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Opinion Essay

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Written by
Dr. Simon Robbins
  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 593 words
  • Icon Clock 4 min read

People write articles to support and prove their main points. Basically, learners convince the audience that their ideas are valid. Also, clear organization of thoughts and arguments improves the overall quality of academic papers. However, adequate preparation allows students to develop practical views. In particular, brainstorming, writing, and proofreading are the main steps that one must follow when developing an opinion essay.   

Gathering Information

The first step is to gather adequate information to support an opinion. In practice, learners should ensure that they collect the information that matches the stated point of view. Then, one should brainstorm to look for ideas that answer the question directly in an opinion essay. Besides, one should collect the information that the audience wants to hear.

Opinion essay

Developing an Introduction in an Opinion Essay

The second step is to develop an introduction, which communicates the primary purpose of the paper. For instance, the opening section should provide background information on the subject and state the opinion clearly. In this case, the student should address the reader and use a catchphrase in an opinion essay. Besides, one must include a thesis statement, which summarizes the viewpoint. Therefore, learners should write an introductory paragraph that communicates their views and grabs the reader’s attention.

Body Sections

Operational opinion essays contain a full body section that supports the central claim. For example, each paragraph of an opinion essay should provide a single point of view and supportive details. In this case, every part of the paper should start with a topic sentence. Besides, supporting details should be compelling. Then, successful learners pay attention to tenses, vocabulary, linking words, and quality of evidence. In turn, present tenses and expressions for giving reasons to improve the overall quality of the paper. Also, accurate citations make one’s work reliable and credible. Therefore, learners must write substantial body sections to support their arguments.

Conclusions in Opinion Essays

Students write a conclusion in an opinion essay that brings the essay to closure. For instance, the last paragraph should restate the writer’s view using different words. Basically, one should not introduce new ideas or express regret for the opinion. However, successful learners make their papers more appealing. For example, scholars end with an engaging statement. In this case, a warning or a provocative question influences the reader to think deeply about the topic. Therefore, people should end their opinion papers with a strong and convincing conclusion.

Proofreading and Editing

The last step in developing an opinion essay is proofreading and editing. In practice, students check grammar, vocabulary, and spelling and capitalization. Also, one should ensure that tenses remain the same throughout the paper. Then, other important facts to avoid include inappropriate linking words and slang terminologies. Besides, learners should ensure that headings follow the correct structure. Therefore, scholars should review their work to improve the overall quality.

Summing Up on an Opinion Essay

In conclusion, opinion essays help people to express their thoughts concerning a subject matter. Basically, the first step in writing these types of essays is brainstorming to generate ideas that support one’s point of view. Then, other necessary steps to organize an opinion essay include writing the three main sections of the article. In this case, the introduction contains background information and a thesis statement. Also, each body paragraph should expound on a single idea that supports the central idea. In turn, the conclusion summarizes the main points without introducing new ideas. Moreover, the last step is to proofread the work to ensure that the academic paper meets the required grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and capitalization standards.