s sides.
  • Outline – Learners create a composition framework, which includes the main points. In turn, the process consists of breaking down the main topic into sub-points.  

Examples of persuasive essay topics:

2. Researching

Researching involves gathering information from libraries or other credible sources by considering how to write a persuasive essay. Basically, students may use the Internet as a suitable source of credible information. In turn, acceptable sources include reference works, books, and scholarly articles. However, writers should observe the following points:

  • assessing a site for timeliness and reputability;
  • considering the website’s purpose of the site;
  • evaluating the website’s reliability and the author’s credibility;
  • gathering all the source information and covering credentials during citing;
  • avoiding all forms of plagiarism during writing.

3. Developing a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement links ideas presented in the composition. For instance, a strong thesis statement contains a claim and supporting details. In turn, effective thesis statements:

  • make an assertion and take a stance;
  • generalize information;
  • do not include facts;
  • contain debatable information;
  • appear as the last sentence in the introduction.

Supporting details reinforce and sustain the main argument. In particular, different organization methods on how to write a persuasive essay make academic papers compelling. For example, scholars use problem-solution, cause-effect, and statement of reason organization writing techniques. Moreover, strong thesis statements combine claims and supporting details in one sentence. In turn, one may change the composition’s direction based on the pattern for organizing the evidence.

4. How to Write a Persuasive Essay With a Good Introduction

The introduction contains the composition’s most general information. Basically, writers set the essay’s road map in the opening paragraph. In turn, important points include:

  • Definition – The introduction identifies, defines, and describes discussed topics. The student describes the main ideas discussed in the subject.
  • Relevance – The first section shows the importance, concept, and theme in the composition. Compelling opening paragraphs explain how the essay impacts society.
  • Thesis Statement – Students put the thesis statement as the last sentence in a composition.

5. Writing Body Paragraphs

The body contains adequate details that support the main arguments. For instance, compelling papers address each supporting aspect in a separate and fully developed section. Moreover, including necessary evidence leads to compelling papers, covering how to write a persuasive essay. In this case, argumentative works include:

  • topic sentence in every paragraph;
  • topic sentence that summarizes the supporting details;
  • every paragraph supports a single idea.

6. Writing Opposing Arguments

Persuasive essays provide opposing views. Basically, writers state and explain different concepts in articles. In this case, specific approaches show how a person with conflicting thoughts may clash with the main arguments.

7. Writing Rebuttal Claims

Writers must provide an application that opposes counterclaims. For example, effective rebuttals show the weaknesses in the contrasting arguments. Sometimes, one may agree with some concepts in the refutations. Moreover, compelling compositions indicate the student’s thoughts on the contradictions.   

8. Writing a Conclusion

The conclusion closes the persuasive essay. Scholars rewrite the thesis statement and words it differently to follow the rules of how to write a persuasive essay. Closing paragraphs reiterate and summarize the main points of compositions. In this case, writers should observe the following points:

  • Relevance – Conclusions repeat the importance of the topic;
  • Review – Closing elements reiterates the points discussed in the body;
  • Summary – The last item in a persuasive essay recaps the main points.

9. Rewriting

Students should rewrite first drafts and effect necessary changes that make persuasive papers readable. Basically, scholars follow the following points:

  • Learners rewrite first drafts and incorporate appropriate modifications. In this case, the process makes persuasive essays suitable for the target audience.
  • Rewriting papers several times ensures that compositions meet the required standard on how to write a persuasive essay.
  • Rubrics play an essential role in determining the effectiveness of achieving significant concepts in essays. 
  • Second and subsequent drafts ensure that papers meet the required academic standards.

10. Proofreading and Editing

Proofreading papers comes as the last step on how to write a persuasive essay, determining the overall quality. In particular, students read essays several times and identifies significant ideas. For instance, primary goals include identifying common grammatical mistakes and other syntax errors. In this case, identifying spelling mistakes that lower the paper’s quality leads to better outcomes from readers. Other important concepts include the removal of grammatical errors that may affect the readability of a persuasive essay.

Peers play a significant role when proofreading written works. Basically, the authors of persuasive essays should ask scholars to read written essays for identifying hidden mistakes. In this case, an analysis of essays improves the overall outcomes of the target audience. Furthermore, peer-evaluation enhances the overall flow of information in the composition. In turn, embracing peers for proofreading or editing written works improves the overall quality.  

Recommendations for Writing a Persuasive Essay


Persuasive essays contain compelling opening paragraphs, leading to relevance and readability of papers. If scholars are familiar with the rules of how to write a persuasive essay, they provide a summary of the main points, opposing ideas, and rebuttals. In turn, successful writers include a strong thesis statement for expressing the main arguments. Besides, a debatable thesis statement works best for persuasive essays.  


Outstanding writers provide compelling ideas for supporting core arguments. For instance, unbiased views and judgments influence the reader’s thoughts on a specific topic. Moreover, well-developed arguments enhance the overall quality of persuasive essays.  


Good writers present adequate information that supports the main arguments, counterarguments, and refutations. In this case, real-life examples make a persuasive essay compelling and useful. 

Summing Up on How to Write a Perfect Persuasive Essay

Persuasive essays use reasons when demonstrating the validity of controversial ideas. Basically, learners use these compositions to encourage readers to accept a specific viewpoint. Compelling papers convince persons who read to act in a particular way. Moreover, writers rely on brainstorming, researching, structuring the work in different sections, and proofreading. In turn, 10 steps on how to write a persuasive essay improve the overall quality, credibility, and applicability. Firstly, preparing several drafts aligns arguments with ideas. Then, rubrics improve overall outcomes during rewriting. Further on, peer reviewing remains an essential step toward writing better persuasive papers. Finally, additional tips include using a persuasive introduction, unbiased opinions, and adequate details.