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Profile Essay: Guidelines for an A+ Paper

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Dr. Helen Johnson
  • Icon Calendar 5 January 2025
  • Icon Page 4518 words
  • 21 min read

Students may encounter profile essays in nearly all disciplines, which makes it essential for them to understand profile essay writing. Basically, this guide commences with a definition of a profile essay and highlights its traits. Then, the manual discusses the significance of interview or observation sessions in profile essay writing and elaborates on the differences between a profile text and other forms of academic papers. Further on, a specific format and structure of a profile composition provides clear directives on the writing of each part. In turn, the manual contains an outline template, what to include, an example of a written profile essay, and common mistakes to avoid, which exemplify the content of this guide. Hence, students need to learn how to write a profile essay and develop their academic skills in organizing such a document correctly.

What Is a Profile Essay and Its Purpose

According to its definition, a profile essay is a type of academic paper that presents a detailed description of a person, event, place, or phenomenon by using a well-organized structure. The main purpose of writing a profile essay is to offer readers a comprehensive and engaging understanding of a specific subject under review by combining factual information with the writer’s personal insights, involving direct observations, interviews, and background research (Early, 2023). Basically, authors spend a significant amount of time researching a particular topic to collect the less obvious information that a reader cannot acquire through a simple web search. In this case, a profile essay contains vivid descriptions and clear explanations that students derive from various reliable sources. Therefore, a profile essay is an expository composition, which implies that authors write such papers with a sole purpose of informing a target audience regarding a given topic by using facts, examples, and other relevant evidence (Warburton, 2020). In terms of pages and words, the length of a profile essay can vary based on academic levels, specific course requirements, topic complexity, and key expectations of instructors or institutions, and general guidelines are:

High School:

  • Length: 2-4 pages
  • Word Count: 500-1,000 words

College (Undergraduate):

  • Length: 4-6 pages
  • Word Count: 1,000-1,500 words

University (Upper-Level Undergraduate):

  • Length: 5-8 pages
  • Word Count: 1,250-2,000 words


  • Length: 8-12 pages
  • Word Count: 2,000-3,000 words


  • Length: 12-20 pages or more, depending on the depth of research and analysis required
  • Word Count: 3,000-5,000 words or more
How to write a profile essay

Distinct Traits

During a preparation stage of a profile essay, students do not need to write a position or present an argument concerning a topic of interest. However, an angle in a profile essay is a specific perspective or focus that a writer chooses to highlight about an assigned subject, providing a unique and compelling viewpoint to engage readers (Early, 2023). Among other types of essays, a particular authorship style that learners use in writing a profile paper should not lead a target audience toward any predefined conclusion regarding a topic, ensuring adherence to apa citation website no author guidelines. Instead, authors present readers with facts or evidence and provide them with adequate ‘space’ to reach individual conclusions. For example, to write a profile essay on a place, authors gather detailed observations and descriptions, incorporate personal experiences and interviews, and organize their content to convey a location’s atmosphere, significance, and impact on people (Early, 2023). In this case, a profile essay of a place provides a detailed description of a specific location, capturing its atmosphere, significance, and the experiences of people who inhabit or visit it. Moreover, a thesis statement of a profile essay does not announce a central claim. In turn, profile documents have a high demand for objectivity because any attempt to persuade a specific audience to support a perspective undermines the purpose of a paper.

Intrinsic Value of Interviews and Observations

Interviews and direct observations are critical to the formation of a profile essay. Mostly, interviews or observations are the main sources of information for a profile document. In particular, students should plan to interview or observe an assigned object, place, phenomenon, or event because it is the only way to write unique content for a profile essay (Early, 2023). Further on, learners must be prepared adequately for an interview or observation session to ensure they can acquire the necessary information to complete their papers. During interviews or observation sessions, documentation is essential because it provides authors with an accurate record of the information (Roberts, 2017). Specifically, any record is useful when writers need to verify some facts they choose to include in a profile paper. In turn, video recordings, tape recordings, and notetaking are the preferred means of capturing information from interviews and observation sessions.

How Does a Profile Essay Differ From Other Papers

Profile papers are different from other types of essays because they have a low reliance on secondary sources. Basically, the use of secondary sources is widespread in academic writing because it is easy to locate and access such articles and establish their reliability from bibliographical information. For example, a profile essay provides a detailed portrayal of a subject through descriptive and personal insights, while a biography is a comprehensive writing about a person’s lifespan from birth to the present or his or her death (Roberts, 2017). However, authors of secondary sources may skew the meaning of information to achieve a specific purpose or exclude critical details that have no relevance to a source’s central claim. In consequence, secondary sources are rarely comprehensive articles, and writers use them to verify facts rather than collect evidence (Fleckenstein et al., 2020). Moreover, primary sources are suitable for writing a profile document, but the acquisition of credible sources is quite challenging, which causes students to conduct interviews or observe a place, phenomenon, or event.


SectionDescriptionHigh SchoolCollegeUniversityMaster’sPh.D.
Title PageProvide a title of your essay, name, course, date.YesYesYesYesYes
IntroductionIntroduce a particular subject, provide background, and present a thesis or main idea.1 paragraph1 paragraph1-2 paragraphs1-2 paragraphs1-2 paragraphs
Thesis StatementWrite a clear statement of a paper’s main point or angle1 sentence, included in an introduction1 sentence, included in an introduction1-2 sentences, included in an introduction1-2 sentences, included in an introduction1-2 sentences, included in an introduction
Body ParagraphsPresent detailed descriptions, analyses, and insights, usually several paragraphs, each focusing on a different aspect.3-4 body paragraphs4-6 body paragraphs5-7 body paragraphs6-10 body paragraphs8-12 body paragraphs
Interviews/QuotesInclude direct quotes from interviews and relevant sources.1-2 quotes2-3 quotes3-4 quotes4-6 quotes6-8 quotes
Personal InsightsAdd your personal reflections and interpretations.1 paragraph1-2 paragraphs2-3 paragraphs2-3 paragraphs2-3 paragraphs
ConclusionSummarize the main points, restate a thesis in light of the evidence presented, and provide closing thoughts.1 paragraph1 paragraph1-2 paragraphs1-2 paragraphs1-2 paragraphs
ReferencesList sources cited in APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard format.OptionalYesYesYesYes
AppendixInclude additional material, such as interview transcripts (if necessary).OptionalOptionalOptionalYesYes

Note: Some sections can be added, deleted, or combined in a single paragraph. Moreover, the number of paragraphs depends on assignment instructions. In turn, a typical format above is only for using it as a guideline in direction.

Structure of a Profile Essay


An introduction part of a profile essay sets the stage by introducing a specific subject, providing necessary background information, and presenting a thesis or main point to engage a reader’s interest. Mostly, a typical introduction has only one paragraph. In this case, the primary role of any opening part is to set the context of an entire composition and provide a target audience with a reason to continue reading the remaining sections of a paper (Roberts, 2017). Moreover, a corresponding introduction can become longer with an increase in a profile essay’s word count. Nonetheless, an introduction’s word count should not exceed 10% of an paper’s word count. In turn, this section should not contain any in-text citations except for a situation where students use a direct quotation to begin a paragraph.


A body part of a profile essay is the most substantial because it takes up approximately 80% of the word count. Basically, a body section consists of at least two body paragraphs with no maximum number of paragraphs. For example, the appropriate number of paragraphs is dependent on the number of distinct points that writers intend to present to a target audience (Grogan, 2020). In this case, there is no specific length for a body paragraph, but students should strive to have no paragraphs that are longer than half a page. Besides, it is an excellent practice to ensure that each paragraph has a minimum of four sentences. As a result, in a profile essay, writers should avoid including irrelevant details, biased perspectives, or excessive personal opinions that overshadow a subject’s portrayal.


A conclusion part is a one-paragraph section, which appears at the end of a profile essay. Basically, a conclusion section of a profile composition is a concise overview of an entire content of a body section (Penders, 2018). Moreover, a closing sentence focuses on revisiting a thesis statement and topic sentences as a final effort to emphasize the value of a profile essay. In turn, a typical ending should not be longer than 10% of a whole word count. Mostly, a conclusion does not contain any in-text citations.

Organizing an Outline

A profile essay’s outline is a hierarchical layout of the main points of body paragraphs and annotations of the information that students intend to write in introduction and conclusion sections. Primarily, an outline acts as a guide for the drafting stage of the writing process, which ensures learners do not unintentionally exclude a point that is crucial to a profile (Warburton, 2020). Furthermore, such an outline allows authors to document the specific evidence they plan to use to support the main point of each argument. In turn, students should allocate adequate time to the writing and reviewing of an outline to ascertain the compatibility of the evidence and central point of each paragraph, which prevents false starts and reduces the likelihood of extensive revision (Roberts, 2017). As a result, to organize a profile essay, writers structure a paper with a compelling introduction, detailed body paragraphs, each focusing on different aspects of a particular subject, and a strong conclusion that reinforces the main points and provides closing insights.

Sample Outline Template

I. Introduction

A. Hook.
B. Background information.
C. Thesis statement.

II. Body

A. First body paragraph

  • Write the main point of the first paragraph.
  • Provide evidence supporting this paragraph’s main point.
  • Write explanations of the evidence.
  • End with a concluding statement.

B. Second body paragraph

  • Write the main point of the second paragraph.
  • Provide evidence supporting this paragraph’s main point.
  • Write explanations of the evidence.
  • End with a concluding statement.

C. Third body paragraph

  • Write the main point of the third paragraph.
  • Provide evidence supporting this paragraph’s main point.
  • Write explanations of the evidence.
  • End with a concluding statement.

III. Conclusion

A. Restatement of a thesis statement.
B. Summary of the three main points in a body section.
C. Closing remarks emphasizing the significance of a profile essay.

Step-by-Step Writing of a Profile Essay

Step 1: Research

Research after interviews or observation sessions is vital to making any paper. To write a profile essay, people gather detailed information through interviews and observations, organize their content with an engaging introduction, informative body paragraphs, and a concise conclusion, and blend factual details with personal insights and vivid descriptions (Early, 2023). Typically, a student conducts some research before interviews or observation sessions to identify areas of interest that are worth investigating. After collecting information, authors must engage in research to develop a deeper understanding of responses or actions of a subject. In turn, this research stage ensures an author’s unfamiliarity with specialized vocabulary and conventions of discipline-specific discourse does not result in incorrect interpretations or summaries.

Step 2: Writing an Introduction


A hook sentence is a first statement of an introduction section. In this case, to start a profile essay, writers begin with an engaging hook that introduces a particular subject and captures a reader’s interest, followed by background information and a clear thesis statement (Early, 2023). Basically, an engaging sentence serves the purpose of triggering an audience’s interest in a subject of a review. In this case, students may use a variety of strategies to develop a hook, for instance, making a comparison, using a vivid quotation, mentioning a surprising fact, and asking a question (Warburton, 2020). In turn, if learners know how to write a hook, they ensure this sentence relates to a reader’s knowledge or experience, which allows it to be an impactful statement on its own. In turn, some examples of sentence starters for beginning a profile essay are:

  • From the moment I met [Name], I knew [he/she] was someone worth profiling because … .
  • Growing up in [place], [Name] always dreamed of … .
  • One of the most striking things about [Name] is [his/her] ability to … .
  • During our interview, [Name] shared a fascinating story about … .
  • To truly understand [Name]’s impact, it is important to consider … .
  • As [Name] walked me through [his/her] daily routine, it became clear that … .
  • One of the defining moments in [Name]’s life was when … .
  • Many people might not know that [Name] has a hidden talent for … .
  • According to those who know [Name] best, [he/she] can be described as … .
  • Reflecting on [Name]’s achievements, it is evident that [he/she] has … .

Background Information

This segment of an introduction contains information that responds to four main questions:

  • Who or what is the subject?
  • What are the important traits of the subject?
  • Why is the subject interesting?

Responses to these three questions provide background information on an assigned subject. Moreover, statements narrow a central scope of a purpose of writing a profile essay, which sets the stage for announcing a thesis statement.

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the last element of a first paragraph. In particular, a central claim informs readers of the purpose of interviews or observation sessions, which are the source of most information in a profile essay (Early, 2023). Essentially, a thesis statement is a one-sentence summary of the main points that students write in each paragraph, and it should be succinct and clear.

Step 3: Writing Body Paragraphs

Topic Sentence

A topic sentence informs readers of the main point that an author discusses in a particular paragraph. Basically, topic statements do not present an author’s claim in a profile essay. Instead, if students know how to write a topic sentence, they provide a brief and direct answer to an interview question or a question that motivates authors to observe a subject (Warburton, 2020). In turn, topic statements contribute to the development of a thesis statement.


In this segment of a body section, students present specific details that support a topic statement. Basically, learners may incorporate evidence into a profile essay by using three main techniques: direct quoting, paraphrasing, and summarising. Mostly, authors acquire evidence from records of interviews or observation sessions (Penders, 2018). In turn, writers should ensure that the meaning of the evidence is not lost, especially during paraphrasing and summarising.


Students elucidate the significance of the evidence to a topic statement in this section of a profile essay. In particular, learners provide the necessary information for a target audience to interpret the evidence correctly because any piece of evidence is merely a snapshot rather than an entire account (Fleckenstein et al., 2020). Besides, objectivity is critical while writing an explanation segment of a paragraph with bridge sentences. In turn, the length of explanations varies with the perceived complexity of the evidence.

Concluding Sentence

This statement is the last element of a body section. Usually, it is one sentence that appears at the end of any writing. Moreover, a concluding statement offers a summary of an entire content of a paragraph (Roberts, 2017). In this case, the primary role of this summary is to connect a paragraph’s content to a thesis statement. Furthermore, such a sentence contributes to a transition effect because it informs a target audience that a paragraph is complete.

Step 4: Writing a Conclusion

A concluding section has three essential elements: a restatement of a thesis, a summary of the main points, and closing remarks. Basically, students begin a final paragraph with a statement that has the same meaning as a thesis statement, although it employs an entirely new set of words and different syntax (Grogan, 2020). Next, authors provide an overview of an entire content of a body section. Lastly, learners write one or two sentences that link an introduction, thesis statement, and body section to create a sense of unity between individual parts of a profile essay. In turn, students must refrain from introducing new information while writing a conclusion part.

Step 5: Revision

Once students complete a first draft, they should revise a profile essay to eliminate any errors, which may result in a target audience deriving the wrong meaning from particular statements. During revision, learners assess the suitability of a specific audience and voice, the correctness of a thesis statement, rationality of the arrangement of body paragraphs, and the quality of evidence (Roberts, 2017). Then, authors should take a break of a few hours or a whole day before revising a profile document because it increases their objectivity. Moreover, writers may use a checklist to guide a revision process to guarantee they do not neglect any of the items on the assessment criteria. Besides individual revision, students may subject their profile essays to peer review, which provides them with useful feedback on the meaning-related flaws of a paper.

Step 6: Editing

An editing stage yields a final draft of a profile essay after it eliminates surface errors and ascertains the clarity and effectiveness of sentences. Basically, surface errors are mistakes that affect the readability of a profile paper, such as spelling errors, comma splices, sentence fragments, verb errors, and pronoun errors (Early, 2023). Then, parallelism, incomplete sentences, dangling modifiers, and unclear pronoun references are issues that students consider when evaluating the clarity of sentences. Moreover, authors examine the sentence structure and length, use of appropriate language, smoothness of transitions, and succinctness of sentences to determine its effectiveness (Roberts, 2017). In turn, writers should conduct editing for surface errors, clarity, and effectiveness in three different readings of a profile essay because of the expansive nature of dimensions of editing.

What to Include

Subject’s IntroductionBriefly introduce a subject and explain why this person is significant or interesting.
Background InformationProvide context about a subject’s history, background, and other relevant details.
Early LifeInclude details about a subject’s upbringing and his or her formative years.
AnecdotesShare personal stories or incidents that highlight a subject’s character and his or her experiences.
Physical DescriptionDescribe the appearance, mannerisms, and other notable physical traits of a subject.
Education and TrainingDiscuss a subject’s educational background and any specialized training he or she received.
Career PathOutline a subject’s professional journey, including key roles and milestones.
Significant AchievementsDetail the subject’s major accomplishments and contributions.
ChallengesDiscuss any significant challenges or obstacles a subject has encountered.
InfluenceExplain how a subject has impacted others or their field.
Hobbies and InterestsMention subject’s hobbies, interests, and activities outside his or her primary role or profession.
RelationshipsDescribe significant relationships that have influenced a subject.
Daily RoutineProvide insight into a subject’s daily life and routine.
Goals and AspirationsHighlight subject’s future goals and aspirations.
Memorable MomentsInclude notable or memorable moments that stand out in a subject’s life.
Philosophy and ValuesExplore subject’s core beliefs and values that guide his or her actions and decisions.
Community InvolvementDescribe subject’s contributions to his or her community or society.
Unique TraitsHighlight any unique skills, talents, or characteristics that make a subject stand out.
Future PlansProvide insight into a subject’s vision for his or her future and any upcoming projects or goals.
ReflectionsInclude subject’s reflections on his or her life, lessons learned, and advice he or she might offer others.

Example of a Profile Essay

Topic: What It Takes to Be a Successful Entrepreneur

Introduction Sample

At 35 years, Abraham Jake is the youngest billionaire in the tech industry. In particular, Jake is the founder, owner, and chief executive officer of Futuristic Tech, which is a company that manufactures microprocessors for Apple, Intel, Dell, and other leading electronics firms. Moreover, an interview with Jake reveals some experiences that are responsible for his exceptional character as an entrepreneur. In turn, Jake’s failures and numerous bouts with fear and optimism in decision making shape his solitary lifestyle.

Examples of Body Paragraphs

Character Traits

Failure is a dominant theme in Jake’s life, which makes perseverance one of his readily observable character traits. During the period between 2005 and 2015, Jake began five different businesses that collapsed within eight months of opening. Particularly, the fifth business crippled Jake financially, which left him with bank loans and no savings. In this case, the constant failure in setting up a business took a toll on Jake because he found himself in a vicious cycle of saving heavily only to losing everything. Furthermore, the strain of performing at work while trying to build a business left him mentally and physically exhausted. On multiple occasions, Jack was at the brink of quitting on his dream to open his own business each time he had to shut down the business after months of struggling to keep it afloat without any success.

Fear and Optimism

The balance between the pull of fear and optimism defines Jake’s decision making strategy. For example, Jake sarcastically laughed as he said, “fearfulness and optimism are equally dangerous but learning how and when to call upon these traits is a lifelong endeavor.” Basically, it took Jake four months after to finally shut down the first business after seeing red flags that he knew were not reversible. Conversely, it took him two weeks to decide to close down his fifth business. Moreover, Jake experienced situations where he had to make decisions that hinged on his fear of losing capital and optimistic beliefs of the business’s recovery. In turn, Jake does not claim that the decision to close a business became any more straightforward. Instead, he suggests that one becomes more comfortable when faced with these decisions, which improves an individual’s decision-making abilities.

Solitary Lifestyle

Jake notes that he became accustomed to a solitary lifestyle, which he believes is a consequence of the lack of time to build meaningful relationships. Jake recounts a particular six-month period where he did not attend any social gathering or event. In a voice burdened with disappointment, Jake remarked, “if there is one thing that I regret about my entrepreneurial journey is the loss of friendships and lovers.” In this case, Jake’s attempt to juggle full-time employment and the running of a company left him with very little time to spare for nurturing personal relationships. Also, he lost touch with friends and could not keep up with the time demands of an intimate relationship. Eventually, Jake’s dual-focus lifestyle left him with professional relationships, which had minimal value when he needed emotional support.

Conclusion Sample

Jake’s past played a critical role in the emergence of the successful businessman we see today. Basically, consistent failure at opening a business is responsible for his “never give up” attitude. In this case, understanding the complicated relationship between fear and optimism gives Jake a sense of control when making tough choices. In turn, Jake recognizes that he leads a solitary lifestyle, although he is not proud of it. Thus, Jake’s personality shows that rational and emotional aspects play equally important roles in the success of an entrepreneur.

Common Mistakes

  • Lack of Focus: Failing to have a precise angle or thesis can make an essay seem scattered and unfocused. Ensure you have a central theme that ties all parts of a profile together.
  • Superficial Description: Providing only surface-level details without providing deeper insights and analysis can make a profile uninteresting. Aim to explore the subject’s complexities and nuances.
  • Overloading With Facts: Including too many facts and not enough narrative or personal insights can make a paper read like a report rather than an engaging profile. Balance factual information with storytelling.
  • Ignoring Background Research: Neglecting to conduct thorough background research can result in a lack of context and depth. Comprehensive research helps to provide a well-rounded perspective.
  • Lack of Direct Quotes: Not incorporating direct quotes from interviews can make a composition less authentic and engaging. Use quotes to bring a subject’s voice and personality to life.
  • Poor Organization: Presenting information in a disorganized manner can confuse readers. Ensure a logical flow with clear transitions between different sections and ideas.
  • Not Engaging Readers: Failing to capture a reader’s interest with vivid descriptions and compelling anecdotes can make an essay boring to read. Use descriptive language and interesting stories to engage readers.
  • Bias and Subjectivity: Letting personal bias or subjective opinions dominate a document can undermine its credibility. Aim for a balanced portrayal that acknowledges multiple perspectives.
  • Ignoring a Subject’s Voice: Overlooking the importance of capturing a subject’s unique voice and personality can result in a flat portrayal. Pay attention to how a subject speaks and behaves.
  • Weak Conclusion: Ending an essay abruptly without a strong conclusion can leave readers unsatisfied. Summarize the key points and restate the significance of a subject in a conclusion part.

Summing Up

A profile essay is a descriptive piece that offers a detailed portrayal of a person, place, phenomenon, or event, combining factual information with personal insights. Basically, this composition differs from other papers by emphasizing firsthand information gathered through interviews and observations rather than secondary sources. Moreover, its distinctive structure includes an engaging introduction, a body with multiple paragraphs presenting various aspects, and a concise conclusion. Finally, such a work should remain objective, allowing readers to form their own conclusions. In turn, some tips that students should consider when organizing their profile papers include:

  • Students should plan the writing process to ensure they do not skip or rush through any step.
  • Interviews or observation sessions should rely on specific guiding questions that authors design to generate content for writing a profile essay.
  • Writers should refrain from including their opinions or steering the audience toward a particular conclusion.
  • A profile essay should contain detailed descriptions.


Early, J. S. (2023). Next generation genres: Teaching writing for civic and academic engagement. Norton Professional Books.

Fleckenstein, J., Meyer, J., Jansen, T., Keller, S., & Köller, O. (2020). Is a long essay always a good essay? The effect of text length on writing assessment. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.562462

Grogan, K. E. (2020). Writing science: What makes scientific writing hard and how to make it easier. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 102(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1002/bes2.1800

Penders, B. (2018). Ten simple rules for responsible referencing. PLOS Computational Biology, 14(4), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006036

Roberts, J. Q. (2017). Essentials of essay writing: What markers look for. Palgrave.

Warburton, N. (2020). The basics of essay writing. Routledge.

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