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Philosophy Essay

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Written by
Dr. Simon Robbins
  • Icon Calendar 19 May 2024
  • Icon Page 796 words
  • 4 min read
English (United States)
Academic level
College 1-2
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Individual Essay Example

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In this philosophy essay example, the concept of morality in public life is one of the significant ways and means of adapting individuals in society, combining freedom and responsibility. Historically, the term “morality” means the primacy in the process of human socialization. It enters the inner world of the human. Also, the essence of morality is that people realize the need for their actions, which corresponds to a particular type of social behavior. These moral principles rely on personal beliefs and public opinion. On the other hand, in the era of globalization, moral values have become universal because of the close interaction between the cultures, their features, and their carriers. Basically, if the person does not follow the universal moral values, then this individual will be rejected by society. In this philosophy essay example, contemporary humanity has universal moral values because of globalization and its consequences.

The Main Argument of Philosophy Essay on Morality

Firstly, the supporting argument in this philosophy essay example is the fact that universal morality is the internal limitation of humans in their actions during life because of rational thinking. For example, in the article “The Objectivity of Moral Values” by H. W. Wright, the philosopher explained the roots of human limitations. In particular, the universality of moral values means the development of society, considering the rational existence of all members of society (Wright 387). Basically, moral values have the purpose of limiting people in their actions and providing a rational existence for everyone. Then, in the era of globalization, people do not have significant borders. In this philosophy essay, they must follow the universal principles of moral values. Moreover, the experience of humanity shows that the majority defines universal moral values because of rational thinking about life.

Philosophy essay

The Counterargument of the Philosophy Essay Example on Morality

On the other hand, since moral values depend on actions and all people are unique beings, the counterargument in this philosophy essay example is the fact that there are no universal principles because of the changeable nature of humanity. For example, in the article “Moral Values” by John Leofric Stocks, the philosopher provides evidence that the term “universal” cannot define humanity. In particular, people have two classes of values, such as good and bad actions (Stocks 299). The nature of good actions depends on the situations that lead to positive results for the person. Also, bad actions are the opposite concept to positive results. In this philosophy essay, it is obvious that any person has their own vision of bad and good actions with their results. Thus, moral values cannot be universal. It is because of the features of the human understanding of good and bad actions.

Weaknesses of the Counterargument

However, the weak side of the counterargument in this philosophy essay is the fact that the concepts of good and bad actions become universal because of globalization. For instance, in the article “Moral Value as Irreducible, Objective, and Cognizable” by Raphael Demos, the philosopher considered the changes of the universality on the international level. In particular, people try to follow the universal principles of moral values because of the limitations of the world’s community (Demos 176). Such an attitude to moral values is correct by considering this philosophy essay example. All actions of people have certain consequences for them in any place in the world. Since the concepts of good and bad actions are different in communities, people begin to learn any features of others because of globalization. They cannot live in different places without learning new rules because of the rationalism of the peaceful existence of humanity.

Conclusion on Philosophy Essay Example

In this philosophy essay example, the contemporary world has universal moral values because of the changes in the era of globalization. My supporting argument is the fact that the universality lies in the roots of the rational thinking of humanity. On the other hand, my counterargument is the fact that everyone has their own meaning of good and bad actions. Basically, it is the background of the formation of moral values. However, the concept of globalization defines universal principles for all people in the world because of the rational existence of everyone. In this case, it is important to consider that, if the person follows the concepts of universal moral values, this individual can live in any place in the world in peace. Hence, this philosophy essay example provides valid highlights on the topic.

Works Cited

Demos, Raphael. “Moral Value as Irreducible, Objective, and Cognizable.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. 6, no. 2, 1945, pp. 163–194, doi: 10.2307/2102881.

Stocks, John Leofric. “Moral Values.” Philosophy, vol. 4, no. 15, 1929, pp. 299–313.

Wright, H. W. “The Objectivity of Moral Values.” The Philosophical Review, vol. 32, no. 4, 1923, pp. 385–400, doi: 10.2307/2178815.

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