Personal Statement College
- 10 September 2019
- 538 words
A comparative essay explains the similarities and differences between the two subjects. Basically, students select items or objects to analyze a theme. In this case, they identify some features that are not very clear to the audience. Also, one makes judgmental statements that related to a prompt. Hence, comparative papers focus on how two items are similar or different, establish a basis of evaluation, and allow learners to apply critical thinking and organization.
A comparative essay assesses the similarities and differences between the two subjects. For instance, learners identify theories, procedures, or processes to analyze. In this case, one explains the insights that one can gain from the evaluation. Besides, such types of essays contain sufficient details that enable people to judge whether one subject is better than the other. In turn, prudent students develop a criterion for analyzing the object. Therefore, comparative essays show significant differences and similarities between the two items.
A comparative essay is unique since students establish a basis of assessment. For instance, learners must review the features of the objects under analysis. In this case, one must decide the extent to state different and comparable qualities of the subjects. Also, the information obtained helps to develop the scope of the paper. Therefore, comparative essays focus on a specific aspect of items and provide brief facts.
Writing a comparative essay encourages students to use critical thinking. For example, one must evaluate all the features of the subjects. Basically, students compare and contrast the physical traits of the focuses. Also, they identify those that have similarities and variances. Sometimes, the alterations and resemblances are hard to locate. In this case, one must focus on critical thinking. Besides, the innovative level of a learner determines his or her ability to make a good contrast. Therefore, writing comparative essays encourage learners to advance their critical thinking potentials.
Writing a comparative essay helps to improve the organization through the creation of purpose. For instance, learners must indicate what they wish to achieve. In this case, students have to determine if they want to show differences and similarities or argue that one quality is better than the other. Also, the strategy helps to organize other ideas relevant to the topic. Thus, comparative papers help people to enhance their organization by recognizing the core purpose.
A compare and contrast essay improves one’s organization skills through the development of patterns. For example, capable learners decide on the best approach to organize points as they apply to the two subjects in comparative essay. In this case, the learner develops an essay outline with significant similarities and differences. Besides, the ideas presented must follow a chronological order. Therefore, writing comparative papers encourage students to develop organizational skills.
In conclusion, a comparative essay focuses on identifying significant differences and similarities between the two subjects. Basically, these papers are unique since they require learners to consider a basis of scope. In this case, one must identify the points primary focus or theme that he must use to address the papers. Also, comparative essays are unique since they help people to think critically. In turn, these types of essays allow scholars to achieve organizational skills through the development of purpose and pattern. Besides, careful learners organize ideas to develop a purpose. Moreover, they arrange plans chronologically to give their work a unique flow.